
Arab Countries

  1. Arab Countries
  2. Caribbean Union of Teachers
  3. Council of Pacific Education

The Arab Countries Cross-regional Structure brings together education unions from Arabic speaking countries in the Africa and Asia Pacific regions.

The cross-regional structure facilitates cooperation among members, helping education unions join forces and exchange best practices to address their common challenges.

To find out more about our work in Arab countries, please click here.

  1. Standards and working conditions 9 December 2020

    Iraq: Modern teaching methods focus of education union’s teacher training

    The use of modern teaching methods was at the heart of professional development training organised by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU), with the support of Education International (EI), in the Raparin, Koya and Akra regions.

    Iraq: Modern teaching methods focus of education union’s teacher training
  2. Equity and inclusion 9 November 2020

    “What about Convention No. 190 in Tunisia? Eliminating Violence and Harassment in the World of Work”, by Emna Aouadi.

    Emna Aouadi

    In June 2019, the ILO adopted Convention 190 concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work. Unions have long called for an instrument of this nature. We welcome the adoption of this Convention.

    “What about Convention No. 190 in Tunisia? Eliminating Violence and Harassment in the World of Work”, by Emna Aouadi.
  3. Standards and working conditions 3 November 2020

    Palestine: Online training positions education union as a strategic social partner

    The General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) has reached a landmark agreement on salaries with the national Ministry of Education which has officially adopted the union’s e-learning model.

    Palestine: Online training positions education union as a strategic social partner
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 27 October 2020

    Jordan: Banned union press conference the latest crackdown by government on teachers’ rights

    Education International condemns the banning of a Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) public press conference scheduled for 26 October. The ban was imposed by Jordan’s authorities, with security forces delivering an order from the Governor of Amman to prohibit the union’s press conference. The JTA press conference was called to discuss...

    Jordan: Banned union press conference the latest crackdown by government on teachers’ rights
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 21 October 2020

    Education International’s affiliates show tremendous solidarity amongst educators through the COVID-19 Response Fund

    From the very beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Education International called on global education union solidarity to help member organisations respond to the sanitary crisis and emerge stronger from it in terms of mobilising, organising and capacity-building.

    Education International’s affiliates show tremendous solidarity amongst educators through the COVID-19 Response Fund
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 October 2020

    Iraq: Education union demands improvements in the education sector

    On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) called on the government to improve educators’ working and living conditions and the quality of education at all levels.

    Iraq: Education union demands improvements in the education sector
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 8 September 2020

    Iraq: Safety and continuity at heart of KTU guidelines for new school year

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) seeks continuity of education and improved terms and conditions for teachers and students in its proposals for the 2020-2021 academic year. The union’s plans aim to ensure health and safety in schools and quality education.

    Iraq: Safety and continuity at heart of KTU guidelines for new school year
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2020

    Jordan: Take action for the immediate release of education union leaders

    Education International has launched an online petition in support of the imprisoned leaders of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) and to guarantee the exercise of the fundamental rights of teachers and education workers in Jordan.

    Jordan: Take action for the immediate release of education union leaders
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 August 2020

    Education International and the Global Campaign for Education condemn GEMS Metropole School's stance on education during the COVID-19 pandemic

    GEMS Metropole School threatened parents with withholding students’ report cards and transfer slips unless school fees were paid. Education International and the Global Campaign for education call on the United Arab Emirates to not tolerate extortionary manoeuvres against children in private schools.

    Education International and the Global Campaign for Education condemn GEMS Metropole School's stance on education during the COVID-19 pandemic
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 31 July 2020

    Jordan: Education unionists arrested and union work suspended in government crackdown

    Jordanian security forces arrested leading members of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association, raided the union’s offices and shut it down for a period of two years. The global education community is outraged by this unlawful attack on our colleagues.

    Jordan: Education unionists arrested and union work suspended in government crackdown
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 17 July 2020

    Iraq: Education unionists alarmed about on-going violations of human rights

    The number of violations of human rights is rising in Iraq since the beginning of the widespread protests of late 2019 and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Kurdistan Teachers’ union has denounced the fact that the Iraqi authorities, including in the Kurdistan region, routinely use vaguely worded laws to bring...

    Iraq: Education unionists alarmed about on-going violations of human rights
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 30 June 2020

    Iraq: Trade union takes stock of pressing issues for educators

    Education unionists in Kurdistan have highlighted their demands to on border security and salary payments along with the impact of COVID-19 on union elections and teachers’ health and safety.

    Iraq: Trade union takes stock of pressing issues for educators
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 18 May 2020

    Iraq: Education union fights for payment of educators’ salaries

    Education International firmly supports educators in Iraqi Kurdistan struggling to get salaries paid and condemns the brutal crackdown on their peaceful demonstrations by security forces.

    Iraq: Education union fights for payment of educators’ salaries
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 16 April 2020

    Iraq: Education union mobilises to support teachers and students during pandemic

    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union has been working tirelessly to ensure the safety of school communities, secure financial support for educators and continued education for students.

    Iraq: Education union mobilises to support teachers and students during pandemic