

  1. Union renewal and development 18 June 2010

    Unions’ bridge-building in Africa leads to stronger, more effective organisations

    The 6th Education International African Regional Conference meeting in Cairo, Egypt, on 26-31 January 2007 noted the trend towards unity by unions at the international level with the unification of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the integration of the...

    Unions’ bridge-building in Africa leads to stronger, more effective organisations
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 16 June 2010

    Teachers demand reinstatement of democratic rule in Honduras

    Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, the ousted president of Honduras, has thanked teachers across the world for their support, during his meeting with the EI Regional Committee for Latin America in the Dominican Republic.

    Teachers demand reinstatement of democratic rule in Honduras
  3. Union renewal and development 16 June 2010

    Teachers call for improvements in teacher training in Latin America

    Meeting in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the EI Regional Committee for Latin America called on governments in the region to prevent a heavy setback in education quality because of a lack of necessary investments.

    Teachers call for improvements in teacher training in Latin America
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2010

    Civil society calls for action on Millennium Development Goals

    Anti-poverty activists from around the world have gathered at the UN headquarters in New York for a ground-breaking meeting between civil society, private sector bodies and government delegation in the General Assembly.

    Civil society calls for action on Millennium Development Goals
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 June 2010

    World Refugee Day: Unions promote education for refugees

    This year's World Refugee Day on June 20 has ‘Home’ as its theme, to recognise the plight of 40 million uprooted people around the world. About 10 million of these people are children of special concern to the UN High Commission for Refugees.

    World Refugee Day: Unions promote education for refugees
  6. Union growth 15 June 2010

    Georgian Government still failing to respect trade union rights

    Despite the Georgian authorities’ stated commitment to respect trade union rights and the adoption of a legislative framework promoting collective bargaining, evidence is emerging that anti union initiatives continue unabated.

    Georgian Government still failing to respect trade union rights
  7. Equity and inclusion 12 June 2010

    EI calls for increased effort to end child labour

    Hundreds of millions of boys and girls across the world are engaged in work that deprives them of adequate education, health, leisure and basic freedoms, violating their fundamental rights.

    EI calls for increased effort to end child labour
  8. Union renewal and development 11 June 2010

    Union of Education Workers in Azerbaijan Mark 90th Anniversary

    EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, has paid tribute to the leadership of its affiliate member, the Independent Trade Union of Education Workers of the Azerbaijan Republic, which celebrated its 90th anniversary on 9 June, 2010.

    Union of Education Workers in Azerbaijan Mark 90th Anniversary
  9. Union renewal and development 9 June 2010

    ILO must ensure ‘lost generation’ gets access to quality education

    ‘Will we have a lost generation?’ is the solemn question that EI's Senior Consultant to the General Secretary, Bob Harris, will be asking participants at the International Labour Conference on 10 June in Geneva, Switzerland.

    ILO must ensure ‘lost generation’ gets access to quality education
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 9 June 2010

    Teacher activists review the EFAIDS Programme in Ghana

    Thirty leaders and master trainers converged at the Volta GNAT Conference Centre in Ho, Ghana, on 8 June, 2010, at the launch of a three-day workshop to evaluate the EFAIDS programme in Ghana.

    Teacher activists review the EFAIDS Programme in Ghana
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2010

    Spain: General strike against government cuts

    The emergency economic adjustment plan approved to reduce public debt has caused a national outcry. Public sector trade unions have mobilised their members and civil society to call for a general strike in opposition to the moves.

    Spain: General strike against government cuts
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2010

    Burundian teacher union investigates support to teachers living with HIV

    Burundian union STEB is eager to see a visible, national campaign to respond to HIV and AIDS. Specific to the education sector, the union believes that coordinated strategies could see teachers living with HIV “make their professional expertise and personal experience” contribute to overcoming the impact on education quality. Committed...

    Burundian teacher union investigates support to teachers living with HIV
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2010

    Sexual health education and soccer in St Lucia

    Ensuring that school-children in St Lucia get consistent and age-appropriate information on HIV and AIDS is a key priority of the St Lucia Teachers’ Union (SLTU).

    Sexual health education and soccer in St Lucia
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2010

    Interview with Laouali Issoufou, EFAIDS Coordinator in Niger

    Laouali Issoufou of SNEN, one of six unions in Niger coordinating the EFAIDS Programme talks about quality in education and breaking down HIV stigma.

    Interview with Laouali Issoufou, EFAIDS Coordinator in Niger
  15. Equity and inclusion 7 June 2010

    AFT hosts global webcast to end child labour

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is co-sponsoring a high level government and NGO policy dialogue at the State Department in Washington with global leaders.

    AFT hosts global webcast to end child labour