

  1. Union growth 15 June 2012

    Algerian unionists on hunger strike

    Nine union members from Algerian administration workers’ union SNAPAP have been on hunger strike in Algiers since 6 May. The members of SNAPAP, an EI affiliate, are protesting against repeated human and trade union rights violations.

    Algerian unionists on hunger strike
  2. Union renewal and development 15 June 2012

    Global Partnership for Education increases support for teachers

    The newly adopted strategic plan of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is good news for teachers. Meeting in Berlin on 6-8 June, the GPE Board of Directors - on which EI represents the teaching profession - approved the vision and mission that will guide the actions of the partnership...

    Global Partnership for Education increases support for teachers
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 14 June 2012

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) called for a two-day strike action on 13 and 14 June to protest at the Swazi Government’s intention to reduce the wages of public employees.

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts
  4. Union growth 14 June 2012

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) called for a two-day strike action on 13 and 14 June to protest at the Swazi Government’s intention to reduce the wages of public employees.

    Swaziland: SNAT on strike against wage cuts
  5. Climate action and literacy 14 June 2012

    Earth Summit Rio+20: building a green future together

    The international trade union movement is bringing three key demands to the Rio+20 Summit being held from 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The demands are for investment in Green and Decent Jobs by 2015, the universal implementation of a Social Protection Floor, and the introduction of a Financial...

    Earth Summit Rio+20: building a green future together
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 13 June 2012

    Canada: education union supports bill tackling cyberbullying

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, has voiced its support for Bill C-273, an act that will reclassify cyberbullying as an offence.

    Canada: education union supports bill tackling cyberbullying
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 June 2012

    Worldwide poll reveals mistrust of economic decision makers in the run-up to G20

    An international public opinion poll, commissioned by the International Trade Union Confederation from global market research company, TNS, shows deep uncertainty, fear and political dis-empowerment across a variety of countries and economies.

    Worldwide poll reveals mistrust of economic decision makers in the run-up to G20
  8. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2012

    On 12 June, speak out against child labour in schools and unions!

    EI and its member organisations commemorate World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June. 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the World Day which, every year, provides an opportunity to shed light on the scope of child labour on a world scale, as well as raise awareness among teachers and...

    On 12 June, speak out against child labour in schools and unions!
  9. Union growth 8 June 2012

    EI’s General Secretary addresses the Plenary of the 101st International Labour Conference

    Fred van Leeuwen highlighted the crucial role of the trade union movement as “a cornerstone of any democratic system”, especially at a time when the global economic crisis is being used as a pretext for restricting the rights of workers in many countries worldwide.

    EI’s General Secretary addresses the Plenary of the 101st International Labour Conference
  10. Standards and working conditions 8 June 2012

    Philippines: Educators condemn new Government policy

    The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), one of EI’s affiliates in the Philippines, has objected to the new Government policy on Education, which proposes extending formal education by two years, without increasing the number of teachers, classrooms and other basic facilities.

    Philippines: Educators condemn new Government policy
  11. Equity and inclusion 8 June 2012

    Benin: spotlight on child labour and child trafficking

    A commitment to track down the sources and causes of child trafficking and child labour in Benin emerged from a teacher trade unionists seminar in Cotonou, Benin, from 9-11 May. EI organised the national trade union training and awareness-raising workshop under the theme, “The impact of quality public education for...

    Benin: spotlight on child labour and child trafficking
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 June 2012

    Developing countries frustrated by slow progress at WIPO

    A group of developing countries is calling on the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) to step up efforts to fully implement the Development Agenda adopted in 2007.

    Developing countries frustrated by slow progress at WIPO
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 June 2012

    U.S. law professors slam Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

    Concerns over the secrecy and substance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations prompted 32 leading American legal scholars to send a letter to the office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) demanding transparency in the process.

    U.S. law professors slam Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 June 2012

    Rising opposition to ACTA in Europe

    The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is facing a growing backlash in Europe. On 31 May, all three committees of the European Parliament advising the International Trade Committee recommended rejecting the deal.

    Rising opposition to ACTA in Europe
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 June 2012

    New global services talks launched

    A group of countries billing themselves as the “Really Good Friends of Services” have agreed to start negotiations on an ambitious new global free trade agreement covering all service sectors. Meeting in Geneva at the end of May, the group agreed in principle to begin talks on a new International...

    New global services talks launched