
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 27 September 2016

    Iran: Teacher unionists worldwide welcome the release of Canadian academic

    After months of repeated calls for her release, Homa Hoodfar, an internationally renowned anthropologist and professor at Montreal’s Concordia University, is now free after being imprisoned in Iran since June.

    Iran: Teacher unionists worldwide welcome the release of Canadian academic
  2. News 26 September 2016

    Education unions take case of missing Mexican students to the United Nations

    Six Education International affiliates from the Americas are joining forces to file a UN human rights complaint on behalf of the disappeared 43 Mexican student teachers and related rights violations of 137 others.

    Education unions take case of missing Mexican students to the United Nations
  3. News 12 September 2016

    International solidarity helps Iraqi teachers organise

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union received a recent boost to its organisational efforts through a workshop organised by Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure and the British National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers.

    International solidarity helps Iraqi teachers organise
  4. News 2 September 2016

    Colombian academic freed from prison

    After more than a year in prison, Miguel Ángel Beltrán, a Colombian academic, has been acquitted from his 8 year sentence by the Colombian Supreme Court, making him a free man.

    Colombian academic freed from prison
  5. News 25 August 2016

    Colombia: unions support peace process

    As Colombia takes the final steps towards a lasting peace deal between the Government and the FARC rebels (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), trade unions are supporting a nation-wide campaign in favour of its adoption.

    Colombia: unions support peace process
  6. News 10 August 2016

    Ecuador: Time is pressing to halt the imposed dissolution of the teacher union UNE

    With Ecuador’s government due to release its decision on the Unión Nacional de Educadores’ legal dissolution at any moment, Education International reiterates its call to affiliates to take immediate action and support their Ecuadorian colleagues.

    Ecuador: Time is pressing to halt the imposed dissolution of the teacher union UNE
  7. News 2 August 2016

    Van Leeuwen and Pavanelli meet with the ILO to address the situation in Turkey

    The General Secretaries of Education International and Public Services International have expressed their deep concern about Turkey’s ongoing and large scale violations of core labour standards to the International Labour Organization.

    Van Leeuwen and Pavanelli meet with the ILO to address the situation in Turkey
  8. News 1 August 2016

    USA: Teachers reach out after Orlando massacre

    Teacher unions and trade unions in the United States are working togetherto provide support and resources to the Orlando community after the mass shooting at a night club in June.

    USA: Teachers reach out after Orlando massacre
  9. News 27 July 2016

    Ecuador: Union resists government threat of dissolution

    Ecuador’s National Education Union, UNE, is facing the threat of being shut down as the Ministry of Education initiates proceedings for the union’s legal dissolution, a move that violates the country’s international commitments.

    Ecuador: Union resists government threat of dissolution
  10. News 19 July 2016

    Turkey’s democratic principles crumble as government purges education sector

    In response to the latest developments in Turkey, Education International cannot stand idle to what it sees as the degradation of democratic values and strongly condemns the government’s actions which now target the country’s educators.

    Turkey’s democratic principles crumble as government purges education sector
  11. News 7 July 2016

    Djibouti: EI welcomes formerly imprisoned teacher unionist

    Education International’s support for Djiboutian colleagues fighting for quality education and respect for trade union and human rights was underscored recently when Djiboutian education activist Omar Ali Ewado visited the global federation’s headquarters.

    Djibouti: EI welcomes formerly imprisoned teacher unionist
  12. News 5 July 2016

    Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union has firmly condemned the latest terrorist attack perpetrated by Daesh in Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, leaving, according to latest official reports, 200 people dead and 225 others severely injured.

    Iraq: Teacher union outrage at bombing
  13. News 27 June 2016

    Send negotiators, not police forces to deal with Algerian contract teachers

    The struggle to improve the status of teachers in Algeria was raised when Education International met with representatives of one of its Algerian affiliates at the recent International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Send negotiators, not police forces to deal with Algerian contract teachers
  14. News 17 June 2016

    Tajikistan: teachers trained on trade unionism and Sustainable Development Goals

    Teachers in the country’s south-eastern region had the opportunity to boost their leadership skills while learning how to shape the future during recent workshops organised by the Asia-Pacific regional office of Education International.

    Tajikistan: teachers trained on trade unionism and Sustainable Development Goals