

  1. Standards and working conditions 7 June 2010

    CEART Report Adopted at International Labour Conference

    On 4 June 2010, the Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference (ILC) unanimously adopted a Report by the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning teaching personnel (CEART).

    CEART Report Adopted at International Labour Conference
  2. Equity and inclusion 7 June 2010

    EI welcomes Malawi’s President decision to free LGBT couple

    Malawi’s President Binguwa Mutharika has ordered the immediate release of the two LGBT people who were imprisoned because of their sexual orientation, after allegedly holding an engagement ceremony last December.

    EI welcomes Malawi’s President decision to free LGBT couple
  3. Standards and working conditions 4 June 2010

    Teachers are at the core of the education process

    Teachers have been declared the ‘better part of society’ at the 23rd session of the Council of Europe’s Standing Conference of Education Ministers which took place in Ljubljana between 4 - 5 June, 2010.

    Teachers are at the core of the education process
  4. Union renewal and development 3 June 2010

    Latest edition of EI’s Worlds of Education now online

    EI’s flagship magazine is full of articles from around the world of education, including a review of activities that our members organised to celebrate Global Action Week and the 1GOAL Campaign, ahead of the Football World Cup.

    Latest edition of EI’s Worlds of Education now online
  5. Union renewal and development 2 June 2010

    EI members devastated by tropical storm in Central America

    EI members and emergency workers in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are struggling to get aid to communities cut off by Tropical Storm Agatha which battered the region over the weekend.

    EI members devastated by tropical storm in Central America
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 1 June 2010

    EI urges inquiry into Gaza aid ship attack

    EI has expressed shock and dismay at reports that nine people were killed during the Israeli military’s raid on a flotilla of Gaza-bound ships carrying essential humanitarian aid.

    EI urges inquiry into Gaza aid ship attack
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 1 June 2010

    South Korea: Arbitrary dismissal of 183 teachers forces hunger strike

    EI has learned that Jeong Jin-Hoo, president of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU), has begun a hunger strike in protest at the dismissal of 183 teachers for allegedly ‘joining’ an opposition political party.

    South Korea: Arbitrary dismissal of 183 teachers forces hunger strike
  8. Union renewal and development 28 May 2010

    Notice for the 7th EI Africa Regional Conference

    On behalf of the General Secretary, we wish to notify your organization of the pending EI Africa Regional Conference, scheduled from the 29th November to the 4th December 2010, in Brazzaville, the capital city of the Republic of Congo.

    Notice for the 7th EI Africa Regional Conference
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 May 2010

    Staff and students agree higher education should centre more on students

    European higher education staff and students' unions have expressed agreement that higher education should move further towards the needs of the student. This is a key finding from the survey by the European Students' Union (ESU) and the staff union Education International (EI).

    Staff and students agree higher education should centre more on students
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 May 2010

    World teachers sign Millennium Development Goals letter to UN chief

    On behalf of teachers around the world, Education International has joined more than 100 civil society organisations in signing an open letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on his review of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

    World teachers sign Millennium Development Goals letter to UN chief
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 May 2010

    EI joins civil society to deliver education finance training

    Education International has joined the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), Action Aid International and Africa Network Campaign on Education for All, for an intensive training programme on education financing in the East African Sub-region.

    EI joins civil society to deliver education finance training
  12. Union renewal and development 21 May 2010

    EI Welcomes New Leader of Finnish Education Union

    EI congratulates Dr. Olli Luukkainen who has been elected the new President of OAJ, the Finnish Teachers’ Union.

    EI Welcomes New Leader of Finnish Education Union
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 21 May 2010

    EI supports Greek General Strike: cuts won't create growth

    EI has expressed solidarity with the unions' General Strike in Greece on 20 May, 2010, against the austerity measures that the government is under pressure to impose in exchange for a multi-billion Euro international aid package.

    EI supports Greek General Strike: cuts won't create growth
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 May 2010

    Unions call for implementation of global Financial Transaction Tax

    Ahead of the informal meeting of the vice Finance Ministers and deputy Central Bankers of the Group of 20 nations convening today in Berlin, trade unionists and other activists around the world launched the "Make Finance Pay Week" on Monday calling for the implementation of a global tax on financial...

    Unions call for implementation of global Financial Transaction Tax
  15. Union growth 19 May 2010

    EI recognised as champion of social rights

    EI is proud to have been awarded formal recognition by the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter to lodge collective complaints of violations of the European Social Charter.

    EI recognised as champion of social rights
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 May 2010

    Report on African seminar on Early Childhood Education now available

    A report on an Early Childhood Education seminar, organized by EI in Accra last year, is now available in electronic and print form. The report is available in English and French.

    Report on African seminar on Early Childhood Education now available
  17. Union renewal and development 10 May 2010

    Special European Regional Committee Meeting called to consider new draft By-Laws

    The EI/ETUCE Bureau held a special meeting on 5th May to consider proposals submitted by member organisations for amendments to the revised draft By-laws which were presented to the Committee/Board at its last meeting in March. The Bureau decided to incorporate some of these amendments into the text of the...

    Special European Regional Committee Meeting called to consider new draft By-Laws
  18. Trade union rights are human rights 10 May 2010

    Farzad Kamangar: EI Outraged at Iranian Teacher’s Execution

    Education International is deeply troubled to hear reports that Iranian teacher trade unionist Farzad Kamangar was among five people who were summarily executed in secret on 9 May.

    Farzad Kamangar: EI Outraged at Iranian Teacher’s Execution