
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 16 June 2011

    Colombia: Political prisoner Miguel Beltran absolved of all charges

    EI is delighted to report that Dr. Miguel Angel Beltran has been released from a Colombian prison after being absolved of the charges of ‘rebellion’ and ‘criminal conspiracy for terrorist purposes’.

    Colombia: Political prisoner Miguel Beltran absolved of all charges
  2. News 16 June 2011

    Georgia: Workers’ rights deteriorate as government fails to honour agreements

    Trade unionists have met to discuss the deteriorating situation of workers’ rights in Georgia. Workers are being pressed to work in unhealthy and dangerous environments, trade union activists are being dismissed, and trade union leaders are being harassed and threatened. The existence of the entire independent trade union organisations is...

    Georgia: Workers’ rights deteriorate as government fails to honour agreements
  3. News 10 June 2011

    Swaziland: Teachers demand freeze of King’s assets

    Almost 3,000 teachers in Swaziland have marched to the South African and US embassies to insist on an international asset freeze against the country’s absolute ruler, King Mswati III, alleging corruption and mismanagement of national resources.

    Swaziland: Teachers demand freeze of King’s assets
  4. News 9 June 2011

    EI demands the urgent application of core labour standards

    “In many countries, core labour standards are far from fully applied for the teaching profession” EI’s representative told the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, yesterday.

    EI demands the urgent application of core labour standards
  5. News 27 May 2011

    Trade unions protest against anti-union crackdown in Bahrain

    A delegation of international, European and Belgian trade unions, including Education International (EI), delivered a letter of protest to the Bahrain Embassy in Brussels on 26 May to condemn the on-going attacks on the trade unionists in Bahrain. Embassy officials refused to give an audience to the delegation led by...

    Trade unions protest against anti-union crackdown in Bahrain
  6. News 16 May 2011

    Iraq withdraws recognition of trade unions

    Education International (EI) has condemned the recent interference of the Iraqi government in the internal affairs of the Iraqi trade unions.

    Iraq withdraws recognition of trade unions
  7. News 12 May 2011

    Yemen: 20 teachers killed since protests began

    EI affiliate member, the Yemeni Teachers’ Syndicate (YTS) has denounced the serious escalation in violence against teacher trade unionists in the country as protests grow against the 32-year rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

    Yemen: 20 teachers killed since protests began
  8. News 10 May 2011

    Georgia: Worst European country for human and trade union rights

    Fifty trade union organisations and NGOs’ representatives from all over Europe, will come together on 6 June in Brussels, Belgium, deploring that Georgia is rapidly becoming the Europe’s black sheep concerning workers’ rights.

    Georgia: Worst European country for human and trade union rights
  9. News 5 May 2011

    UAE cracks down on teacher association

    EI has condemned the brutal takeover of the Teachers’ Association in the United Arab Emirates, a prominent civil society organisation calling for greater democracy in the country.

    UAE cracks down on teacher association
  10. News 21 April 2011

    UK: Unionists back Zimbabwe Vigil

    The UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) has supported the lunchtime Vigil organised by Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London, UK.

    UK: Unionists back Zimbabwe Vigil
  11. News 19 April 2011

    Mauritania: teachers urge government to negotiate

    EI’s Mauritanian affiliate Syndicat National de l’Enseignement Secondaire (SNES) has joined forces with Syndicat Indépendant des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire (SIPES) to call for a three-day strike from 8-10 May in order to bring the Government of Mauritania to the negotiation table.

    Mauritania: teachers urge government to negotiate
  12. News 8 April 2011

    Yemen: Violence against teachers continues

    The Yemen Teachers Syndicate asserts that at least three teachers have been killed during the past two weeks of unrest. "We know of three teachers that were shot during the recent protests," says Yehya Alinai, spokesperson for the Syndicate.

    Yemen: Violence against teachers continues
  13. News 7 April 2011

    Bahrain: continued anti-union repression and reprisal against strikers

    Education International (EI) is deeply concerned that workers and their trade union representatives in Bahrain are facing a wave of coercive violence and massive dismissals, in apparent reprisal for their participation in legitimate strikes and protest actions for democratic change.

    Bahrain: continued anti-union repression and reprisal against strikers
  14. News 1 April 2011

    Morocco: teachers strike after violent protests

    Teacher unionists in Morocco have staged a two-day nationwide strike after recent demonstrations for better benefits ended in violence.

    Morocco: teachers strike after violent protests
  15. News 31 March 2011

    France: Teachers reaffirm their commitment to solidarity and social justice

    French teacher unions have issued a joint statement following on the recent district elections in France, which have seen a growth in support for the far right party, the National Front, asserting that “educators oppose the policies of the extreme right.“

    France: Teachers reaffirm their commitment to solidarity and social justice