
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 16 February 2023

    India: International union solidarity crucial to educators’ professional development

    The All India Primary Teachers’ Federation (AIPTF) has organised a capacity building programme aimed at creating a pool of resource persons who would provide professional development training to the members of its affiliate, the Kerala Pradesh School Teachers Association (KPSTA).

    India: International union solidarity crucial to educators’ professional development
  2. News 13 February 2023

    Social and policy dialogue, a key to union renewal?

    Education International member organisation Union of Education Norway is exploring new ways of structuring development cooperation (DC) projects and ensuring that the educators’ voice is heard when decisions are made concerning educational issues and the teaching profession.

    Social and policy dialogue, a key to union renewal?
  3. News 8 February 2023

    Union development cooperation put to good use to fight privatisation of education and promote youth involvement in Africa

    The development cooperation (DC) Café held on 27 January presented activities undertaken and planned by Education International’s Africa Region (EIRAF) with member organisations in the region and international DC partners. Two specific projects were highlighted: the Global Response to the Privatisation and Commercialisation in and of Education campaign and the...

    Union development cooperation put to good use to fight privatisation of education and promote youth involvement in Africa
  4. News 27 January 2023

    The John Thompson Fellowship Programme, from Asia to Africa

    Through the John Thompson Fellowship (JTF) Programme , education unionists are given the opportunity to gain direct and valuable information, exchange experiences, ideas, and best practices and foster solidarity among the organisations. Education International, DC partners and education unions have taken stock of successful results in North Asia and launched...

    The John Thompson Fellowship Programme, from Asia to Africa
  5. News 23 January 2023

    Education unionists take stock of development cooperation in Asia-Pacific

    During a Development Cooperation (DC) Café on Asia-Pacific held on 12 January, DC partners learnt about the accomplishments in the region in partnership with member organisations. Anand Singh, Director of the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office, reported on priorities and challenges faced by the region as well as activities...

    Education unionists take stock of development cooperation in Asia-Pacific
  6. News 9 January 2023

    Africa: Education unions benefit from South-South development cooperation and solidarity

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has undertaken a series of development cooperation activities with other education unions affiliated to Education International in neighbouring countries. It has especially supported the Zambia National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) in its efforts to recover from the damaging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic...

    Africa: Education unions benefit from South-South development cooperation and solidarity
  7. News 22 December 2022

    The John Thompson programme, a tool for union development and renewal

    This year’s John Thompson Fellowship (JTF) programme for North Asia contributed to direct and valuable exchanges of experience, ideas, and best practices across Education International’s member organisations in the region. It also boosted union renewal and the participation of young unionists.

    The John Thompson programme, a tool for union development and renewal
  8. News 21 November 2022

    Burundi: trade union development tools developed through international trade union cooperation

    Thanks to a cooperation programme with the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) of Denmark, the Syndicat des travailleurs de l’enseignement du Burundi (STEB) has produced booklets that cover all the questions frequently asked by teachers at the grassroots level. The booklets are a Training Manual and a Handbook for Trade...

    Burundi: trade union development tools developed through international trade union cooperation
  9. News 26 October 2022

    Francophone education unions want to put governments back on track to achieve quality education

    The Comité syndical francophone de l'éducation et de la formation (CSFEF), which brings together trade union representatives of French-speaking organisations affiliated to Education International, held its 18th CSFEF meeting in Hammamet, Tunisia, from 13 to 15 October. The debates focused, among other things, on the conditions for trade union activity,...

    Francophone education unions want to put governments back on track to achieve quality education
  10. News 25 October 2022

    Education unions on the move to rebuild in Asia-Pacific

    The 9th Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Regional Conference “Rebuilding the Asia-Pacific: Educators and their unions at the forefront towards a sustainable future” provided education trade unionists in the region and beyond with an extraordinary opportunity to connect, exchange experiences, new perspectives, fresh ideas, and delve deeper into achieving decent working...

    Education unions on the move to rebuild in Asia-Pacific
  11. Worlds of Education 21 October 2022

    Cameroon: the urgent need for trade union renewal in a time of severe restrictions on freedoms

    Roger Kaffo Fokou

    The struggle for freedom is common to women and men throughout the world and throughout time. Like Sisyphus' rock, we never finish trying to get to the top of the mountain. But the context is never the same and, at the same time as each struggle is individual to one...

    Cameroon: the urgent need for trade union renewal in a time of severe restrictions on freedoms
  12. News 29 September 2022

    Mongolia: Ongoing efforts towards trade union transformation and renewal

    Following the recent launch of the research “Trade union transformation in the digital economy: the case of the Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU)”, the Mongolian education union started embarking in activities to implement the three-year project “Trade union transformation and the digital economy”.

    Mongolia: Ongoing efforts towards trade union transformation and renewal
  13. News 25 August 2022

    The winds of trade union change blow across Africa

    A webinar organised by Education International’s regional office for Africa (EIRAF) was the opportunity for an enriching and useful exchange of experiences of trade union renewal between member organisations in Cameroon, Mali, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire.

    The winds of trade union change blow across Africa
  14. News 29 July 2022

    Mongolia: Educators committed to trade union renewal

    The research “Trade union transformation in the digital economy: the case of the Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU)” highlights the challenges the union faces related to the impact of the digital transition.

    Mongolia: Educators committed to trade union renewal
  15. News 8 July 2022

    European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies

    Confronted with turbulent times for teachers, educational staff and their trade unions, delegates at the Special Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), the European region of Education International (EI), took a pro-active stand and reasserted their will to mobilise and organise for quality public education, for...

    European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies
  16. News 12 June 2022

    Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific

    Thanks to the support of the Australian Education Union (AEU), the Education International’s Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office/Council of Pacific Education (COPE) was able to organise a strategic planning meeting on trade union renewal for members of the Fiji Teachers’ Union and the Fijian Teachers’ Association.

    Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific