

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 2006

    Ethiopian teacher leaders reunited with exiled union president

    Unable to meet in their home country due to high risk to their personal safety, leaders of the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association (ETA) gathered in the Netherlands last week, thanks to support from Education International and member organizations.

    Ethiopian teacher leaders reunited with exiled union president
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 July 2006

    New Argentine law reaffirms government's commitment to public education

    EI representatives meeting with the Argentine president on 26 July welcomed a new education law that reaffirms government's responsibility to provide quality public education for all. President Nestor Kirchner and Education Minister Daniel Filmus met with an EI delegation gathered in Buenos Aires for a workshop on challenges facing education...

    New Argentine law reaffirms government's commitment to public education
  3. Union renewal and development 26 July 2006

    Urgent Action Appeal for Lebanese teachers

    Innocent civilians in Lebanon, including many teachers and their families, are severely affected by the current hostilities and they are appealing for your solidarity assistance!

    Urgent Action Appeal for Lebanese teachers
  4. News 25 July 2006

    EI demands that hostilities should cease immediately

    EI issued a statement on 25 July, calling for an immediate end to the violence in the Middle East which is taking the lives of innocent civilians, including many children.

    EI demands that hostilities should cease immediately
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2006

    Too much emphasis put on the role of the private sector in G8 Declaration

    Education International welcomes the attention G8 leaders have given to education as one of the most effective tools to combat poverty and promote economic and democratic development. However, it is concerned about the emphasis put on the role of the private sector.

    Too much emphasis put on the role of the private sector in G8 Declaration
  6. Standards and working conditions 19 July 2006

    Senegal: teachers demand review of pay and working conditions

    "Teaching is a profession, not volunteer work. Decent pay keeps education personnel motivated and devoted to their profession." In a letter to Senegal President Abdoulaye Wade on 14 July, EI expressed its regret that the government is slow in reacting to the demands of teachers to review their pay and...

    Senegal: teachers demand review of pay and working conditions
  7. News 19 July 2006

    Teacher unions should embrace diversity

    "Anti-immigrant political movements have developed across the OECD countries - from Denmark to Austria to Britain, France and Italy. So-called mainstream political parties are jockeying to recuperate the slogans of the demagogues, and in countries like Australia governments have played cyncially on anti-immigrant sentiments for electoral gain."

    Teacher unions should embrace diversity
  8. Union renewal and development 17 July 2006

    EI 5th World Congress: Information about Congress assistance, the Albert Shanker Education Award and the Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award

    EI is pleased to announce that the 5th EI World Congress will take place in Berlin, Germany, from 22 to 26 July 2007. In the coming weeks, member organisations will receive information about congress participation, a nomination form for each of the two EI awards, as well as a congress...

    EI 5th World Congress: Information about Congress assistance, the Albert Shanker Education Award and the Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 July 2006

    Papua New Guinea: Teachers on indefinite strike

    As many as 37 000 teachers, who are members of EI affiliate, the "Papua New Guinea Teachers' Association" (PNGTA), remain on strike in the country's national capital district despite the threat of severe penalties if they don't return to work. They began their action on 10 July over the non-payment...

    Papua New Guinea: Teachers on indefinite strike
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 July 2006

    EI participated at Council of Europe's Forum on Higher Education and Democratic Culture, Academic freedom

    EI participated at the Council of Europe's Forum on Higher Education and Democratic Culture 22- 23 June, Strasbourg, France . Participants comprised higher education leaders, student representatives and public policy makers from Europe, North America and other regions of the world.

    EI participated at Council of Europe's Forum on Higher Education and Democratic Culture, Academic freedom
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 7 July 2006

    Global unions urge G8 not to leave education to market forces

    MOSCOW -- In a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin held at the Kremlin on 6 July, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen urged leaders of the G8 nations not to abdicate their responsibility to invest in quality public education.

    Global unions urge G8 not to leave education to market forces
  12. Union renewal and development 7 July 2006

    New appointments at EI

    There are several new appointments at EI since May this year.

    New appointments at EI
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 July 2006

    TradEducation News issue no.9

    The latest issue of EI's newsletter on GATS has just be published. In this issue, we talk about the failure of the informal WTO ministerial meeting to break the current deadlock, EI meetings with WTO delegations in Geneva, new GATS rules on domestic regulation and EI's reservations about these rules.

    TradEducation News issue no.9
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 July 2006

    The World Trade Organisation: Talks enter “crisis” stage

    Time is running out on WTO trade talks after ministers gathering in Geneva at the end of June failed to reach a crucial agreement on tariff and subsidy reductions for agricultural and industrial goods.

    The World Trade Organisation: Talks enter “crisis” stage
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 3 July 2006

    Mexico: EI condemns the use of violence against striking teachers!

    In a letter sent to the government of Mexico on 29 June, EI condemns the use of any form of violence against striking teachers. The message is sent in the light of the police's forceful eviction of strikers on 14 June.

    Mexico: EI condemns the use of violence against striking teachers!
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 3 July 2006

    Cambodia: Teacher strike postponed

    EI affiliate the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (CITA), and the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC) is postponing the strike due to be held today, until further notice.

    Cambodia: Teacher strike postponed