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Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

In 2015, all countries committed to achieving 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Education International played a critical role in securing a stand-alone goal for education - Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Significantly, SDG4 recognised that quality education can only be delivered by qualified teachers.

However, at the current pace, governments will fail to achieve SDG 4. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional challenges, and risks reversing years of progress on education. Urgent and decisive action is imperative.

Together with our member organisations around the world we are working to ensure that governments live up to their promise to achieve SDG 4 and all its targets by 2030.

  • We monitor progress and hold governments accountable.
  • We advocate for enhanced domestic financing for public education through fair and progressive taxation and international aid.
  • We oppose corporate interests that treat education as a market instead of a public good accessible to all.
  • We promote quality education that is free from violence, develops the “whole child”, builds tolerance, understanding, democracy, respect for human rights and active citizenship for sustainable development.
  • We promote the achievement of the “teacher target” (target 4.c), underlining every students’ right to be taught by a trained and qualified teacher.

Our work in this area

  1. News 12 November 2007

    Academic freedom under threat in fearful times

    In an era of global insecurity, fundamental rights and freedoms are increasingly threatened on university campuses, as in society at large.

    Academic freedom under threat in fearful times
  2. News 30 October 2007

    VIth International Higher Education and Research Conference

    The document on climate change, the document on gender perspective, the document on the mobility of Higher education personnel and researchers, and the Study on academic freedom are now available on-line.

    VIth International Higher Education and Research Conference
  3. News 23 October 2007

    VIth International Higher Education and Research Conference

    The draft programme, practical information and the provisional list of participants for VIth International Higher education and Research Conference in Malaga are now available on-line.

    VIth International Higher Education and Research Conference
  4. News 19 October 2007

    No schools, no teachers for millions of children in DRC

    With millions of children out of school and parents unable to pay school fees, EI urges the Democratic Republic of Congo to invest in quality public education and to comply with core labour standards.

    No schools, no teachers for millions of children in DRC
  5. News 17 October 2007

    ESU celebrates 25 years

    Today, October 17th, the European Students’ Union (ESU) celebrates 25 years on the front line of student politics.

    ESU celebrates 25 years
  6. News 17 October 2007

    CCNGO: EI represents teacher unions at discussions on Education for All

    Achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals can only become a reality through the intensive involvement of civil society including the teachers’ unions. But are governments really involving the unions? EI and a large number of civil society organisations convened in Dakar in September to discuss the status quo on...

    CCNGO: EI represents teacher unions at discussions on Education for All
  7. News 4 September 2007

    EI protests against arrest of German academic

    EI which represents the voice of educators worldwide, including professionals in the higher education and research sector, condemns the arrest of German academic, Andrej Holm.

    EI protests against arrest of German academic