

  1. Leading the profession 5 January 2022

    Happy New Year from the world’s educators!

    As we welcome 2022, Education International and its member organisations restate their unwavering commitment to protect and promote the rights of teachers and education support personnel and ensure free quality public education for all across the world.

    Happy New Year from the world’s educators!
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 21 December 2021

    Iran: Government must halt ongoing violations of educators’ rights

    Education International and its member organisations urge the government of Iran to allow teachers to exercise their right to request fair pay and the release of jailed colleagues without fearing violence or arbitrary arrest. The call follows the arrest of a teacher trade union leader and the ongoing detention of...

    Iran: Government must halt ongoing violations of educators’ rights
  3. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2021

    Education International calls for equity audits to address exacerbated inequities facing refugee students and teachers

    Education International took the floor at the first High Level Officials Meeting hosted by the UN Refugee Agency to highlight the crippling impact of the pandemic on refugee access to quality education and to call for increased support for refugee teachers, as well as teachers in crisis and refugee-hosting contexts.

    Education International calls for equity audits to address exacerbated inequities facing refugee students and teachers
  4. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2021

    Education unions in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and South Africa call on governments to support vaccine equity

    Education International member organisations in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, the United States of America and South Africa are calling on governments to support the temporary waiver of intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines and treatments at the World Trade Organization. If adopted, the waiver would enable an expansion...

    Education unions in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and South Africa call on governments to support vaccine equity
  5. Leading the profession 15 December 2021

    Iraq: Reforms needed for quality education

    Reforms in education must be carried out efficiently and the government must prioritise improvements in education at all levels. That’s according to the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) which believes that positive changes in society originate in the education system.

    Iraq: Reforms needed for quality education
  6. Standards and working conditions 9 December 2021

    Francophonie: education and the trade union movement show their resilience in face of the health crisis

    The theme of the XVIIth meeting of the Comité syndical francophone de l'éducation et de la formation (CSFEF), which brings together the education unions of French-speaking countries, was “Schools as a vehicle for solidarity and development - if countries give themselves the means”. Participants noted that unions have been very...

    Francophonie: education and the trade union movement show their resilience in face of the health crisis
  7. Climate action and literacy 8 December 2021

    COP 26 key outcomes: Why is this important for education unionists?

    Alanah Torralba

    COP 26, shorthand for the 26th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was touted as the most important climate summit since the Paris Agreement was established in 2015. Owing both to mounting public pressure and the disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic,...

    COP 26 key outcomes: Why is this important for education unionists?
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 8 December 2021

    Gabon: teacher trade unionists demand respect for social dialogue and government commitments

    Since 15 October, teachers belonging to the National Education Union (Syndicat de l’Éducation nationale - SENA) have been engaged in strike action in order to achieve their demands and ensure that the commitments made by the government are respected.

    Gabon: teacher trade unionists demand respect for social dialogue and government commitments
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 8 December 2021

    UK: University staff vote on strike action over pension, pay, and working conditions

    University and College Union (UCU) branches at 42 universities in the UK are holding reballots, asking members to back strike action regarding pay, pensions, casualisation, and increasing workloads.

    UK: University staff vote on strike action over pension, pay, and working conditions
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 6 December 2021

    Iran: Global education union community rallies around arrested trade unionists and demand their release

    As an organisation committed to trade union and human rights, Education International is demanding the release of Esmail Abdi and other arrested trade union leaders in Iran. There is a particular and urgent concern for Abdi’s health, severely affected after long imprisonment in dire conditions. During a meeting of Education...

    Iran: Global education union community rallies around arrested trade unionists and demand their release
  11. Leading the profession 5 December 2021

    ISTP 2021: Learning from the past, looking toward the future

    The official report of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) demonstrates the full engagement of Education International member organisations in working as equal partners with governments on policies supporting teachers in the exercise of their profession.

    ISTP 2021: Learning from the past, looking toward the future
  12. Union renewal and development 4 December 2021

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change

    Education International President and Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal Secretary, Susan Hopgood, explains how her union got started in international cooperation and highlights key moments that made a difference.

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change
  13. Leading the profession 3 December 2021

    Asia-Pacific: Living and working conditions of educators severely impacted by the pandemic

    The stress and increased workload imposed on educators throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and their concerns about the future of their work were highlighted during the regional webinar organised by the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) office in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific....

    Asia-Pacific: Living and working conditions of educators severely impacted by the pandemic
  14. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2021

    Afghanistan: Education International “schools should never be targets of terrorism or violence”

    Education International reiterated its support for education, peace, and human rights in Afghanistan as the country faces a deepening humanitarian crisis. Earlier this year, Education International and member organisations expressed grave concerns about the safety of educators and about equal access to education for all, especially for girls , after...

    Afghanistan: Education International “schools should never be targets of terrorism or violence”
  15. Climate action and literacy 3 December 2021

    Education International and UNESCO report: Teachers motivated to teach sustainable development and global citizenship but need more support

    Education International and UNESCO have launched a joint report on teacher readiness for global citizenship education and education for sustainable development . The survey focused on four key topics: education on climate change, sustainable consumption and production, tolerance and cultural diversity, and human rights including gender equality.

    Education International and UNESCO report: Teachers motivated to teach sustainable development and global citizenship but need more support
  16. Union renewal and development 2 December 2021

    UEN Norway: Organisational development as the first step towards strong unions

    The organisational development of unions is at the core of all UEN cooperation projects. The Norwegian union focuses on three key areas: social dialogue, gender equality and equity, and capacity building.

    UEN Norway: Organisational development as the first step towards strong unions
  17. Union renewal and development 2 December 2021

    AOb Netherlands: Building sustainable partnerships

    The Dutch education union AOb engages in development cooperation to support and strengthen other unions, which in turn enables a better defense of the rights of members and increased access to quality education.

    AOb Netherlands: Building sustainable partnerships