

  1. Equity and inclusion 10 May 2010

    On International Day Against Homophobia EI reaffirms LGBT people’s rights

    Despite significant improvements in recent decades, homophobic harassment and prejudicial treatment continues to span all occupations, including education. The presence of homophobic behavior and attitudes, in all regions, affects the workplace culture which in turn creates hostile and unsafe environments for lesbian and gay teachers.

    On International Day Against Homophobia EI reaffirms LGBT people’s rights
  2. Union renewal and development 10 May 2010

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers

    EI took an active part in a TUAC delegation which met on Tuesday in Rome with the Italian Finance Minister, Giulio Tremonti, who will chair the OECD Ministerial Council later this month.

    Taking the case for education funding to Finance Ministers
  3. Union growth 6 May 2010

    EI and ETUCE express solidarity with Greek Unions

    Education International and the European Trade Union Committee for Education have issued full support and solidarity to the Greek teaching unions, OLME and DOE, in their struggle to protect teachers’ salaries and pensions in order to maintain standards of living.

    EI and ETUCE express solidarity with Greek Unions
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 May 2010

    African teachers demand further efforts to achieve Education For All

    "We are passionate about realising the ideal of quality education for all children; indeed, investing in education is the best investment any nation can make in its own future," said EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen, drawing attention to the shortfall in the efforts towards achieving Education for All. He...

    African teachers demand further efforts to achieve Education For All
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 5 May 2010

    Iraqi workers demand their rights

    Workers in Iraq have launched a campaign to see their fundamental rights at work respected, and to be able to set up and to join free and independent trade unions. EI is encouraging all affiliates to support this momentum by calling on the new government to introduce labour laws that...

    Iraqi workers demand their rights
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 3 May 2010

    Iran: Teacher trade unionists continue to be targeted by authorities

    As seems to become a detestable tradition, leaders and members of the Iranian Teacher Trade Associations have been arrested and detained in the days preceding Labour Day and the National Teachers Day, celebrated on 2 May in Iran.

    Iran: Teacher trade unionists continue to be targeted by authorities
  7. Union growth 30 April 2010

    May Day: Global Unions call for new paradigm of recovery and social justice

    On the occasion of 1st May, Education International and the other Global Unions Federations issued a joint statement on behalf of all workers around the world, calling for fresh initiatives to reform the global economy.

    May Day: Global Unions call for new paradigm of recovery and social justice
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 April 2010

    World Intellectual Property Day: EI calls for fair and balanced copyright rules

    Recently recognised as an official observer at the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the global federation representing educators worldwide issues a statement on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day on 26 Apr, calling for "fair and balanced copyright rules".

    World Intellectual Property Day: EI calls for fair and balanced copyright rules
  9. Leading the profession 22 April 2010

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda

    G20 labour and employment ministers met yesterday with President Obama and presented him with their recommendations to meet the challenges that the economic crisis is posing for workers and their families worldwide. This was the first time that ministers responsible for labour markets in the 20 largest economies in the...

    G20 Labour Ministers meet Obama – education and training on the G20 agenda
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 21 April 2010

    Burundi: Striking teachers urge the government to pay wages

    Teachers in Burundi have gone out on strike in protest at the government’s non-payment of two years worth of wages totalling US$43 million.

    Burundi: Striking teachers urge the government to pay wages
  11. Standards and working conditions 16 April 2010

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage

    Zimbabwe Education Minister David Coltart promised delegates attending the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Teachers' Association (ZIMTA) on 14 April that he would immediately terminate the possibility for parents to pay incentives to teachers, if the country’s teachers organisations would ask him to do so.

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 April 2010

    Global Action Week: Teacher unions demand immediate action and funding

    This year’s Global Action Week, which takes place between 19 and 25 April, comes at a pivotal moment, exactly 10 years after the Education for All (EFA) objectives and Millennium Development Goals were adopted.

    Global Action Week: Teacher unions demand immediate action and funding
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    WTO “stocktaking” meeting fails to make progress

    The latest attempt to kick-start stalled global trade talks ended on a sour note in March as European trade officials openly accused the United States of foot-dragging.

    WTO “stocktaking” meeting fails to make progress
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    European Parliament demands to see ACTA text

    The European Parliament threatened on 10 March to petition the European Court of Justice in an effort to force the European Commission to make public the draft text of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

    European Parliament demands to see ACTA text
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    Trans-Pacific Partnership talks launched in Australia

    Inaugural negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) aimed at creating an ambitious regional free trade zone were launched in Melbourne on 15 March.

    Trans-Pacific Partnership talks launched in Australia
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules

    A leaked text of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) confirms that Canada’s copyright and patent legislation are being targeted in the negotiations.

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules
  17. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    Trade unions condemn EU-Colombia deal

    Trade unions in Europe and in Colombia are speaking out against a new free trade agreement charging that it provides political support to a regime in Colombia that is deeply implicated in gross violations of human rights and labour standards.

    Trade unions condemn EU-Colombia deal