
Union renewal and development

We bring together our member organisations to discuss and share experiences, good practices and ideas on responding to collective challenges. Together we are building the education unions of the future: mass participation organisations that reflect the diverse interests and identities of their members and offer educators a multitude of ways to engage and contribute.

Our work in this area

  1. News 29 April 2015

    Earthquake inflicts heavy toll on Nepal’s education sector

    As the details of destruction in the wake of Nepal’s biggest earthquake in decades become clearer by the day, the country’s education sector is uniting to deal with its own casualties and damaged schools.

    Earthquake inflicts heavy toll on Nepal’s education sector
  2. News 27 April 2015

    Nepal: global educators’ community in solidarity after earthquake

    Education International has sent out an urgent action appeal to all its member organisations, urging them to show solidarity and support for Nepalese teachers and their families.

    Nepal: global educators’ community in solidarity after earthquake
  3. News 16 April 2015

    15 days left to draw the world’s largest lesson plan

    The World’s Largest Lesson Plan is an international project of Education International and its global partners which invites teachers to popularise the Sustainable Development Goals of the coming decade.

    15 days left to draw the world’s largest lesson plan
  4. News 25 March 2015

    Changes in EI global leadership in the run up to the 7th World Congress

    The 44th Education International’s Executive Board meeting has appointed Patrick Roach from the UK and Ryosuke Kato from Japan to help run the organisation’s work as Vice-Presidents for Europe and Asia-Pacific respectively, until the 7th World Congress in July.

    Changes in EI global leadership in the run up to the 7th World Congress
  5. News 25 March 2015

    Students and teachers mourned after plane crashes in French Alps

    Education International has offered its sincere condolences to the families of those lost in yesterday’s tragic plane crash, which took the lives of 150 people, including 16 students from the Joseph-König-Gymnasium in Haltern, Germany.

    Students and teachers mourned after plane crashes in French Alps
  6. News 23 March 2015

    Executive Board engaged in final preparations for World Congress

    Diverse congress business, including policy papers, resolutions and awardees, are high on the agenda of the 44th Education International Executive Board meeting, with just four months to go before the organisation’s key political event.

    Executive Board engaged in final preparations for World Congress
  7. News 16 March 2015

    High-level meeting highlights common priorities of Mexican union and Education International

    The defence of quality public education and teachers’ rights are at the centre of discussions between Education International and the Mexican teachers’ union SNTE, the largest in Latin America, in view of SNTE’s application for membership with EI.

    High-level meeting highlights common priorities of Mexican union and Education International
  8. News 5 March 2015

    Lebanon: government to reconsider making EI Beirut “hub” official

    Lebanese authorities have made a commitment to re-examine Education International's request to establish an office in Beirut, out of which its programmes supporting education unions in the Arab region are coordinated.

    Lebanon: government to reconsider making EI Beirut “hub” official
  9. News 3 March 2015

    New union headquarters a sign of hope for Ukrainian educators

    With the help of financial solidarity support, educators in Ukraine once again have a home for their trade union and something to celebrate amidst the ongoing conflict that has divided the country.

    New union headquarters a sign of hope for Ukrainian educators
  10. News 23 February 2015

    Death of a public education champion

    Alain Mouchoux, former ETUCE General Secretary, unexpectedly passed away in the morning of 22 February at the age of 77. "A strongly committed trade union activist and a true public education champion has left us," says EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen. "Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife...

    Death of a public education champion
  11. News 23 February 2015

    The Oscars trigger debate on elitist revolving doors

    The Academy awards have ignited a debate on the chances of working-class actors to climb the ladder of success, given the increasing proportion of ‘posh actors’ hailing from elite schools sitting atop the acting summit.

    The Oscars trigger debate on elitist revolving doors
  12. News 17 February 2015

    A World at School launches its plan to keep Pakistan’s schools safe

    The announcement of a 15-point plan to boost safety in Pakistan’s schools by the UN Envoy for Global Education and Pakistan’s Prime Minister comes two months following the deadly attack in Peshawar.

    A World at School launches its plan to keep Pakistan’s schools safe
  13. News 13 February 2015

    EI General Secretary takes the Harvard stage

    Fred van Leeuwen, Education International’s General Secretary, has held a lecture at Harvard University on the challenges faced by teachers in the 21st century.

    EI General Secretary takes the Harvard stage