

  1. Leading the profession 21 September 2021

    World Teachers’ Day 2021 | Always present: Paying tribute, taking action

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an enormous toll on education. Beyond school closures and lost learning, countless educators, union members, and leaders of our profession have died. The losses are staggering. Every day we receive notices from around the globe of colleagues who are no longer with us.

    World Teachers’ Day 2021 | Always present: Paying tribute, taking action
  2. Leading the profession 20 September 2021

    Data-driven OECD report highlights lifelong impact of educational inequities

    Gender, race, and an immigrant background are key determinants in educational achievement and lifelong opportunities. That’s according to the latest report of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Education at a Glance (EAG) 2021 .

    Data-driven OECD report highlights lifelong impact of educational inequities
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 15 September 2021

    Myanmar: Global unions call on governments to recognise the National Unity Government

    On the International Day of Democracy, Education International joins the Global Union Day of Action organised by the Council of Global Unions (CGU) to stop the military-led junta from gaining recognition at the 76th UN General Assembly (UNGA) and recognise the National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate government of...

    Myanmar: Global unions call on governments to recognise the National Unity Government
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 14 September 2021

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations

    Education International has called for an end to the violence and state-sponsored attacks on Filipino educators. Its comments follow an independent investigation which shows that the Duterte government is deliberately violating human rights, using violence and repression against those who are standing up for education, democracy, and peace.

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations
  5. Leading the profession 8 September 2021

    Australia: Court upholds University of Sydney’s collective agreement protecting academic freedom

    The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) in Australia has welcomed a landmark Federal Court judgment ruling that University of Sydney staff have a legal right to be protected from disciplinary action when exercising intellectual and academic freedom.

    Australia: Court upholds University of Sydney’s collective agreement protecting academic freedom
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 3 September 2021

    Iraq: Renewed commitment to improve operation and delivery of education in Kurdistan

    Quality education and health and safety in education received a boost with a recent visit from Kurdistan’s Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to the Secretariat of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU). Both parties reiterated their commitment to seeking best solutions to protect the education community and guarantee quality...

    Iraq: Renewed commitment to improve operation and delivery of education in Kurdistan
  7. Standards and working conditions 31 August 2021

    Mexico: Trade union secures agreement for a safe return to face-to-face classes

    After almost eighteen months of lockdown measures, Mexican teachers have expressed their commitment to support a cautious, orderly and responsible return to the classroom for the 2021-2022 school year.

    Mexico: Trade union secures agreement for a safe return to face-to-face classes
  8. Democracy 31 August 2021

    Cameroon: Education organisations’ joint project for democracy and union renewal

    Education International and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES, German acronym) are working together in Cameroon on a capacity building project, “Union renewal: building strong, inclusive, democratic and effective unions in the education sector in Cameroon”. The project involving all of Education International’s national member organisations will run from 2021 until...

    Cameroon: Education organisations’ joint project for democracy and union renewal
  9. Leading the profession 27 August 2021

    Mauritania: unions working more closely with teachers to meet their needs

    Through the use of Education International’s COVID-19 solidarity fund, its two affiliates in Mauritania have been able to conduct a series of joint school visits to meet with teachers. The initiative has helped boost the unions’ image and membership levels.

    Mauritania: unions working more closely with teachers to meet their needs
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 20 August 2021

    Jordan: Court declares education union leader innocent of spreading false news

    Education International welcomes the acquittal of Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) Vice-President Dr. Nasser Al-Nawasra. The appeal court in Amman ruled that he was innocent of the misdemeanor of broadcasting false and exaggerated news undermining the prestige of the State.

    Jordan: Court declares education union leader innocent of spreading false news
  11. Leading the profession 13 August 2021

    India: educators urge governments to take urgent action to guarantee the health and safety of the education community

    The All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF) has repeatedly urged public authorities, at state and federal levels, to listen to the educators’ voice to best ensure teachers, education support personnel and students’ health and safety during the raging COVID-19 pandemic severely affecting them.

    India: educators urge governments to take urgent action to guarantee the health and safety of the education community
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 August 2021

    Nicaragua: Creating happier school environments to mitigate child labour

    The education union CGTEN-ANDEN is helping teachers in Nicaragua’s regions of León and La Dalia to diversify their teaching methods and use traditional music, dance and games to make school fun for students. The initiative is part of the union’s project to eradicate child labour.

    Nicaragua: Creating happier school environments to mitigate child labour
  13. Standards and working conditions 10 August 2021

    Taiwan: Union celebrates a decade of fighting for educators’ rights

    To mark its 10th anniversary, the National Teachers’ Association (NTA)/National Federation of Teachers Union (NFTU) of Taiwan has reaffirming its commitment to fight for teachers’ right to organise as public sector employees and to professional development.

    Taiwan: Union celebrates a decade of fighting for educators’ rights
  14. Democracy 5 August 2021

    East Asian education unions unite for quality peace education

    Understanding that history is often distorted and that political forces often interfere with education systems and curricula, Chinese, Korean and Japanese teachers are exploring their shared past to teach students for a better future.

    East Asian education unions unite for quality peace education