

  1. Solidarity in emergencies 21 December 2023

    Education International mobilises global education support for Palestinian educators

    The ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas has had a devastating impact on the Palestinian people, with thousands of deaths, the destruction of basic services and infrastructure, and the fear of widespread hunger, disease, and displacement. According to the World Health Organization, more than 20 thousand people have been...

    Education International mobilises global education support for Palestinian educators
  2. Democracy 21 December 2023

    International solidarity in the face of regressive actions by the government of Argentina

    The Education International Regional Committee for Latin America (IEAL) has expressed concern regarding the recent decision taken by the Government of the Republic of Argentina, under resolution 943/2023 of the Security Ministry. This measure restricts the right to social protest, freedom of speech, and restricts people’s ability to exercise their...

    International solidarity in the face of regressive actions by the government of Argentina
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 December 2023

    Analysing the Challenges Faced by Afghan Teachers

    In 2022, Education International (EI) took a significant step to champion the rights of Afghan teachers with the launch of the Afghan Teacher's Rights Observatory . This dedicated platform was created to document the situation of education in Afghanistan, addressing critical aspects such as teachers' salaries, working conditions, human rights...

    Analysing the Challenges Faced by Afghan Teachers
  4. Equity and inclusion 12 December 2023

    Education International puts teachers in the spotlight at the Global Refugee Forum

    The Global Refugee Forum is taking place in Geneva from 13 to 15 December. Education International (EI) is spearheading global efforts to support the rights of teachers in contexts of forced displacement and crises.

    Education International puts teachers in the spotlight at the Global Refugee Forum
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2023

    Decent work for early childhood personnel: 10 years since the adoption of the ILO Policy Guidelines and the way forward

    On November 30, Education International hosted an online event to assess the progress made in implementing the International Labour Organization Policy Guidelines on decent work for early childhood education personnel 10 years after their adoption and reflect on new developments in the sector. The discussion was informed by the special...

    Decent work for early childhood personnel: 10 years since the adoption of the ILO Policy Guidelines and the way forward
  6. Leading the profession 29 November 2023

    Iraq: Teacher training is critical for quality education for all and the status of the profession

    Teacher training, especially continuous professional development, is critical for the provision of quality education for all. This is part of the advocacy by Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) President Abdulwahed Mohammad Haje, while urging the Ministry of Education to improve training offered to teachers in this Iraqi region and suggesting ways...

    Iraq: Teacher training is critical for quality education for all and the status of the profession
  7. Leading the profession 29 November 2023

    Senegal: Unions unite and mobilise for more public education funding

    “An education system based on public institutions is the best option to fully realise the right to education. That is why the State must consolidate education as being a real public good, promoting education as a bearer of not only individual and collective emancipation but of social justice as well.”...

    Senegal: Unions unite and mobilise for more public education funding
  8. Solidarity in emergencies 28 November 2023

    Morocco: Education unions rally to support earthquake victims

    Two affiliates of Education International (EI) in Morocco, the SNE-FDT and SNE-CDT, have rallied to the aid of people in remote areas of the High Atlas Mountains that were hit by a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on 8 September 2023. Local trade union representatives organised the distribution of school supplies, games,...

    Morocco: Education unions rally to support earthquake victims
  9. Equity and inclusion 22 November 2023

    South African President Ramaphosa: Investing in education builds resilience in times of crises

    “It is a real privilege to address this 10th Africa Regional Conference of Education International, particularly with its focus on shaping the future of education on our continent, as well as beyond. And the theme of your conference, 'Standing together for resilient education systems in times of crises', resonates very...

    South African President Ramaphosa: Investing in education builds resilience in times of crises
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 November 2023

    Decent work for early childhood education personnel: Where are we ten years after the adoption of the ILO Policy Guidelines?

    On November 30, Education International will host an online event to assess the progress made in implementing the ILO Policy Guidelines on decent work for early childhood education personnel and reflect on new developments in the sector. The discussion will be informed by the special edition of the I-BEST survey...

    Decent work for early childhood education personnel: Where are we ten years after the adoption of the ILO Policy Guidelines?
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 20 November 2023

    We stand with France Castro. Education International firmly condemns the death threats against the Filipino congresswoman

    France Castro has received repeated death threats from Rodrigo Duterte, former President of the Philippines. The lawmaker has filed a formal complaint against Duterte, making this the first criminal case against Duterte after the end of his mandate.

    We stand with France Castro. Education International firmly condemns the death threats against the Filipino congresswoman
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 November 2023

    Education International’s Executive Board meet and address the progress and challenges of educators worldwide

    “This has been one of the more pivotal periods in our history. Influenced and essentially guided by Education International (EI), the United Nations (UN) is in the process of urging its member states to act decisively to address the global education crisis. And to do this specifically by elevating and...

    Education International’s Executive Board meet and address the progress and challenges of educators worldwide
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 14 November 2023

    Canada: Broad union action for better pay and working conditions in all public services in Quebec

    After a year of negotiations on the renewal of public sector collective agreements, and in light of the inflexibility displayed by the government of Quebec, its refusal to listen to workers’ demands and its unjustified attacks on their working conditions, the Front Commun, a common front of unions representing public...

    Canada: Broad union action for better pay and working conditions in all public services in Quebec
  14. Standards and working conditions 14 November 2023

    USA: Legislators recognize education support personnel play a critical role in providing quality education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), both affiliated to Education international (EI), have welcomed the introduction of the Paraprofessionals and Education Support Staff Bill of Rights , seeking to provide fair wages, comprehensive benefits and equitable working conditions to the dedicated paraeducators, classroom assistants,...

    USA: Legislators recognize education support personnel play a critical role in providing quality education
  15. Equity and inclusion 13 November 2023

    Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world

    In his final official speech as President of the Union of Education Norway (UEN), Steffen Handal, also a member of Education International (EI) Executive Board, reflected on educational realities in his country and around the world: “Never has the shortage of teachers been more pressing than now! Never have more...

    Norway: Quality education, international solidarity, and addressing the teacher shortage are imperatives for unionists around the world
  16. Democracy 7 November 2023

    Education International calls for urgent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza

    Education International (EI) calls on the international community to urgently implement a humanitarian ceasefire to stop the killing of students, teachers, and all civilians in Gaza. EI also calls for an end to the Israeli bombardments and military actions which have caused the death of thousands of civilians, including over...

    Education International calls for urgent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
  17. Standards and working conditions 6 November 2023

    Global Collaboration in Education: T3LFA Project Strengthens Ties Between Malaysian and South Korean Unions and Educators

    On 6 November, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers' Union (KTU) alongside Education International (EI) organised a school and union office visit for Malaysian teachers and members of the National Union of the Teaching Profession Malaysia (NUTP) who were in Seoul, South Korea, as a part of the Teacher-led Learning...

    Global Collaboration in Education: T3LFA Project Strengthens Ties Between Malaysian and South Korean Unions and Educators