

  1. Standards and working conditions 5 October 2011

    World Teachers' Day: Together for gender equity within the teaching profession

    Together with UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, and ILO, Education International has reminded national governments that "in order to achieve Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the gender dimension of teaching must receive particular attention, beginning with girls' access to schools."

    World Teachers' Day: Together for gender equity within the teaching profession
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 October 2011

    UNICEF highlights role of teachers for quality education

    The latest edition of UNICEF's 'Beyond School Books' podcast series commemorates World Teachers’ Day, held every year on 5 October.

    UNICEF highlights role of teachers for quality education
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 October 2011

    UNESCO warns about teacher shortage and gender gap

    To mark World Teachers' Day 2011, the UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) has released updated projections on the global supply and demand for primary teachers until 2015. School enrolment is on the rise in the developing world, but in many countries the supply of primary teachers is not keeping pace.

    UNESCO warns about teacher shortage and gender gap
  4. Standards and working conditions 3 October 2011

    Sweden: Government increases funding for better qualified teachers

    Lärarförbundet, one of EI’s affiliates in Sweden, has welcomed the commitment by its government to invest SEK7 billion (US$1 billion) over the next four years to improve teacher training, raise the standard of mathematics teaching and improve completion rates in the humanities and social sciences.

    Sweden: Government increases funding for better qualified teachers
  5. Standards and working conditions 3 October 2011

    World Teachers’ Day 2011: Teachers for Gender Equality

    This years’ World Teachers' Day theme - Teachers for Gender Equality - encompasses equality between female and male teachers; demands access for girls to gender-sensitive and quality education, and highlights the contribution of teachers and education in overcoming gender stereotypes.

    World Teachers’ Day 2011: Teachers for Gender Equality
  6. Standards and working conditions 30 September 2011

    Kenya: Union wins permanent contracts for teachers

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has won its campaign to secure permanent contracts for more than 18,000 teachers. The move will benefit teachers who are currently employed on temporary contracts and will provide them with more favourable terms and conditions that include a higher salary and pension rights...

    Kenya: Union wins permanent contracts for teachers
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 29 September 2011

    Egypt: Teachers suspend strike for one week

    Thousands of Egyptian teachers who have been protesting for one week outside the Cabinet building in Cairo have agreed to suspend strike action to give the government time to respond to their demand for the Minister of Education to step down.

    Egypt: Teachers suspend strike for one week
  8. Union renewal and development 27 September 2011

    Speeches held during EI World Congress available on-line

    Speeches held during EI's sixth World Congress, held on 22-26 July in Cape Town, South Africa, are now available on-line for download.

    Speeches held during EI World Congress available on-line
  9. Standards and working conditions 27 September 2011

    France: Public and private school teachers take joint action

    Teachers’ unions in France, representing both the public and private sector workers, have jointly called a strike on 27 September to denounce the deterioration of the country’s school system and demand ‘zero job cuts in 2012’.

    France: Public and private school teachers take joint action
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 27 September 2011

    International financial summit backs unions’ priorities

    The final communiqué of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Financial Committee has taken heed of warnings from Global Unions to acknowledge that ‘the global economy has entered a dangerous phase’ and support calls for ‘bold action from members and the IMF’.

    International financial summit backs unions’ priorities
  11. Equity and inclusion 27 September 2011

    UNESCO seeks good practice on combating homophobic bullying

    EI welcomes UNESCO’s first-ever international consultation on homophobic bullying and harassment in educational institutions and encourages member organisations to share any input on existing policies, programmes and tools that help prevent and address homophobic bullying and harassment in different regions in the world.

    UNESCO seeks good practice on combating homophobic bullying
  12. Standards and working conditions 26 September 2011

    UK: Unions build closer ties for effective action

    A quartet of EI’s affiliates in the UK – the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO), the National Union of Teachers (NUT), and the Ulster Teachers’ Union (UTU) – have launched an historic partnership for closer co-operation, campaigning, and promotion of trade union values.

    UK: Unions build closer ties for effective action
  13. Union growth 26 September 2011

    Bahrain: EI demands release of teacher leader on hunger strike

    Education International has joined other trade unions and human rights groups to demand that the authorities in Bahrain release the leaders of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association (BTA) from prison. The BTA President, Mahdi Abu Dheeb, and Vice President, Jalila al-Salman, were sentenced to ten and three years’ imprisonment on 25...

    Bahrain: EI demands release of teacher leader on hunger strike
  14. Union renewal and development 23 September 2011

    Canada: Study shows ways to improve bilingual education

    A new survey by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has found that the poor use of technology is hampering learning in bilingual education. The national survey, which considered the impact of technology among students attending French-language schools in minority settings in Canada, involved more than 1,600 Canadian students.

    Canada: Study shows ways to improve bilingual education
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 23 September 2011

    Fiji: Independent trade unionism in danger

    EI remains deeply concerned about the continued violation of international labour standards that are directly impacting on its affiliates, the Fijian Teachers’ Association (FTA) and the Fiji Teachers’ Union (FTU), as well as the repression of the entire labour movement in Fiji.

    Fiji: Independent trade unionism in danger
  16. Union renewal and development 23 September 2011

    Somalia: Humanitarian crisis puts schools at risk

    Reports from international aid organisations project that hundreds of thousands of Somali schoolchildren are expected to drop out from classes this month as a result of the humanitarian crisis in the country. EI’s affiliate, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), has called on the international community to provide the humanitarian...

    Somalia: Humanitarian crisis puts schools at risk
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 23 September 2011

    Mexico: Teachers strike against threats and extortion

    Thousands of school teachers in Acapulco, Mexico, have taken part in a series of strikes to condemn the on-going threats of violence, extortion, robbery and kidnapping which they have been subjected to in recent months.

    Mexico: Teachers strike against threats and extortion
  18. Standards and working conditions 22 September 2011

    Unions prepare for World Teachers’ Day 2011

    World Teachers’ Day celebrations around the globe on 5 October will focus attention on the theme of ‘Teachers for Gender Equality’. Many education unions are already gearing up for the event by preparing actions that call for better and equitable working conditions, as well as demanding education systems that empower...

    Unions prepare for World Teachers’ Day 2011