

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 15 April 2024

    Benin: Union elections give hope of real social dialogue in the education sector

    Education International welcomed the elections held in the education sector in Benin from March 29th to April 1st. Organised by the Minister of Pre-School and Primary Education, the vote marked a crucial step towards social dialogue and teacher union representation.

    Benin: Union elections give hope of real social dialogue in the education sector
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 April 2024

    Invest in teachers to ensure quality education for all: European Union supports United Nations recommendations on the profession

    Funding education and investing in teachers are key to ensuring the right to education for all and achieving all Sustainable Development Goals. This message was heard loud and clear on April 11 at the Global Gateway High-Level Education Event co-hosted by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the...

    Invest in teachers to ensure quality education for all: European Union supports United Nations recommendations on the profession
  3. Leading the profession 8 April 2024

    Uniting to advocate for the UN recommendations, fight fake news and promote peace education

    How can communications and campaigns work support unions in mobilising for increased investment in public education and educators, as well as social justice, human rights and democracy? This was at the heart of discussions during the latest Education International (EI) Communicators’ Network (ComNet) meeting.

    Uniting to advocate for the UN recommendations, fight fake news and promote peace education
  4. Leading the profession 4 April 2024

    Education international Executive Board: Going public with the recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession and continued solidarity

    “Just as teachers support us all, it is time to support teachers. Let’s make sure they have the support, recognition, and resources they need to provide quality, relevant education and skills for all.”

    Education international Executive Board: Going public with the recommendations of the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession and continued solidarity
  5. Standards and working conditions 4 April 2024

    Unions unite to fight for empowering professional learning and development

    The Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project brought union leaders, project participants, and wider EI membership together to reflect on how to promote and strengthen their position on professional leadership, develop pedagogical activism, and resist the discourse around assessment standardisation.

    Unions unite to fight for empowering professional learning and development
  6. Standards and working conditions 1 April 2024

    Breaking boundaries: Teacher-led Learning Circles in Uruguay persist to develop promising formative assessment practice

    Unlike primary school teachers involved in the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project in its six other countries, the 20 teachers participating Uruguay have been involved in an accelerated programme of Professional Learning and Development (PLD).

    Breaking boundaries: Teacher-led Learning Circles in Uruguay persist to develop promising formative assessment practice
  7. Democracy 28 March 2024

    Palestine: Unionists call for an end to the war amid catastrophic conditions

    “After 173 days of the war on Gaza, more than 32,414 people have been killed, more than 74,787 wounded, and more than 10,000 are missing...More than 5,826 students and 264 teachers have been killed, and 9,570 students and 960 teachers are trying to recover from their injuries." This is the...

    Palestine: Unionists call for an end to the war amid catastrophic conditions
  8. Leading the profession 27 March 2024

    Transforming Learning: Brazilian Teachers’ Use Learning Circles to Develop Leadership Projects and Promising Formative Assessment Practice

    Primary school teachers across Brazil have successfully completed the first Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project cycle. Through developing leadership projects over the last year, teachers involved in the remote Learning Circles tested, implemented, and shared promising formative assessment practices that met the diverse needs of students in...

    Transforming Learning: Brazilian Teachers’ Use Learning Circles to Develop Leadership Projects and Promising Formative Assessment Practice
  9. Union renewal and development 26 March 2024

    Enhancing Development Cooperation to strengthen Africa’s education unions

    All Development Cooperation (DC) partners make a key contribution to complement Education International (EI) efforts in strengthening member organizations in different African countries, and it is crucial to initiate new strategies to improve the collaboration. This was at the heart of discussions during a DC Café organized by Education International...

    Enhancing Development Cooperation to strengthen Africa’s education unions
  10. Standards and working conditions 25 March 2024

    Afghanistan: Survey provides meaningful insights into the experiences of teachers and students under the Taliban regime

    Education International (EI) hosted a union side event at the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) to highlight the plight of girls and women teachers in Afghanistan who have been forbidden from going to school and teaching since the Taliban takeover in 2021.

    Afghanistan: Survey provides meaningful insights into the experiences of teachers and students under the Taliban regime
  11. Leading the profession 25 March 2024

    The Education Crisis in Iraq: A Call for Urgent Reforms

    Iraq is currently grappling with a severe education crisis. Despite constitutional provisions and ministerial laws mandating free education at all levels, millions of children are being denied access to education. At the onset of the war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)–a Salafi jihadist militant organisation that...

    The Education Crisis in Iraq: A Call for Urgent Reforms
  12. Democracy 25 March 2024

    Unwavering solidarity with teachers and students in Ukraine

    “749 days our brothers and sisters have been living under bombardments, shelling, and attacks. This is their reality. Our solidarity is unwavering because theirs is a fight for democracy and freedom which are at the core of who we are as education trade unions,” stated David Edwards, Education International General...

    Unwavering solidarity with teachers and students in Ukraine
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 March 2024

    Exposed: Collusion and Cover-Up — A World Bank and Bridge International Academies Scandal

    After increasing public pressure, a critical internal report, and an ongoing investigation by congressional leaders in the United States, the World Bank Group has acknowledged it "did not follow protocol" and "children were hurt," by its involvement with Bridge International Academies.

    Exposed: Collusion and Cover-Up — A World Bank and Bridge International Academies Scandal
  14. Go public! Fund education 21 March 2024

    Go Public! Empowering teachers to transform the future of South Sudan

    “We have been abandoned,” is the sentiment expressed by teachers in South Sudan as they organise to bring urgent attention to the dire situation of education in a crisis context that requires immediate international response and support. The extreme conditions they face were made clear during a gathering of union...

    Go Public! Empowering teachers to transform the future of South Sudan
  15. Democracy 21 March 2024

    Myanmar: Teachers and unionists take great risks to resist military rule and keep hope alive for democracy

    Unionists, public sector workers and, teachers, continue to actively resist military rule and work for democracy, despite facing incredible hardship and repression by the military junta in Myanmar. To highlight the resilience of union opposition to Myanmar's military leadership, several Global Union Federations, including Education International, released a report on...

    Myanmar: Teachers and unionists take great risks to resist military rule and keep hope alive for democracy
  16. Leading the profession 20 March 2024

    France: Raise teachers’ salaries and invest more in public education, now!

    Education International (EI) President, Susan Hopgood, expressed the solidarity of the global education trade union movement with French colleagues at the National Congress of the Syndicat National des Enseignements de Second Degré (SNES-FSU). She also stressed that the demands of the SNES-FSU, including its call for the government to invest...

    France: Raise teachers’ salaries and invest more in public education, now!