
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 21 January 2014

    Cambodia: EI requests the immediate release of teacher union leader Rong Chhun

    Mr Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodia Independent Teachers' Association (CITA) and of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions (CCU) was arrested by the police on 21 January while attending a workers’ meeting in Phnom Penh.

    Cambodia: EI requests the immediate release of teacher union leader Rong Chhun
  2. News 14 January 2014

    EI releases major study documenting collective bargaining in the education sector

    Since the financial crisis in 2008, trade unions have faced unprecedented challenges to maintain existing rights and to strengthen collective bargaining provisions. An important new study by Education International provides a valuable insight into the disturbing trends in freedom of association and collective bargaining in the education sector in many...

    EI releases major study documenting collective bargaining in the education sector
  3. News 9 January 2014

    Cambodia: EI condemns violence against striking garment workers

    EI has strongly condemned the continued disproportionate violence perpetrated by Cambodian authorities against striking garment workers. Five workers have been killed, dozens injured and at least 39 arrested. The strike has been halted but demands for an increased minimum wage are maintained.

    Cambodia: EI condemns violence against striking garment workers
  4. News 6 January 2014

    Korea: Union leader freed

    Kim Jeonghun, the president of EI affiliate Korean Teachers’ Union (KTU), has been released. Having been arrested illegally on 22 December 2013, Kim received widespread international support and the warrant for his detention was overruled by a judge, leading to his release on 25 December.

    Korea: Union leader freed
  5. News 24 December 2013

    Korea: Teacher trade unionists detained

    Education International has expressed grave concern at the escalating violence against legitimate trade union organisations in South Korea. Authorities have staged raids in the last few days, including against one of EI's affiliates in the country, the Korean Teachers' Union (KTU).

    Korea: Teacher trade unionists detained
  6. News 13 December 2013

    Germany: Thousands strike for better living and working conditions

    The Berlin branch of the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft(GEW), one of EI’s national affiliates, organised a hugely successful industrial action on 4-5 December. More than 2,400 teachers and about 150 pupils participated in the strike, demanding improved living and working conditions for education staff.

    Germany: Thousands strike for better living and working conditions
  7. News 12 December 2013

    Kenya: Educators’ voice should be heard, say unions

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers (KUDHEIHA), two of EI’s national affiliates, have called on the Government to engage in honest social dialogue to ensure quality education in the country.

    Kenya: Educators’ voice should be heard, say unions
  8. News 10 December 2013

    Educators celebrate International Day for Human Rights

    On this date, 10 December, Human Rights Day, EI pays tribute to educators around the world who fight for the right to live and work in dignity. These educators and their trade unions also fight for freedom of expression, assembly and association; the right to bargain collectively; and for all...

    Educators celebrate International Day for Human Rights
  9. News 5 December 2013

    Palestine: EI support for teachers striking over pay dispute

    EI has sent a letter to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, urging his government to meet the demands of Palestinian teachers and education workers by fully implementing the 10 per cent salary increase agreed between the government and the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) in September.

    Palestine: EI support for teachers striking over pay dispute
  10. News 3 December 2013

    Turkey: Police confront demonstrators

    EI’s affiliate in Turkey, E?itim Sen, has condemned the police crackdown on teachers and demonstrators gathered in Ankara for a protest march demanding quality education on 23 November, on the eve of the national Teachers’ Day.

    Turkey: Police confront demonstrators
  11. News 19 November 2013

    South Korea: Outrage over union’s de-registration

    The President and General Secretary of Education International, Susan Hopgood and Fred van Leeuwen, have told the members of the Environment and Labour Committee of the National Assembly of Korea that the recent de-registration of the Korea Teachers’ and Education Workers’ Union (KTU), one of EI's affiliates in the country,...

    South Korea: Outrage over union’s de-registration
  12. News 14 November 2013

    UK: Strike threat remains in place after ‘provocative’ Education Secretary letter

    Two unions in the UK, representing nine out of 10 teachers, have reaffirmed their commitment to a jointly coordinated campaign, Protect Teachers and Defend Education. This action by the UK’s two largest teachers’ unions, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT),...

    UK: Strike threat remains in place after ‘provocative’ Education Secretary letter
  13. News 30 October 2013

    UK: University staff to go on strike

    The University and College Union (UCU), one of EI’s national affiliates in the UK, has planned a coordinated strike action on 31 October with UNITE and UNISON to demand fair pay in higher education. Unions are disappointed that employers refused talks to try and avert a walkout, but said they...

    UK: University staff to go on strike
  14. News 28 October 2013

    South Korea: educators demand respect for workers’ rights

    On 24 October, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) was officially deprived of its legal status by the South Korean Govenment. The union had been given a one-month ultimatum to revise its by-laws.

    South Korea: educators demand respect for workers’ rights
  15. News 25 October 2013

    Spain: Widespread support for education strike

    Spain’s education unions witnessed a successful general education strike on 24 October – the unions involved were EI’s affiliates, CCOO, FETE-UGT and STEs.

    Spain: Widespread support for education strike
  16. News 24 October 2013

    Korea: KTU deprived of legal status

    On 24 October, one of EI’s affiliates, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU), was officially deprived of legal status by the Park Geun-hye administration. KTU had been given a one-month ultimatum to revise the provision in its by-laws allowing union membership to dismissed and retired teachers. In a...

    Korea: KTU deprived of legal status
  17. News 4 October 2013

    KOREA: Teacher Union threatened with delegalisation

    Because it allows dismissed and retired workers in its membership, the Korea Teacher Union (KTU), one of EI's members in Korea, is threatened with delegalisation. In a communication issued by the Minister of Employment and Labor, KTU was informed it has until 23 October 2013 to amend its by-laws. If...

    KOREA: Teacher Union threatened with delegalisation