
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 8 February 2013

    EI condemns murder of Tunisian political leader

    EI strongly condemns the killing of Chokri Belaïd, a secular Tunisian political leader. In December 2012, the headquarters of the Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT) union federation were attacked, and there were a series of violent repressions of demonstrations in Tunis and across the country.

    EI condemns murder of Tunisian political leader
  2. News 4 February 2013

    EI cherishes centenary of human rights activist

    In December 1955, in Montgomery, USA, a black seamstress refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger, even though this was required by regulations. Her name was Rosa Parks, and she has been called ‘the mother of the freedom movement’. February 4 is the 100th...

    EI cherishes centenary of human rights activist
  3. News 15 January 2013

    Costa Rica: ANDE on the road to trade union status

    The Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE), an EI affiliate, has received authorisation to change its legal status from “association” to “trade union” by a bill approved by the Costa Rica Parliament. This initiative will coincide with the organisation’s 70th anniversary.

    Costa Rica: ANDE on the road to trade union status
  4. News 19 December 2012

    Canada: Union condemns government’s assault on democracy

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF), one of EI’s national affiliates, has heavily criticised the Harper Conservative government for pushing Bill C-377 through the House of Commons without a fair debate and without hearing the voices of those affected by the legislation. They describe the bill as mean-spirited, biased and wasteful...

    Canada: Union condemns government’s assault on democracy
  5. News 18 December 2012

    Women trade unionists call for justice for Jalila Khamis Koko

    Jalila Khamis Koko is a teacher from the Sudan, who has been charged on five criminal counts and faces the death penalty; she has been detained for more than nine months, with no charges brought against her until now.

    Women trade unionists call for justice for Jalila Khamis Koko
  6. News 14 December 2012

    Turkey: Three female trade unionists released

    EI welcomes the release of three female members of KESK, the Turkish public services’ trade union confederation. The three, released on 13 December by the Ankara Court, include Güldane Erdo?an from the teacher union E?itim Sen, who has been imprisoned for 10 months.

    Turkey: Three female trade unionists released
  7. News 10 December 2012

    New international project to promote human and workers’ rights

    On International Human Rights Day 2012, Education International (EI) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) launched a new international teachers’ union project in Egypt, Georgia, Honduras and Zimbabwe.

    New international project to promote human and workers’ rights
  8. News 7 December 2012

    Educators celebrate International Day for Human Rights

    As trade unions mark the International Day for Human Rights on 10 December, EI pays tribute to teachers and education workers around the world who fight for the right to live and work in dignity. These educators also fight for freedom of expression, assembly and association; the right to bargain...

    Educators celebrate International Day for Human Rights
  9. News 30 November 2012

    EI opposes planned government restrictions on the internet

    A draft treaty to be voted at the upcoming World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) has severe implications for teachers, students, education support staff, union members and the rights of individuals around the world.

    EI opposes planned government restrictions on the internet
  10. News 27 November 2012

    Bahrain: Trade unionist released from prison

    EI welcomed the release from prison of Jalila Al-Salman, the acting President of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association (BTA), on 25 November.

    Bahrain: Trade unionist released from prison
  11. News 23 November 2012

    Turkey: Stop the judicial harassment against unionists

    On 13 December 2012, Turkey will see a new episode in the judicial harassment against trade unionists, as three women unionists, including Güldane Erdo?an from the teacher union Egitim Sen, will appear in front of the Court in Ankara. Those women were amongst of the 15 female union leaders who...

    Turkey: Stop the judicial harassment against unionists
  12. News 21 November 2012

    Bahrain: Free Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb!

    EI launched in November an Urgent Action Appeal for Bahrain. It demands that Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb, Vice President and President of the Bahrain Teacher Association (BTA), be released from jail.

    Bahrain: Free Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb!
  13. News 19 November 2012

    ILO highlights serious labour right cases

    Argentina, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Fiji and Peru were singled out by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the UN International Labour Organisation (ILO). Committee members reviewed cases involving rights to organise, negotiation through collective bargaining and engagement in social dialogue, on 1-16 November in Geneva.

    ILO highlights serious labour right cases
  14. News 16 November 2012

    EI calls for cease-fire in Middle East

    Education International has expressed deep concern over the safety of school children and teachers in Gaza and Israel, as violence is escalating in the area. It has urged Hamas and Israel to call a permanent cease-fire, and to respect the principle of the right to education in safety.

    EI calls for cease-fire in Middle East
  15. News 16 November 2012

    Honduras: Union condemns intimidation of teachers

    The Federation of Teachers’ Organisations of Honduras (FOMH), of which there are five EI member organisations, has reported large-scale dismissals, salary cuts and temporary suspensions of teachers which have been justified by false allegations.

    Honduras: Union condemns intimidation of teachers
  16. News 9 November 2012


    Miguel Angel Beltran