

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2009

    EI calls for sustainable public higher education funding and better conditions for mobility of academic staff and students at Bologna Process Ministerial Meeting

    The 6th Bologna Process Ministerial Meeting marked the passage of ten years since the signing of the original Bologna Declaration in 1999 with the goal of setting up the European Higher Education Area. EI has been a consultative member of the Bologna Process since the Ministerial meeting in Bergen in...

    EI calls for sustainable public higher education funding and better conditions for mobility of academic staff and students at Bologna Process Ministerial Meeting
  2. Union growth 28 April 2009

    May Day: Union coalition warns Iran government off repression

    A coalition of four international trade union organisations told the Iranian government earlier this week to respect their citizens' rights and permit free assembly on May Day – a day when the Iranian authorities traditionally meet peaceful demonstrations with violence and arrests.

    May Day: Union coalition warns Iran government off repression
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 27 April 2009

    EI at the GEW national congress in Germany: "Quality education for all is the key to economic recovery in all countries"

    Better employment conditions and quality education are two sides of the same coin, said Ulrich Thöne in his address to the national congress of the German education union, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), held in Nuremberg from 25-28 Apr.

    EI at the GEW national congress in Germany: "Quality education for all is the key to economic recovery in all countries"
  4. Standards and working conditions 23 April 2009

    Iran: Teachers strike for the implementation of Pay Parity Law

    Despite formal promises by the authorities, Iranian teachers are getting frustrated that the Pay Parity Law passed in 2007 has still not been implemented. As a result, the teacher movement there is calling for industrial action from 26-28 Apr.

    Iran: Teachers strike for the implementation of Pay Parity Law
  5. Union renewal and development 22 April 2009

    EI European Committee tackles impact of financial crisis on education

    The impact of the financial crisis on education services and on teachers salaries was one of the dominant issues considered when the EI European Regional Committee, which also includes the Executive Board of ETUCE, the body which deals with the European Union issues, met in Brussels on Monday and Tuesday...

    EI European Committee tackles impact of financial crisis on education
  6. Union growth 22 April 2009

    EI-PSI-ITUC Joint statement presented to the UN Durban Conference

    The joint Global Unions statement by Education International, the Public Services International (PSI) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) was presented today to the 2009 United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR) currently held from 20-24 April in Geneva, Switzerland.

    EI-PSI-ITUC Joint statement presented to the UN Durban Conference
  7. Standards and working conditions 22 April 2009

    EI General Secretary at the congress of Nepalese teachers: "Investment in Quality Public Education For All is the Key to Recovery"

    "We must go on the offensive. In every country, in every region and globally. We must turn crisis into opportunity. For we have a powerful case to make, and to show that investment in quality public education for all is the key to recovery, the key to eradicate poverty, and...

    EI General Secretary at the congress of Nepalese teachers: "Investment in Quality Public Education For All is the Key to Recovery"
  8. Union growth 22 April 2009

    Burmese teacher and other unionists detained

    A Burmese teacher activist and four other trade unionists were arrested earlier this month after taking part in the historic first National Congress of the Federation of Trade Unions of Burma (FTUB).

    Burmese teacher and other unionists detained
  9. Union growth 20 April 2009

    EI and other Global Unions show support to UN Durban Review Conference

    EI, together with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Public Services International (PSI), adopted a statement supporting the work of the 2009 United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR) currently held from 20-24 April in Geneva, Switzerland.

    EI and other Global Unions show support to UN Durban Review Conference
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 April 2009

    Count down to The Big Read!

    On Monday 20 April, teachers and their unions around the world will join students and NGOs in the launch of Global Action Week 2009. EI Executive Board members will be participating in celebrations to advocate for youth and adult literacy and lifelong learning.

    Count down to The Big Read!
  11. Union growth 9 April 2009

    EI: The G20 Summit was just the beginning

    The G20 Summit in London last week was not a catastrophe. That, in itself, was an achievement of sorts. That the leaders of the G8 countries joined with the emerging economies, together representing 90% of the global economy and the world’s population, to produce a detailed communiqué recognizing the gravity...

    EI: The G20 Summit was just the beginning
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 April 2009

    Two weeks to go for Global Action Week!

    The 7th edition of the Global Campaign for Education's (GCE) world-wide action is fast approaching. From 20-26 Apr, many exciting advocacy and awareness-raising activities will be carried out by teacher unions around the world to advocate for the two most neglected of the six objectives on Education for All: Youth...

    Two weeks to go for Global Action Week!
  13. Union growth 3 April 2009

    G20 must back promises with action

    The G20 Summit in London produced a better than expected result. Leaders recognized that the gravity of the financial crisis demanded a common commitment to re-start the world economy. They pledged “to do whatever is necessary to... restore confidence, growth and jobs.”

    G20 must back promises with action
  14. Union growth 3 April 2009

    Two more teachers murdered in Colombia

    Ramiro Cuadros Roballo and Walter Escobar Marín, both members of SUTEV, a teacher union affiliated to FECODE, and two other trade-unionists were assassinated last month, as the violence against trade union activists continues to mount.

    Two more teachers murdered in Colombia
  15. Union renewal and development 1 April 2009

    Cape Town for EI Congress 2011

    The EI Executive Board has confirmed its choice of Cape Town, South Africa, as the venue for the 2011 World Congress. The Congress will take place from 19-26 July 2011 in the Cape Town International Conference Centre (CTICC) which is near the waterfront and surrounded by many hotels. The large...

    Cape Town for EI Congress 2011
  16. Union renewal and development 31 March 2009

    Getting the World to Work: Global Union Strategies for Recovery

    As millions of people around the world suffer the impact of the economic crisis, the global trade union movement is developing a bold strategy for recovery, a strategy based on social justice, decent jobs and international solidarity instead of unfairness, exploitation and greed.

    Getting the World to Work: Global Union Strategies for Recovery