

  1. Union renewal and development 30 November 2006

    Congress Deadlines Extended to December 31st

    EI is pleased to announce an extension to the deadlines for receipt of notification of number of delegates and observers and requests for financial assistance from affiliates planning to attend the 5th triennial World Congress in Berlin, Germany from 22nd to 26th July, 2007.

    Congress Deadlines Extended to December 31st
  2. Union growth 30 November 2006

    Australia: Trade unions unite on national day of protest

    Teachers will join workers from all other sectors across Australia today in the national day of protest against radical industrial relations reforms imposed by the government of Prime Minister John Howard.

    Australia: Trade unions unite on national day of protest
  3. Standards and working conditions 27 November 2006

    Success in teachers' demand for salary increase in Croatia!

    The three-day strike in Croatia which began on 22 November ended in resounding victory for the teachers. The Croatian government and three EI member organisations signed two agreements on 25 November guaranteeing teachers a 6-percent pay rise every year over the next three years and bonuses over the next six...

    Success in teachers' demand for salary increase in Croatia!
  4. Standards and working conditions 26 November 2006

    EI urges the Japanese government to open dialogue with teacher union

    In an address to 150 leaders of provincial branches of EI member organisation, Nikkyoso, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen criticized the Japanese government for “the systematic rejection of dialogue” with the teacher union.

    EI urges the Japanese government to open dialogue with teacher union
  5. News 25 November 2006

    Japan: Teachers held giant rally against revision of Fundamental Law on Education

    The Japanese government wants “schools to preserve traditional values of family and nation”. This is the main objective of a bill to revise the 1947 Fundamental Law on Education which the Lower House of Japan adopted on 16 November.

    Japan: Teachers held giant rally against revision of Fundamental Law on Education
  6. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2006

    EI marks International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women

    Teachers everywhere are concerned about the enormous problem of violence against women and girls, a violation of human rights that takes place on a vast scale worldwide.

    EI marks International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 November 2006

    EI insists on free universal access to education at UN meeting

    EI recently attended an Expert Meeting on Universal Access to Services organised by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) from 14-16 November in Geneva.

    EI insists on free universal access to education at UN meeting
  8. Union growth 22 November 2006

    Good News in ETA's Long Legal Struggle

    EI is very pleased to report news today from Ethiopia Teachers’ Association General Secretary Gemoraw Kassa that the registrar’s office of the Federal Supreme Court has informed the ETA that the verdict delivered by the Supreme Court on November 20 is in favour of the authentic ETA.

    Good News in ETA's Long Legal Struggle
  9. Standards and working conditions 21 November 2006

    EI protests against killing of teachers in Iraq

    "Teachers should be guaranteed a safe and secure working environment," says EI in a letter addressed to the President of Iraq, Jalal Talabani, on 16 November. Since February this year, 180 teachers have been killed and up to 100 have been kidnapped.

    EI protests against killing of teachers in Iraq
  10. Union renewal and development 20 November 2006

    Annual meeting of the heads of EI and PSI

    Heads of both main Global Unions representing public employees, Education International and Public Services International, will meet on 21 November in Brussels, Belgium to discuss their co-operation and common agenda.

    Annual meeting of the heads of EI and PSI
  11. Union renewal and development 16 November 2006

    Outcomes of the 27th EI Executive Board Meeting

    Already the largest of the global union federations, Education International continues to grow stronger. EI now comprises 384 member unions in 169 countries and territories. Together, they represent more than 30 million teachers and education workers across the world!

    Outcomes of the 27th EI Executive Board Meeting
  12. Union renewal and development 10 November 2006

    EI hosts Development Cooperation meeting

    The Annual Development Cooperation meeting took place in Brussels, Belgium, on 9 and 10 November.

    EI hosts Development Cooperation meeting
  13. Union renewal and development 3 November 2006

    Education International welcomes ITUC

    Education International welcomes the creation of the new global trade union centre, the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation). The unification of the ICFTU and WCL with eight trade union centres previously affiliated to neither is a historic step by unions to meet future challenges.

    Education International welcomes ITUC
  14. Union growth 2 November 2006

    "Stop harassment of trade unions," EI tells the Zimbabwe goverment

    EI issued a message to the Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe on 13 October, urging his government to stop harassing trade union leaders and members. EI was refering to the police intervention of World Teachers' Day celebration on 6 October by the Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ).

    "Stop harassment of trade unions," EI tells the Zimbabwe goverment
  15. Union renewal and development 1 November 2006

    Speech by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the founding congress of the ITUC in Vienna, Austria

    Below is the speech made by EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the founding congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) currently being held in Vienna, Austria.

    Speech by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary and Chair of the Conference of the Global Union Federations at the founding congress of the ITUC in Vienna, Austria