

  1. Democracy 21 October 2022

    Solidarity with Ukraine: Education unionists from the United States and Poland meet with colleagues in Ukraine

    On October 11-12, 2022, a delegation of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and of the Polish education trade union ZNP visited Ukraine at the invitation of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (TUESWU). AFT President and Education International Executive Board Member Randi Weingarten headed the...

    Solidarity with Ukraine: Education unionists from the United States and Poland meet with colleagues in Ukraine
  2. Climate action and literacy 19 October 2022

    Education unions build power for climate justice

    Last week representatives from education unions across the world came together online to share experiences, build power, and strategise to advance Education International’s Teach for the Planet campaign.

    Education unions build power for climate justice
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2022

    France: trade union front against the government reform of vocational

    Education International stands in solidarity with French education trade unionists who strongly supported the inter-union mobilisation on 18 October against the reform of vocational high schools.

    France: trade union front against the government reform of vocational
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 October 2022

    Ethiopia: Trade union demands de-escalation of military hostilities and continued humanitarian assistance

    In a press statement to local media, the Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA), affiliated to Education International officially called for de-escalation of conflict and an immediate return to cessation of hostilities in the wake of the resumption of militarised hostilities between federal defense forces and forces of the Tigray regional government....

    Ethiopia: Trade union demands de-escalation of military hostilities and continued humanitarian assistance
  5. Standards and working conditions 11 October 2022

    Belgium: Common front of education unions announces renewed action

    After three successful actions in the last school year, which clearly demonstrated the frustration and anger of education staff, the common front of education unions is asking the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB) to respect the commitments it has made and is organising a one-day strike in schools on...

    Belgium: Common front of education unions announces renewed action
  6. News 11 October 2022

    World Teachers’ Day Celebrations: Transforming Education Around the World

    On October 5th, Education International and its affiliates around the globe celebrated World Teachers' Day in many different forms. Some affiliates approached the day with events, raised awareness, seminars and demonstrations. They all reaffirmed their commitment to transform education and ensure quality public education for all.

    World Teachers’ Day Celebrations: Transforming Education Around the World
  7. Standards and working conditions 6 October 2022

    World Teachers Day: celebrations, struggles and an urgent call for governments to raise the status of the profession

    On 5 October, the global education community marked World Teachers Day by celebrating the fundamental role educators play in a democratic society. Education International called on all governments to step up and do their part: invest in teachers, involve teachers, value and respect teachers, as the indispensable professionals at the...

    World Teachers Day: celebrations, struggles and an urgent call for governments to raise the status of the profession
  8. Equity and inclusion 4 October 2022

    World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education: Unions come together to advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples

    The World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education (WIPCE) was held this year on the traditional lands of the Kaurna Nation, the original people of the Adelaide plains, at Tarndanya, Adelaide, Australia. WIPCE is the largest and most diverse Indigenous education forum in the world. The EI delegation to the Conference...

    World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education: Unions come together to advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples
  9. News 4 October 2022

    Education at a Glance: Addressing the need to build a more effective and equitable education system.

    Launch of the OECD's Education at a Glance 2022

    Education at a Glance2022, an annual report published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), that summarises the available education data of the OECD member countries and partner countries, was released in Paris on October 3.

    Education at a Glance: Addressing the need to build a more effective and equitable education system.
  10. Leading the profession 29 September 2022

    World Teachers’ Day 2022: We transform education

    On September 19 world leaders met at the United Nations and committed to transforming education everywhere. Teachers are at the heart of this transformation; they must be trusted and supported to make quality public education a reality for all students.

    World Teachers’ Day 2022: We transform education
  11. Young members 29 September 2022

    Mongolia: Ongoing efforts towards trade union transformation and renewal

    Following the recent launch of the research “Trade union transformation in the digital economy: the case of the Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU)”, the Mongolian education union started embarking in activities to implement the three-year project “Trade union transformation and the digital economy”.

    Mongolia: Ongoing efforts towards trade union transformation and renewal
  12. Standards and working conditions 27 September 2022

    India: Teachers demand the reinstatement of their old pension scheme under union management

    The All India Primary Teachers’ Federation (AIPTF) has taken a strong stand defending teachers and government employees fighting for their postretirement benefits, especially pensions, so that they can lead decent lives. Answering its call, union members and teachers protested in large numbers in over 20 Indian provinces on September 20th...

    India: Teachers demand the reinstatement of their old pension scheme under union management
  13. Climate action and literacy 27 September 2022

    Teach the Teacher: Students and teachers join forces for climate education

    The student-led Teach the Teacher campaign continues with a new round of events around the world. The campaign is focused on educating teachers about climate change, climate justice, and equipping them with the resources and confidence they need to implement climate education in their classrooms.

    Teach the Teacher: Students and teachers join forces for climate education
  14. Union renewal and development 23 September 2022

    Latin American Pedagogical Movement renews its commitment to Paulo Freire’s legacy

    The closing of the Paulo Freire centenary celebrations brought together hundreds of people representing trade union organisations from all over Latin America at the Concha Acústica of the Federal University of Pernambuco.

    Latin American Pedagogical Movement renews its commitment to Paulo Freire’s legacy
  15. Standards and working conditions 22 September 2022

    Iraq: Call for increased financial means for quality public education as new academic year starts

    Holding its 41st meeting in the presence of the Kurdistan’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Aram Qadr, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) Executive Council focused on the start of the new academic year and took stock of activities undertaken since they last met. They also called on...

    Iraq: Call for increased financial means for quality public education as new academic year starts