
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 23 February 2018

    #ItsAboutFreedom: Educators worldwide support US unions under attack

    Educators are uniting worldwide in support of their colleagues in the USA, who face one of the most severe anti-union attacks in recent history, aiming at destroying public employee and teacher unions through a Supreme Court case.

    #ItsAboutFreedom: Educators worldwide support US unions under attack
  2. News 22 February 2018

    Burkina Faso: United teacher unions secure landmark agreement with government

    The National Coordination of Education Unions in Burkina Faso has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government, a landmark agreement covering access to education and improved working conditions.

    Burkina Faso: United teacher unions secure landmark agreement with government
  3. News 20 February 2018

    Research on refugee education puts strong demands on European Union

    A new report that combines four national studies on refugee education reveals shortcomings that need to be overcome in order to ensure the inclusion and integration of newcomers in Europe.

    Research on refugee education puts strong demands on European Union
  4. News 15 February 2018

    EI: New podcast marks 25 years of solidarity with education workers

    As Education International (EI) celebrates its 25th anniversary, a new podcast helps us look back to past achievements that have helped thousands of teachers deliver quality education, no matter the circumstances.

    EI: New podcast marks 25 years of solidarity with education workers
  5. News 14 February 2018

    The Council of Global Unions condemns attacks on labour rights

    The Council of Global Unions held its 12th meeting with a clear message in support of its members in the USA and against attacks on the American trade union movement.

    The Council of Global Unions condemns attacks on labour rights
  6. News 14 February 2018

    The Netherlands: Educators’ Code Red continues

    Dutch educators are on strike, demanding decent salaries and a normal workload, and urging the government to clearly and firmly address burn out and a shortage in teachers in primary education.

    The Netherlands: Educators’ Code Red continues
  7. News 12 February 2018

    Belgium: “Hands off our pensions”, say education unions

    Teachers in Belgium stopped work for an hour on 1 February, in response to a call from education unions to denounce the Federal Government's pension policy.

    Belgium: “Hands off our pensions”, say education unions
  8. News 8 February 2018

    USA: joint teacher union action aims to put education secretary on notice

    The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have teamed up to deliver 80,000 report cards to Secretary DeVos’ doorstep on the anniversary of her appointment to call for her resignation.

    USA: joint teacher union action aims to put education secretary on notice
  9. News 30 January 2018

    Nigeria: Teachers’ dismissal sparks strike action in Kaduna

    The Nigeria Union of Teachers and other labour unions in Kaduna State have gone on strike after thousands of teachers had their employment terminated by the state’s government, despite a court order preventing such an action.

    Nigeria: Teachers’ dismissal sparks strike action in Kaduna
  10. News 26 January 2018

    Brazil: concerns over the long-standing campaign targeting former President Lula

    In a letter to Brazilian President Michel Temer, Education International (EI) expressed great concern over the long-standing campaign of defamation and political harassment against former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

    Brazil: concerns over the long-standing campaign targeting former President Lula
  11. News 22 January 2018

    Iranian teacher unionist Esmail Abdi sent back to prison

    Denied the extension of his furlough despite his poor health resulting from harsh detention conditions, Tehran teacher union leader Esmail Abdi was taken back to the Evin prison on 20 January.

    Iranian teacher unionist Esmail Abdi sent back to prison
  12. News 19 January 2018

    Education International stands in support of Roberto Baradel facing threats

    Education International, the global teachers‘ federation which represents over 32 million members in 173 countries, has been informed by its Argentinian affiliate, the Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina of new anonymous threats against the SUTEBA General Secretary, Roberto Baradel.

    Education International stands in support of Roberto Baradel facing threats
  13. News 16 January 2018

    DRC: United action to strengthen education unions

    Education unions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have launched a joint programme for study circles in schools aimed at revitalising teacher trade unionism.

    DRC: United action to strengthen education unions
  14. News 11 January 2018

    Iranian education union leader Esmail Abdi released on furlough

    Education International has been notified that Tehran teacher union leader Esmail Abdi was released on furlough from Evin prison on 9 January, a temporary reprieve from his six-year sentence.

    Iranian education union leader Esmail Abdi released on furlough
  15. News 10 January 2018

    Iraq: Union continues support for region devastated by earthquake

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union in Iraq was quick to support colleagues and the education system in eastern and southern Iraq after its devastation by an earthquake late last year.

    Iraq: Union continues support for region devastated by earthquake
  16. News 9 January 2018

    UK: Unions call for increased dialogue with new Education Secretary

    Following the reshuffle of the UK government by Prime Minister Theresa May, educators have welcomed the nomination of Damian Hinds as Education Secretary, and anticipate an ongoing social dialogue with him.

    UK: Unions call for increased dialogue with new Education Secretary