

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 March 2012

    South Africa: Stop students’ exodus from public schools!

    South African education unions demand government measures to counter the trend of students leaving public schools to join private schools.

    South Africa: Stop students’ exodus from public schools!
  2. Standards and working conditions 14 March 2012

    Brazil: Teachers strike over low pay

    Public school teachers in Brazil have joined a national strike from 14-16 March. EI’s affiliate, Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação (CNTE), is coordinating the nationwide movement aiming at achieving two key demands.

    Brazil: Teachers strike over low pay
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 14 March 2012

    EI expresses its sympathy after a bus crash killed Belgian students

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has sent a condolence letter to EI Belgian affiliates, sending EI’s deepest condolences to school communities directly affected, and particularly to families who have lost a child, sibling or partner, after a devastating bus crash. On 13 March, a bus carrying 52 people crashed...

    EI expresses its sympathy after a bus crash killed Belgian students
  4. Union renewal and development 14 March 2012

    EI Asia-Pacific region’s newsletter now online

    EI regional office in Asia-Pacific has published its latest newsletter. It reviews the adoption of the EI Education Policy Paper at EI 6th World Congress. And it addresses the required education of union leaders in Asia-Pacific about this document, to guarantee education as a human right and a public good.

    EI Asia-Pacific region’s newsletter now online
  5. Standards and working conditions 14 March 2012

    Germany: Schools take the lead at leaders’ Congress

    ‘Schools take the lead’ was the theme of the first German school leaders’ Congress attended by over 1,200 school leaders from all over Germany, as well as Austria, Switzerland, Finland and Italy.

    Germany: Schools take the lead at leaders’ Congress
  6. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2012

    Canada: unions step up to the plate on Quebec’s education future

    Over 400 education professionals along with lecturers (sociologists, academics and trade unionists) from Quebec and France, discussed the big issues in education today at the two-day Grand Rendez-vous de l’Education (Education Summit) 2012 hosted by its affiliate, Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ), on 21-22 February 2012 in Laval.

    Canada: unions step up to the plate on Quebec’s education future
  7. Standards and working conditions 12 March 2012

    National leaders and education unionists debate on the future of the teaching profession

    From 14-15 March, Education Ministers, national and international union leaders and accomplished teachers from 24 countries and regions with high-performing and rapidly improving education systems will convene for the second international Summit on the Teaching Profession, in New York, USA. This year’s theme focuses on “Preparing Teachers and Developing School...

    National leaders and education unionists debate on the future of the teaching profession
  8. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2012

    Spain: FETE-UGT rewards the work of Republican female teachers

    Spain’s female teachers of the Second Spanish Republic have received the award 8 de marzo, in acknowledgement of the important work carried out by them during the 1930s.

    Spain: FETE-UGT rewards the work of Republican female teachers
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 8 March 2012

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal to stop Iranian teacher’s execution

    Education International (EI) urgently calls on teachers and human rights activists worldwide to request the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stay the execution of Prof. Abdolreza Ghanbari, a university lecturer, sentenced to death for “enmity towards God”.

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal to stop Iranian teacher’s execution
  10. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2012

    8th March: International Women’s Day: Teachers on the Move for Equality

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8th March, EI, which represents thirty million teachers and other education employees throughout the world, the majority of whom are women, is highlighting women’s and girls’ right to quality education and to economic empowerment. In this context, EI wishes to emphasise the intrinsic value of...

    8th March: International Women’s Day: Teachers on the Move for Equality
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 March 2012

    The Netherlands: Huge Teachers’ Demonstration Against Cutbacks

    Almost 50,000 teachers and education support staff in The Netherlands showed their anger today over plans by the Dutch government to cut the country’s special education budget by €300 million. The measure would increase class sizes and may cause more than 3,000 teachers and support staff to lose their jobs...

    The Netherlands: Huge Teachers’ Demonstration Against Cutbacks
  12. Union growth 5 March 2012

    Egypt: Independent trade union leader sentenced to 6 months’ in jail

    Kamal Abbas, a leading figure in the fight to create independent democratic trade unions in Egypt, has been sentenced to six months in prison for the "crime" of insulting a Mubarak-era union officer at the 2011 International Labour Organisation conference.

    Egypt: Independent trade union leader sentenced to 6 months’ in jail
  13. Union growth 5 March 2012

    USA: Stand with Wisconsin

    On 9 March, 2011, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker pushed through a bill stripping unions of their rights. One year onwards, after massive citizen protests, enough signatures have been gathered to force an election to recall Walker.

    USA: Stand with Wisconsin
  14. Standards and working conditions 5 March 2012

    Swaziland: Union demands 1,200 dismissed teachers be reinstated

    The Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), an EI national affiliate, has condemned the authorities’ decision to make 1,200 primary teachers redundant due to the financial crisis hitting this Kingdom.

    Swaziland: Union demands 1,200 dismissed teachers be reinstated
  15. Equity and inclusion 2 March 2012

    Trade union delegation contributes to debates at UNCSW

    Trade unionists are deeply involved in discussions at the 56th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), being held in New York, USA, from 27 February-9 March. As a member of the trade union delegation, EI has contributed extensively at official panels.

    Trade union delegation contributes to debates at UNCSW
  16. Equity and inclusion 1 March 2012

    International Women’s Day: Teachers are on the move for equality

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8th March, Education International is calling upon member organisations to engage in activities highlighting women’s and girls’ right to quality education and to economic empowerment and to emphasise in those activities the intrinsic value of gender equality, fairness and solidarity to society.

    International Women’s Day: Teachers are on the move for equality
  17. Union growth 29 February 2012

    European trade union federations back Spanish workers’ demands

    European trade unions are backing Spanish trade union confederations in their campaign against the reform of the labour code in Spain. EI European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has issued, together with the European Federation of Public Service Unions and the European Transport Federation, a Solidarity...

    European trade union federations back Spanish workers’ demands