

  1. News 13 February 2024

    National Education Association Board of Directors takes action to reaffirm call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

    The Board of Directors of the National Education Association renewed NEA’s original call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas when it adopted a motion that underscored the need for the release of the hostages abducted by Hamas from Israel on October 7, immediate and full humanitarian aid to affected...

    National Education Association Board of Directors takes action to reaffirm call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas
  2. Solidarity in emergencies 8 February 2024

    Union solidarity: Palestinian teachers provide socio-emotional support to their students

    Education International together with its member organisation, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, and the Ministry of Education of the Palestinian Authority organised training sessions for Palestinian teachers to equip them with the skills they need to provide vital emotional support to their students traumatised by ongoing war and mass...

    Union solidarity: Palestinian teachers provide socio-emotional support to their students
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 6 February 2024

    France: sustained union action against the collapse of public education

    Deep-rooted anger and a firm commitment to public education: this is what French teachers are demonstrating through their week of action and the launch of a joint union petition calling for the ‘knowledge shock’ measures - a series of government measures that are supposed to raise the level of students...

    France: sustained union action against the collapse of public education
  4. Union renewal and development 6 February 2024

    DC café: Solidarity beyond finances to strengthen cooperation among member organisations

    There is much more to development cooperation than financing projects, is one of the main conclusions of a recent online gathering of Education International’s Capacity Building and Solidarity (CBS) Unit with member organisations from Germany, the United States, and the Nordic countries.

    DC café: Solidarity beyond finances to strengthen cooperation among member organisations
  5. Democracy 5 February 2024

    President Lula receives Education International delegation to discuss public education

    A delegation made up of representatives from Education International (EI) and our affiliate in Brazil, the CNTE, was received on Monday 29 January by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The meeting took place on the second day of Brazil’s National Education Conference, held in Brasilia from 28 January to...

    President Lula receives Education International delegation to discuss public education
  6. News 1 February 2024

    American Federation of Teachers Executive Council adopts resolution unanimously calling for the end of the Israel Hamas war by negotiated bilateral cease-fire, promoting steps toward a two-state solution for Israeli and Palestinian self-determination

    The American Federation of Teachers Executive Council, the body representing the union’s 1.72 million educators, higher education professionals, healthcare workers, and public employees, unanimously adopted an omnibus statement addressing the war in the Middle East and its impact on the United States. The American Federation of Teachers is a member...

    American Federation of Teachers Executive Council adopts resolution unanimously calling for the end of the Israel Hamas war by negotiated bilateral cease-fire, promoting steps toward a two-state solution for Israeli and Palestinian self-determination
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 January 2024

    In their own words: the harsh reality of Afghan teachers

    Shakila* is a dedicated teacher with over 15 years of service in the Balkh Province of Afghanistan. Since the most recent takeover of the Taliban in 2021 which led to the shutdown of education for girls, attacks on female teachers, and a crackdown on the rights of women, Shakila reports...

    In their own words: the harsh reality of Afghan teachers
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 26 January 2024

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean

    “Our activities here together these next few days are varied, but our purpose is fundamental – to reflect and learn from each other and to plan ways to encourage our members to play an active role in transforming education across this vast and varied region.” This was the call by...

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 January 2024

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all

    On January 24, the International Day of Education, education unionists from around the world came together to reaffirm their commitment to the universal right to education and to mark the first year of the Education International global campaign Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments...

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all
  10. Leading the profession 22 January 2024

    Iraq: Union call for urgent solutions as teachers haven't been paid in months

    Painting a bleak picture of the situation of the education system and teachers in the Iraqi Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) President Abdulwahed Mohammad Haje presented his union demands to solve the ongoing issues.

    Iraq: Union call for urgent solutions as teachers haven't been paid in months
  11. Standards and working conditions 16 January 2024

    Canada: agreement submitted to public sector workers in Quebec

    Following strong union mobilisation, nine days of strike action, and many weeks of intensive bargaining, the Front Commun that brings together Quebec’s public sector unions and the provincial government reached an agreement in principle for the renewal of public sector collective agreements at the end of December. The agreement is...

    Canada: agreement submitted to public sector workers in Quebec
  12. Democracy 15 January 2024

    Argentina: Education International stands with teachers and unionists fighting for democracy

    President Javier Milei’s Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) is an attack on democracy and labour rights in Argentina. Education International has been in close contact with its affiliates in Argentina, supporting the opposition to this attempt to undo the historical gains made by the Argentinean people.

    Argentina: Education International stands with teachers and unionists fighting for democracy
  13. Standards and working conditions 15 January 2024

    Innovative impact: Learning Circles create joy in Swiss classrooms through creative formative assessment practices

    Concluding at the end of 2023, the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project in Switzerland took a distinctive form. Containing only one circle composed of one facilitator and two primary school teachers, the small scale of the circle project in Switzerland did not prevent the teachers involved from...

    Innovative impact: Learning Circles create joy in Swiss classrooms through creative formative assessment practices
  14. Union renewal and development 12 January 2024

    Guyana and Canada: Teachers learning from and advocating for each other

    “I feel strongly that, anytime teachers can join and learn from each other, we become stronger as a union.” That is how Hylin MacLaren, a Canadian primary teacher, summarised her experience participating in workshops in Guyana in the framework of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) Project Overseas .

    Guyana and Canada: Teachers learning from and advocating for each other
  15. Leading the profession 3 January 2024

    Empowering teachers: Learning Circles strengthen confidence in formative assessment in Côte d'Ivoire

    Throughout the last eleven months, thirty primary school teachers in Côte d'Ivoire used the reflective space provided by the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project's structure to experiment with different formative assessment practices that meet student’s learning variability.

    Empowering teachers: Learning Circles strengthen confidence in formative assessment in Côte d'Ivoire
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 December 2023

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity

    A message from Education International General Secretary David Edwards to education unionists around the world and a renewed commitment to solidarity, peace, and democracy in 2024.

    2023, a year of mobilisation and solidarity
  17. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 December 2023

    Indonesia: Education unionists Go Public! to address teacher shortage

    The Persekutuan Guru Republic Indonesia (PGRI) and the Education International Asia Pacific (EIAP) regional office jointly organised an event in the framework of the EI’s Go Public! Fund Education campaign, addressing the pressing issue of teacher shortage in Indonesia.

    Indonesia: Education unionists Go Public! to address teacher shortage