
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 4 May 2012

    Bahrain: BTA court case postponed for fourth time to 30 May

    EI has learned that the Supreme Criminal Appeals Court has adjourned the case of Mahdi Issa Abu Dheeb and Jalila Al-Salman, from the Bahraini Teachers Association (BTA), to 30 May, and refused to release Mahdi on bail once more. Both were arrested after a crackdown by authorities following pro-democracy demonstrations.

    Bahrain: BTA court case postponed for fourth time to 30 May
  2. News 26 April 2012

    EI pleads with Bahraini government officials to respect human and trade union rights

    In a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of Bahrain, Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, and the Minister of Labour, Jameel Humaidan, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen has requested that the dissolution of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association (BTA) in 2011 be lifted and that its leaders be released...

    EI pleads with Bahraini government officials to respect human and trade union rights
  3. News 19 April 2012

    Ivory Coast: teachers' role in reconciliation and reconstruction

    At its 22nd congress held in Yamoussoukro between 1-4 April, the Syndicat National de l’Enseignement Secondaire de Côte D’Ivoire (SYNESCI) elected a new executive board. It also emphasised the crucial role of educators in national reconciliation and reconstruction.

    Ivory Coast: teachers' role in reconciliation and reconstruction
  4. News 11 April 2012

    Botswana: teachers sue government for denying vacations to teachers

    The Botswana Teachers’ Union (BTU), one of EI’s national affiliates, is suing the Ministry of Education (MoE) for denying vacations to teachers’ when schools closed on 30 March. Shortly before schools closed, the MoE wrote to public school educators, notifying them to continue “with their normal duties” after pupils had...

    Botswana: teachers sue government for denying vacations to teachers
  5. News 4 April 2012

    Benin: Violation of education unions’ and members’ rights must cease

    The General Secretary of EI, Fred van Leeuwen, sent a letter of protest to the President of Benin, denouncing “the way in which the government of Benin has been disregarding trade unions and their members rights for some months now.” He also sent a letter of support directly from EI...

    Benin: Violation of education unions’ and members’ rights must cease
  6. News 3 April 2012

    Iran: Abdolreza Ghanbari still facing execution

    Despite huge international mobilization against his proposed execution, the life of Abdolreza Ghanbari is still at risk. The Iranian authorities could proceed with his execution at any time.

    Iran: Abdolreza Ghanbari still facing execution
  7. News 2 April 2012

    Syria: Conflict takes a heavy toll on education

    The continuing conflict in Syria is taking a heavy toll on education, as thousands of Syrian families take their children out of school and flee across the border to seek refuge.

    Syria: Conflict takes a heavy toll on education
  8. News 30 March 2012

    Bahrain: Decision on Mahdi Abu Dheeb’s release deferred

    Following Mahdi Abu Dheeb’s appeal hearing on 2 April, EI has learned that a decision about the release of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association (BTA) President has been postponed to 2 May.

    Bahrain: Decision on Mahdi Abu Dheeb’s release deferred
  9. News 29 March 2012

    Spain: Workers’ rights under attack

    Spanish unions have joined forces to support the country's largest ever general strike on 29 March. EI members, FETE-UGT, F.E.CC.OO. and FE-STES, are united in declaring that teachers will not stand by as the Government jeopardises basic workers’ rights and social dialogue through its latest labour reform legislation.

    Spain: Workers’ rights under attack
  10. News 21 March 2012

    Bahrain: Teacher leaders still detained

    After two previous postponements, the Bahraini Supreme Court of Appeal has scheduled a new hearing of the case of Bahraini Teachers’ Association leaders Mahdi Abu Dheeb and Jalila Al Salman on 2 April. Both were arrested in April 2011 after a crackdown by authorities following pro-democracy demonstrations.

    Bahrain: Teacher leaders still detained
  11. 13 March 2012

    Djibouti: Interview with a champion of the independence of teaching unions

    Farah Abdillah Miguil, General Secretary of EI Djibouti affiliate SYNESED (Union of Secondary Teachers), was his union’s delegate to EI’s 6th World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa in July 2011. In this interview, he shares his thoughts as a union leader and champion of human and trade union rights...

    Djibouti: Interview with a champion of the independence of teaching unions
  12. News 8 March 2012

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal to stop Iranian teacher’s execution

    Education International (EI) urgently calls on teachers and human rights activists worldwide to request the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to stay the execution of Prof. Abdolreza Ghanbari, a university lecturer, sentenced to death for “enmity towards God”.

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal to stop Iranian teacher’s execution
  13. News 5 March 2012

    Egypt: Independent trade union leader sentenced to 6 months’ in jail

    Kamal Abbas, a leading figure in the fight to create independent democratic trade unions in Egypt, has been sentenced to six months in prison for the "crime" of insulting a Mubarak-era union officer at the 2011 International Labour Organisation conference.

    Egypt: Independent trade union leader sentenced to 6 months’ in jail
  14. News 5 March 2012

    USA: Stand with Wisconsin

    On 9 March, 2011, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker pushed through a bill stripping unions of their rights. One year onwards, after massive citizen protests, enough signatures have been gathered to force an election to recall Walker.

    USA: Stand with Wisconsin
  15. Research

    Teacher self-efficacy, voice and leadership

    John Bangs, David Frost
    29 February 2012

    The study Teacher Self-efficacy, Voice and Leadership, commissioned by Education International Research Institute, comes at the time when teaching profession is increasingly facing pressures from society and policy makers and we need to reaffirm the role and potential of teachers in leading educational change.

    Teacher self-efficacy, voice and leadership
    1. Download
  16. News 29 February 2012

    European trade union federations back Spanish workers’ demands

    European trade unions are backing Spanish trade union confederations in their campaign against the reform of the labour code in Spain. EI European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) has issued, together with the European Federation of Public Service Unions and the European Transport Federation, a Solidarity...

    European trade union federations back Spanish workers’ demands