

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 July 2008

    UK lecturers want greater involvement in university climate efforts

    The University and College Union (UCU) is congratulating UK universities that are doing the most to combat climate change, but is still urging all universities to step up the involvement of staff and students in their efforts. The union has called for a carbon reduction strategy on every campus based...

    UK lecturers want greater involvement in university climate efforts
  2. Union growth 1 July 2008

    Zimbabwe: Attacks on unionists continue after election

    The national campaign of intimidation against human and trade union rights activists continues even after Robert Mugabe has been sworn in for another 5-year term. This follows an election process described by the African Union as "falling short of accepted AU standards."

    Zimbabwe: Attacks on unionists continue after election
  3. Union growth 27 June 2008

    Ethiopia: The Federal Supreme Court rules against the original ETA

    Late on 26 June, EI received a disturbing update from Gemoraw Kassa, General Secretary of the ETA, established in 1949 and EI Member, informing EI that the court of cassation at the Federal Supreme Court ruled against the original ETA, 26 June.

    Ethiopia: The Federal Supreme Court rules against the original ETA
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 27 June 2008

    Education International joins the World AIDS Campaign in calling for the establishment of a high-level G8 AIDS mechanism and the fulfilment of commitments made on AIDS at previous G8 summits

    Education International and the Global Unions endorse the campaign statement and EI encourages affiliates to support it by sending their organisation’s name and email address to [email protected] with the subject ‘Statement Agreement’ before 30 June 2008.

    Education International joins the World AIDS Campaign in calling for the establishment of a high-level G8 AIDS mechanism and the fulfilment of commitments made on AIDS at previous G8 summits
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 26 June 2008

    EI pays tribute to trade union victims on UN Day supporting victims of torture

    On the United Nations' International Day in Support of Victims of Torture - observed every year on 26 June - EI pays tribute to the innocent trade union rights activists who are subjected to moral harassment, intimidation, physical assaults and torture for defending fundamental human rights.

    EI pays tribute to trade union victims on UN Day supporting victims of torture
  6. Union growth 24 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Trade Unions Call for ILO Commission of Inquiry

    Trade unionists, including educators from across Africa and from around the world have called for an official ILO Commission of Inquiry into Zimbabwe, as more reports of torture and murder of trade unionists emerge from the country.

    Zimbabwe: Trade Unions Call for ILO Commission of Inquiry
  7. Union renewal and development 24 June 2008

    EI launches a trade union rights project in Southeast Asia

    The ASEAN Sub-Regional Conference of the EI Trade Union Rights Network (TURN) will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 27-29 June 2008.

    EI launches a trade union rights project in Southeast Asia
  8. Standards and working conditions 23 June 2008

    NGO and trade unions call for millions more health workers and teachers

    Today, Public Services International, Education International and Oxfam International announced a joint call to world leaders, demanding funds for tens of millions of qualified health workers and teachers worldwide to be trained and hired to deliver public health and education for all. The current gap means that governments are failing...

    NGO and trade unions call for millions more health workers and teachers
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 20 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Two teachers dead, three more missing

    Zimbabwean teachers are being severely targeted in the brutal reprisals now being meted out as Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party desperately cling to power. EI’s affiliate the Zimbabwe Teacher Association (ZIMTA) and the Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) both reported violence against teachers in the rural areas.

    Zimbabwe: Two teachers dead, three more missing
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 June 2008

    Public education at risk of privatisation by stealth

    A new study commissioned by Education International reveals that a growing trend towards privatization of public education is often camouflaged by the language of “educational reform,” or introduced stealthily as “modernization.” Hence the title of the study: Hidden Privatisation In Public Education.

    Public education at risk of privatisation by stealth
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2008

    UK: Keele University greylisting suspended as union strikes deal

    The University and College Union (UCU) announced on 12 June that it has reached an interim agreement with Keele University over the current dispute involving the School of Economic and Management Studies (SEMS) and the Centre for Health Planning and Management (CHPM).

    UK: Keele University greylisting suspended as union strikes deal
  12. Equity and inclusion 12 June 2008

    12 June: World Day Against Child Labour - All children in school, not at work!

    On the World Day Against Child Labour, 12 June, teacher trade unions around the world will be calling on governments to ensure quality education for all children, and decent work for their parents.

    12 June: World Day Against Child Labour - All children in school, not at work!
  13. Standards and working conditions 12 June 2008

    Belgian teachers join in national protest over declining purchasing power

    EI's Belgian affiliates, CSC-Enseignement, ACOD and CGSP, joined the three national labour confederations in a united front to protest the declining purchasing power of workers.

    Belgian teachers join in national protest over declining purchasing power
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 June 2008

    EI to hold press conference on "Let's Go Campaign" in Berlin

    Together with the European Student Union (ESU) and its member organisation, the Freier Zusammenschluss von StudentInnenschaften (FZS), EI and its member organisation, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), are holding a press conference in Berlin on 12 June to present their joint campaign called "Let's Go".

    EI to hold press conference on "Let's Go Campaign" in Berlin
  15. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2008

    Teacher union in Ghana releases new study on child labour

    This week, as part of Education International’s campaign against child labour, the Ghanaian affiliates, led by the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) launched a new research study entitled: “National Child Labour Situation and Teacher Unions’ Best Practices and Challenges in This Field”.

    Teacher union in Ghana releases new study on child labour
  16. Union growth 11 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Teacher unionists under attack again

    Harassment and intimidation of teachers and their trade unions continues in Zimbabwe in the lead-up to the June 27 election to determine whether Robert Mugabe of the ZANU-PF or his opposition challenger Morgan Tsvangirai will win the presidency.

    Zimbabwe: Teacher unionists under attack again
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 10 June 2008

    EI appeals on behalf of Iranian teacher unjustly facing death penalty

    Education International has taken up the cause of Farzad Kamangar, a 32-year-old Iranian teacher and trade unionist who has been repeatedly tortured in custody and sentenced to death by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

    EI appeals on behalf of Iranian teacher unjustly facing death penalty