

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 27 February 2012

    Canada: Standing together against violence in schools

    The Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) has published a guide designed to help education staff to prevent and intervene against violence in their workplace.

    Canada: Standing together against violence in schools
  2. Standards and working conditions 27 February 2012

    Australian teachers win public debate on adequate education funding

    “There is an urgent need for the reform of school funding arrangements and an investment of at least an extra 3.8 billion Australian dollars a year in the public schools of Australia”. This is the main conclusion of a Panel to Review the Funding for Schooling established by the Australian...

    Australian teachers win public debate on adequate education funding
  3. Equity and inclusion 24 February 2012

    Girls will suffer if rural and indigenous education not funded, say unions

    Four Global Union Federations (GUFs) have called for the continued educational empowerment of women, especially in light of the economic crisis. The GUFs are jointly lobbying the governments that will come together in New York for the 56th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) from...

    Girls will suffer if rural and indigenous education not funded, say unions
  4. Union growth 23 February 2012

    Bahrain: Mahdi Abu Dheeb denied release on bail yet again

    The Bahraini Supreme Court of Appeal has once more turned down Bahrain Teacher Association’s president Mahdi Abu Dheeb’s request for temporary release because of health reasons.

    Bahrain: Mahdi Abu Dheeb denied release on bail yet again
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 February 2012

    Seminar tackles impact of economic crisis on Early Childhood Education

    Over 50 participants from 25 European countries attended a seminar on Early Childhood Education (ECE) organised by EI's European region, the ETUCE. Held from 20-21 February in Budapest, Hungary, the event tackled a wide range of issues linked to ECE, particularly the impact of the economic crisis on the sector.

    Seminar tackles impact of economic crisis on Early Childhood Education
  6. Leading the profession 20 February 2012

    Seminar at Cambridge University explores the future of the teaching profession

    Teacher quality and the development of the teaching profession came under the microscope at a gathering of internationally renowned education policy experts at the University of Cambridge on 16 and 17 February.

    Seminar at Cambridge University explores the future of the teaching profession
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 February 2012

    OECD calls for more support for disadvantaged students and schools

    In a recently published report, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has called on governments to do more to help students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds to succeed in school.

    OECD calls for more support for disadvantaged students and schools
  8. Union growth 17 February 2012

    Turkey: Sign urgent appeal to condemn the arrests of female union officers in connection with 8th of March celebrations

    EI and ETUCE strongly condemn the police raid against union members of the Confederation of Public Employees’ Unions (KESK) on 13 February in Ankara. Fifteen women union leaders were dragged from their bed and taken into custody. The union offices and personal computers were also searched.

    Turkey: Sign urgent appeal to condemn the arrests of female union officers in connection with 8th of March celebrations
  9. Union growth 16 February 2012

    Cameroon: Strike action to protest at broken government promises

    One of EI’s national affiliates, the Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l'Education(FECASE), has joined other education unions supported by the Public Sector Union Confederation (CSP) calling for a strike in the basic and secondary education sectors on 14-17 February. Trade Unionists condemn the government’s attitude, saying it is not adhering...

    Cameroon: Strike action to protest at broken government promises
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 15 February 2012

    Bahrain: Teacher leader on hunger strike

    Mahdi Abu Dheeb, the imprisoned president of Bahrain's Teachers’ Association, has begun a hunger strike to protest about his unfair detention and continued ill-treatment in prison.

    Bahrain: Teacher leader on hunger strike
  11. Union growth 14 February 2012

    Chilean student leader named Person of the year 2011 by UK newspaper

    A 23-year-old Chilean student leader has been named as ‘Person of the Year 2011’ by a British newspaper. Camila Vallejo received the accolade from The Guardian, ahead of leading personalities, including German chancellor Angela Merkel. Vallejo, ex-President of the University of Chile’s Student Federation (FECH), secured 78 per cent of...

    Chilean student leader named Person of the year 2011 by UK newspaper
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2012

    EI Africa Regional Committee tackles impact of the crisis in education

    The EI Africa Regional Committee, held in Accra, Ghana, from 8-11 February, began with a one-day orientation seminar for new Committee members elected in Congo Brazzaville in December 2010. It focused on the negative impact of the economic crisis in Africa, which is undermining quality education in the region.

    EI Africa Regional Committee tackles impact of the crisis in education
  13. Leading the profession 9 February 2012

    Asia-Pacific: A National Code of Professional Ethics vital

    Codes of professional ethics are in the interest of students, teachers, other stakeholders in education and the teaching profession as a whole, to achieve quality education for all. That’s what delegates heard at two recent EI Asia-Pacific Region workshops on promoting Codes of Professional Ethics for the teaching profession.

    Asia-Pacific: A National Code of Professional Ethics vital
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 9 February 2012

    Greece: Austerity measures put trade union rights at considerable risk

    EI and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) have condemned the latest developments in the negotiation between the national government and the Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank [ECB], and International Monetary Fund [IMF]) that would smash minimum wages, collective agreements and rights in Greece.

    Greece: Austerity measures put trade union rights at considerable risk
  15. Standards and working conditions 8 February 2012

    United States: Education support professionals fight for school modernisation

    According to the US Department of Education and the National Center for Education Statistics, the average age of public school buildings in the United States is 42 years, with almost half being built between 1950 and 1969. Many of these buildings have fallen into a state of dilapidation, and teachers...

    United States: Education support professionals fight for school modernisation
  16. Standards and working conditions 7 February 2012

    Mobilising for teacher’s rights in Ecuador

    EI’s affiliate in Ecuador, Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), has called for nationwide protests to demand the implementation of an educational law approved in 2010 and never applied.

    Mobilising for teacher’s rights in Ecuador
  17. Standards and working conditions 6 February 2012

    Government school-ranking plans condemned by German-speaking educators’ unions

    EI welcomes the declaration issued by its affiliates, the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) from Germany, the Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst (GÖD) from Austria, and Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (LCH) from Switzerland. This joint declaration, called the “Zurich Declaration,” deplores that national authorities are planning or already implementing obligatory school...

    Government school-ranking plans condemned by German-speaking educators’ unions
  18. Union renewal and development 3 February 2012

    Turkey: EI helps earthquake’s victims in eastern region

    Following the devastating earthquake in Eastern Turkey last November, EI and its member affiliates provided support to help Turkish union Egitim Sen and its members in the affected region. The earthquake killed 600, amongst them 75 teachers. Egitim Sen is leading the efforts to assist earthquake victims locally, helped by...

    Turkey: EI helps earthquake’s victims in eastern region