

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 18 February 2009

    Teacher unions’ leadership in the HIV and AIDS response

    Education International (EI), Education Development Centre (EDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are pleased to announce the release of their new toolkit ‘Leadership in the HIV and AIDS response: A toolkit for teachers’ unions to promote health and improve education’.

    Teacher unions’ leadership in the HIV and AIDS response
  2. Standards and working conditions 17 February 2009

    Zimbabwe: Teachers hope an end to the education crisis is near

    Hopes were raised when Zimbabwe’s new Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, promised that all civil servants, including teachers, would be paid in foreign currency by the end of February.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers hope an end to the education crisis is near
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 17 February 2009

    Iran: Government neglect is pushing teachers to take job action

    EI has written to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asking that a social dialogue begin without delay with the representatives of the Iranian teachers. EI has been in regular communication with the Iranian authorities since 2007, following the crackdown on Iranian teachers who believed implementation of the approved Parity Bill would...

    Iran: Government neglect is pushing teachers to take job action
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 February 2009

    France: EI shows support for strike by Higher Education and Research personnel

    EI has issued a statement of support for its member organisations in France representing higher education and research personnel, who are on a full-day strike today to protest the lack of consultation, mass dismissals and budgetary cuts the current government has inflicted on the sector.

    France: EI shows support for strike by Higher Education and Research personnel
  5. Union growth 3 February 2009

    Son of Iranian trade unionist released from prison

    Sajad Khaksari has been released from prison in Tehran, but only “on condition.” In other words, he is not really free and clear.

    Son of Iranian trade unionist released from prison
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 February 2009

    EI welcomes greater unity in global students’ movement

    Facing the current global economic crisis and growing threats to public education at all levels, Education International salutes the student activists from 17 organisations around the world who have forged a new alliance to assert a principled and equitable approach to the challenges of higher education.

    EI welcomes greater unity in global students’ movement
  7. Union renewal and development 30 January 2009

    Labour leaders welcomed to White House as media magnate lashes out at teachers’ unions

    “Go after the teacher unions.” That was one piece of advice for President Barack Obama from media baron Rupert Murdoch, who spoke on 30 January to hundreds of business, union and civil society leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

    Labour leaders welcomed to White House as media magnate lashes out at teachers’ unions
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 30 January 2009

    Iran: Son of teacher trade unionist detained

    Sajad Khaksari, the 25-year-old son of one of Iran’s leading teacher trade unionists, was arrested on 28 January in Tehran and remains in custody.

    Iran: Son of teacher trade unionist detained
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 28 January 2009

    Labour movement proposes solutions in Davos

    Education International will be among the global and national trade unions with a strong message to deliver at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

    Labour movement proposes solutions in Davos
  10. Standards and working conditions 23 January 2009

    Zimbabwean teachers received Z$29 trillion pay this month

    Both EI member organisations in Zimbabwe denounce the latest salary paid to teachers by the government. On 21 January, the teacher unions told reporters that their members were paid an average of Z$29 trillion as salary for January 2009. This amount is less than US$10.

    Zimbabwean teachers received Z$29 trillion pay this month
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 22 January 2009

    African Unions Share EFAIDS Vision at Joint Workshop

    Representatives of teacher unions from 24 countries across Africa met in Accra, Ghana during the first week of December to attend the annual EI EFAIDS evaluation and planning workshop.

    African Unions Share EFAIDS Vision at Joint Workshop
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 22 January 2009

    Dutch Schools Go Artistic for World AIDS Day

    Dutch unions AOb and CNV Onderwijs, the EFAIDS partners in the Netherlands, got creative with their plans for World AIDS Day 2008. The education unions coordinated Art for AIDS workshops in a number of schools.

    Dutch Schools Go Artistic for World AIDS Day
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 January 2009

    WTO Talks Falter at Year’s End

    World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy was forced to call off plans for a mini-Ministerial meeting last month after key countries failed to bridge their differences.

    WTO Talks Falter at Year’s End
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 January 2009

    New Indian Higher Ed Regulations Would Violate GATS

    India’s higher education regulators are proposing new rules to combat an influx of low-quality, private higher education providers into the country.

    New Indian Higher Ed Regulations Would Violate GATS
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 January 2009

    Concerns Raised over Canada-Colombia FTA

    Labour unions and civil society organizations in Canada are expressing outrage over the recent announcement that the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has reached a free trade deal with Colombia.

    Concerns Raised over Canada-Colombia FTA
  16. Standards and working conditions 20 January 2009

    South Korean teachers fired over standardised testing

    Seven primary and middle school teachers in the South Korean capital Seoul have been fired for giving students and parents a choice about whether to take a national standardised test.

    South Korean teachers fired over standardised testing