

  1. Union growth 19 October 2010

    Chile: Miners rescued, concern remains for workers’ safety

    EI and its affiliate, Colegio de Profesores, have welcomed the successful rescue of 33 miners in Copiapó, Chile, and called on authorities to guarantee workers’ rights to health and safety in the workplace.

    Chile: Miners rescued, concern remains for workers’ safety
  2. Union renewal and development 15 October 2010

    Invest in quality public services now!

    In the face of cuts to public services, leaders of trade unions, governments and civil society have made the unprecedented joint commitment to work together.

    Invest in quality public services now!
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 October 2010

    EI and ESU launched a Toolkit on Student-Centred Learning

    At the final event of the joint project with the European Students’ Union currently taking place in Leuven, Belgium, Education International launched a toolkit for staff and students to promote the concept of student-centred learning.

    EI and ESU launched a Toolkit on Student-Centred Learning
  4. Equity and inclusion 13 October 2010

    EI lends support to the World March of Women

    EI has sent a message of solidarity to the World March of Women taking place in Bukavu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which is set to close its third international action from 14 to 17 October, 2010.

    EI lends support to the World March of Women
  5. Union renewal and development 13 October 2010

    Peace, principles and courage to fight crisis together

    In a rousing call to action, Greenpeace’s Kumi Naidoo has told 400 delegates at the Quality Public Services - Action Now! Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to challenge the threat to vital public services with “peace, principles and courage”.

    Peace, principles and courage to fight crisis together
  6. Union renewal and development 13 October 2010

    Young workers: Champions of Quality Public Services

    “There is no work-life harmony; there is only work-life integration – you have to live as you work.” This joke set the tone for the Young Workers’ Forum held on 11 October, leading into the Quality Public Services, Action Now! Conference.

    Young workers: Champions of Quality Public Services
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 October 2010

    Toolkit launched to foster student-centred learning

    “Academics and students are ready to create a stimulating learning environment,” says EI Deputy General Secretary, Monique Fouilhoux, ”but are higher education institutions ready to provide the necessary support?”

    Toolkit launched to foster student-centred learning
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 11 October 2010

    EI condemns coup attempt in Ecuador

    With the overthrow of President Zelaya in Honduras still a fresh memory, EI has condemned the attempted coup in Ecuador, and expressed its commitment to defending the principle of democratically elected governments in all regions.

    EI condemns coup attempt in Ecuador
  9. Union renewal and development 8 October 2010

    EI Africa Conference to advocate for investment in quality education

    Educators from across Africa are invited to attend the seventh Education International (EI) Africa Region Conference, to take place in November, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

    EI Africa Conference to advocate for investment in quality education
  10. Union growth 8 October 2010

    Philippines: World Teachers’ Day violently interrupted by military

    EI is concerned to learn from Action and Solidarity for the Empowerment of Teachers (ASSERT) that elements of the Philippine armed forces used aggressive tactics against a peaceful demonstration by teachers on World Teachers’ Day.

    Philippines: World Teachers’ Day violently interrupted by military
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2010

    USA: Educators are not waiting for Superman

    American public education is facing attack on a scale without precedent. A new film favouring the privatisation campaign, which serves the interests of markets over children’s fundamental right to a quality education, has been released.

    USA: Educators are not waiting for Superman
  12. Equity and inclusion 8 October 2010

    Serbia: It is time to guarantee LGBT rights

    As Serbia’s LGBT community gets set to march, for the first time since 2001, at Belgrade Pride on 10 October, EI declares its support and solidarity for the event, and calls on the authorities to guarantee organisers and participants’ safety.

    Serbia: It is time to guarantee LGBT rights
  13. Equity and inclusion 7 October 2010

    Decent work, decent lives for women

    7 October is the World Day for Decent Work – a day to remember the precarious situation of millions of women around the globe, and to call for decent work and decent lives for women.

    Decent work, decent lives for women
  14. Union renewal and development 7 October 2010

    World Day for Decent Work 2010

    Trade unions across the world are mobilising on 7 October to tackle the global economic and employment crisis and demand fundamental reform of the world economy.

    World Day for Decent Work 2010
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 October 2010

    Lobbying for legislation to commit US to Global Education Fund

    Despite world leaders committing to achieve universal primary education by 2015, as part of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Summit in 2000, this goal remains unfulfilled with limited progress and time running out.

    Lobbying for legislation to commit US to Global Education Fund
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 October 2010

    World Teachers’ Day 2010: Recovery begins with Teachers!

    On 5 October, millions of teachers and education workers will be joined by children, young people and parents across the globe to celebrate World Teachers’ Day.

    World Teachers’ Day 2010: Recovery begins with Teachers!
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 October 2010

    G20 Summit in Korea: EI calls for education to be a priority

    The next summit of G20 leaders will be held in Seoul from 11-12 November. To make education a priority, EI is calling on its member organisations to actively campaign to place education higher on the G20 agenda.

    G20 Summit in Korea: EI calls for education to be a priority