

  1. Union renewal and development 11 December 2007

    One year later: Strengthening Teachers' trade unions in Africa

    In 2006, EI in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), a German political foundation, launched a project on Strengthening the African Teachers Trade Union Movement.

    One year later: Strengthening Teachers' trade unions in Africa
  2. Union renewal and development 7 December 2007

    Equality with a gender perspective in Latin America

    Social inequities between men and women remain striking in Latin America. There are few issues that Latin American education workers need to discuss as urgently as gender equity.

    Equality with a gender perspective in Latin America
  3. Union renewal and development 4 December 2007

    Preliminary report of the 31st Executive Board Meeting now available

    The 31st EI Executive Board meeting was held from 19-20 November 2007 in Brussels. The preliminary report of the meeting is now available and being circulated to all EI member organisations.

    Preliminary report of the 31st Executive Board Meeting now available
  4. Leading the profession 4 December 2007

    PISA 2006: Pedagogical or political?

    Education International, and its member organisations in the OECD and partner countries, are increasingly concerned about politicization of the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

    PISA 2006: Pedagogical or political?
  5. News 3 December 2007

    Sudan: EI expresses relief at the release of UK teacher

    EI has expressed its relief following the release of Gillian Gibbons from a Sudanese prison. Gibbons, a British teacher, was jailed for blasphemy after her students named a teddy bear Muhammad.

    Sudan: EI expresses relief at the release of UK teacher
  6. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2007

    Pan-European Survey on the impact of pension reforms on gender: Phase I

    The EI Pan-European Structure is conducting a Pan-European Survey on the impact of pension reforms on gender. The survey will be conducted in two phases, Phase I in Dec 2007 and Phase II in early 2008.

    Pan-European Survey on the impact of pension reforms on gender: Phase I
  7. Union renewal and development 3 December 2007

    Middle East: Time to build free democratic teacher organisations

    Education is crucial in developing democracy and citizenship in all societies, nowhere more so than in countries where governments do not fully respect the most basic human and trade union rights. Quality education for all, free from any kind of discrimination, can help immensely in building democracy in non-democratic, less-democratic...

    Middle East: Time to build free democratic teacher organisations
  8. Union renewal and development 30 November 2007

    Launch of a new project in former Yugoslavia

    A conference held in Montenegro from 27 – 30 September 2007 marked the start of a new project on Strengthening the Education Trade Unions in the countries that were part of former Yugoslavia.

    Launch of a new project in former Yugoslavia
  9. Equity and inclusion 30 November 2007

    52nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women: Sign up today!

    EI is finalizing the registration of participants for the 52nd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The session runs from February 25 until March 7, 2008 in New York. The EI delegation will focus its attention on meetings held during the first week.

    52nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women: Sign up today!
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 28 November 2007

    World AIDS Day: Teachers take the lead

    To mark World AIDS Day, Education International is challenging educators around the world to teach the same lesson as part of a new initiative called "One Hour on AIDS."

    World AIDS Day: Teachers take the lead
  11. Union growth 28 November 2007

    Pakistan: Protests after the arrest of trade unionists during state of emergency

    The Council of Global Unions*, headed by the EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen, protested against the arrests of several trade union leaders following the imposition of the state of emergency earlier in November.

    Pakistan: Protests after the arrest of trade unionists during state of emergency
  12. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2007

    EI joins global action to stop Violence Against Women

    EI and the other Global Unions are participating in a global initiative to stop violence against women, running from 25 November (UN Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women) until UN Human Rights Day on 10 December.

    EI joins global action to stop Violence Against Women
  13. News 20 November 2007

    Canada: CTF adopts action plan to counter cyberbullying

    The Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) adopted an action plan on 19 Nov to address the many challenges presented by cyberbullying within the context of schools and the professional lives of teachers.

    Canada: CTF adopts action plan to counter cyberbullying
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 November 2007

    Universities urged to 'green' their policies and practices

    British scholars are urging colleagues in universities around the world to take action on climate change in order to 'green' their university campuses and curricula.

    Universities urged to 'green' their policies and practices