

  1. Union growth 1 July 2011

    Greece: Teachers under attack as violence erupts

    Members of Greek teachers’ unions clashed with police forces yesterday as they protested against a set of draconian budget cuts that were approved by parliament on Wednesday. The demonstration was led by the Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME) and the Greek Primary Teachers Federation (DOE) and took...

    Greece: Teachers under attack as violence erupts
  2. Equity and inclusion 1 July 2011

    Ghana: Teachers' union launches anti-child labour handbook

    The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) launched a handbook to prevent child labour in Ghana as part of the World Day Against Child Labour initiative. The book was launched on 29 June at the GNAT Hall in Accra, Ghana and featured speaker such as government officials and international union...

    Ghana: Teachers' union launches anti-child labour handbook
  3. Standards and working conditions 1 July 2011

    British teachers on strike against pension cuts

    Over 750,000 teachers and other public and civil service workers went on a 24-hour strike in the United Kingdom to decry the drastic cuts in pensions the government is trying to push through. Classes were cancelled at more than 10,000 schools across England and Wales, as members of the Association...

    British teachers on strike against pension cuts
  4. Union growth 30 June 2011

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa

    As over 1600 teacher unionists are about to converge to Cape Town for the 6h World Congress of Education International, EI, on behalf of its 30 million teachers and education workers worldwide, expresses its admiration with all the South African colleagues for their struggle to abolish apartheid, overcome profound injustice...

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa
  5. Union renewal and development 29 June 2011

    Congress News and Information

    Countdown to Congress! The 6th World Congress of EI will convene in Cape Town, South Africa, on 22 July. Congress related events will begin with the EI/PSI Sexual Diversity Forum on 18 July and conclude with the final session of Congress itself on 26 July. In between there will be...

    Congress News and Information
  6. Union renewal and development 29 June 2011

    Japan: Fukushima teachers join mass demonstration

    Teachers in the Fukushima region of Japan have joined other trade unionists to protest against the continuing nuclear emergency. The teachers, who are members of the Fukushima Prefecture Teacher’s Union, are fighting to hold the government and the power company TEPCO responsible and accountable for the nuclear disaster in Japan.

    Japan: Fukushima teachers join mass demonstration
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 29 June 2011

    Celebrate International Nelson Mandela Day

    Many of EI’s Sixth World Congress participants will arrive in Cape Town, South Africa, in time to mark International Nelson Mandela Day on 18 July. The day honours Mandela’s life-long dedication to social justice, and urges people to take small actions to improve their communities and change the world.

    Celebrate International Nelson Mandela Day
  8. Standards and working conditions 29 June 2011

    Teachers in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago join pay protests

    Graduate teachers on the Caribbean islands of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago are taking protest action over their salaries. More than 800 teachers, who are all graduates of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), are still being paid as assistant teachers, despite the fact that they have been awarded...

    Teachers in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago join pay protests
  9. Leading the profession 29 June 2011

    Research: EI challenges tax evasion to secure quality public services

    EI is undertaking a new project to shed light on the payment of fair and reasonable taxation by global corporations, and to expose the ways in which existing tax regimes are manipulated by corporations with global reach.

    Research: EI challenges tax evasion to secure quality public services
  10. Standards and working conditions 28 June 2011

    Greece: Teachers join two day general strike

    The EI General Secretary has met with Greek teachers who are set to be among thousands of public and private sector workers who are taking part in a 48-hour general strike in Greece this week as the parliament prepares for a key vote on tough austerity measures.

    Greece: Teachers join two day general strike
  11. Union growth 28 June 2011

    Turkey: Government repression of teacher unionists continues

    The Turkish Education and Science Workers’ Union, Egitim Sen, has condemned a police raided of its Van branch office in eastern Turkey and the arbitrary arrest of six more trade unionists.

    Turkey: Government repression of teacher unionists continues
  12. Union renewal and development 28 June 2011

    Obituary: Veteran teacher who fought for human rights

    Professor Kader Asmal, who has died aged 76, was a founding member of an EI member organisation in Ireland, and part of the first democratically elected government of South Africa, having previously been a leader of the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement.

    Obituary: Veteran teacher who fought for human rights
  13. Union renewal and development 27 June 2011

    EI builds solidarity in the Middle East and North Africa region

    EI has concluded a high-level meeting with education union representatives from 11 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries in Cairo, Egypt, with the pledge to increase its presence and activities in the region.

    EI builds solidarity in the Middle East and North Africa region
  14. Union growth 27 June 2011

    EI condemns the murders of more teachers in Colombia

    EI condemns and expresses its deep sorrow at the murders of four more teachers in Colombia: Dionis Alfredo Sierra Vergara was murdered on 15 May; Carlos Julio Gómez was shot on 26 May; Freddy Antonio Cuadrado Núñez was killed on 27 May, and Alejandro José Peñata López on 20 June....

    EI condemns the murders of more teachers in Colombia
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 June 2011

    South Africa: SADTU unites with civil society for quality education

    The South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU) is taking up the Council of Global Unions’ Quality Public Services – Action Now! campaign by joining the civil society organisation, Equal Education, to hold a People's Summit for Quality Education.

    South Africa: SADTU unites with civil society for quality education
  16. Union renewal and development 24 June 2011



  17. Equity and inclusion 23 June 2011

    Cutbacks in public services set back social progress and equality

    On 23 June, UN Public Services Day, trade unions around the world are demanding a clear commitment to the right of all people for quality public services that promote gender equality. Across a range of indicators women are shown to be bearing the brunt of the global economic crisis, particularly...

    Cutbacks in public services set back social progress and equality
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 June 2011

    EI launches ‘Bring a Book to Congress’ appeal

    On UN Public Services Day, EI has launched an appeal for school libraries in South Africa, which are in a desperate state. Only seven per cent of public schools have functional libraries; 13 per cent have a library space without books or a librarian; and a massive 79 per cent...

    EI launches ‘Bring a Book to Congress’ appeal