
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 11 October 2010

    EI condemns coup attempt in Ecuador

    With the overthrow of President Zelaya in Honduras still a fresh memory, EI has condemned the attempted coup in Ecuador, and expressed its commitment to defending the principle of democratically elected governments in all regions.

    EI condemns coup attempt in Ecuador
  2. News 8 October 2010

    Philippines: World Teachers’ Day violently interrupted by military

    EI is concerned to learn from Action and Solidarity for the Empowerment of Teachers (ASSERT) that elements of the Philippine armed forces used aggressive tactics against a peaceful demonstration by teachers on World Teachers’ Day.

    Philippines: World Teachers’ Day violently interrupted by military
  3. News 10 September 2010

    EI demands release of imprisoned Colombian professor

    EI has launched a global on-line petition calling on the Colombian government to release Miguel Ángel Beltrán, a university professor and trade unionist who has been imprisoned on charges that violate his basic right to academic freedom.

    EI demands release of imprisoned Colombian professor
  4. News 9 August 2010

    Korea: EI takes action to support teachers threatened by dismissal

    EI and its affiliate the Korean Teachers and Education Workers’ Union (KTU, Jeon Gyo Jo) have called for the withdrawal of a plan to dismiss 183 teachers who made private donations to a political party.

    Korea: EI takes action to support teachers threatened by dismissal
  5. News 4 August 2010

    Colombia: Teacher trade unionist killed as violations continue

    Education International has expressed dismay as news emerged that another teacher trade unionist has been killed in Colombia. This latest murder brings to 17 the total number of teachers that have been killed in 2010 alone.

    Colombia: Teacher trade unionist killed as violations continue
  6. News 29 June 2010

    Defending independent teacher unionism in Georgia

    An EI mission visited Georgia on 22-23 June 2010 with the aim of encouraging the Government to refrain from harassing EFSTUG, the EI member organization in Georgia, and to enter into collective bargaining as recommended by the ILO.

    Defending independent teacher unionism in Georgia
  7. News 23 June 2010

    Turkish trade unionists' trial continues

    Education International has sent a strongly worded statement of solidarity to teacher colleagues from Egitim Sen and KESK in Turkey after the third hearing of their court case took place on 22 June.

    Turkish trade unionists' trial continues
  8. News 16 June 2010

    Teachers demand reinstatement of democratic rule in Honduras

    Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, the ousted president of Honduras, has thanked teachers across the world for their support, during his meeting with the EI Regional Committee for Latin America in the Dominican Republic.

    Teachers demand reinstatement of democratic rule in Honduras
  9. News 15 June 2010

    Georgian Government still failing to respect trade union rights

    Despite the Georgian authorities’ stated commitment to respect trade union rights and the adoption of a legislative framework promoting collective bargaining, evidence is emerging that anti union initiatives continue unabated.

    Georgian Government still failing to respect trade union rights
  10. News 8 June 2010

    Spain: General strike against government cuts

    The emergency economic adjustment plan approved to reduce public debt has caused a national outcry. Public sector trade unions have mobilised their members and civil society to call for a general strike in opposition to the moves.

    Spain: General strike against government cuts
  11. 4 June 2010

    Iran and Women’s Rights

    Iranian teachers are speaking out against human and trade union rights violations that result in them being imprisoned and killed for peaceful activism. Four teachers are reported to have been jailed in recent months, while 35-year-old teacher, Farzad Kamangar, is reported to have been executed in secret despite the legal...

    Iran and Women’s Rights
  12. 3 June 2010

    Teachers murdered in Colombia: Twenty years of impunity

    Some men wearing masks came into the classroom and shot him, right in the middle of our lesson. They didn’t give him a chance to say anything. One of the masked men lifted our teacher’s dead body by the back of his shirt and spoke to us: ‘This man had...

    Teachers murdered in Colombia: Twenty years of impunity
  13. News 1 June 2010

    EI urges inquiry into Gaza aid ship attack

    EI has expressed shock and dismay at reports that nine people were killed during the Israeli military’s raid on a flotilla of Gaza-bound ships carrying essential humanitarian aid.

    EI urges inquiry into Gaza aid ship attack
  14. News 1 June 2010

    South Korea: Arbitrary dismissal of 183 teachers forces hunger strike

    EI has learned that Jeong Jin-Hoo, president of the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU), has begun a hunger strike in protest at the dismissal of 183 teachers for allegedly ‘joining’ an opposition political party.

    South Korea: Arbitrary dismissal of 183 teachers forces hunger strike
  15. News 21 May 2010

    EI supports Greek General Strike: cuts won't create growth

    EI has expressed solidarity with the unions' General Strike in Greece on 20 May, 2010, against the austerity measures that the government is under pressure to impose in exchange for a multi-billion Euro international aid package.

    EI supports Greek General Strike: cuts won't create growth
  16. News 19 May 2010

    EI recognised as champion of social rights

    EI is proud to have been awarded formal recognition by the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter to lodge collective complaints of violations of the European Social Charter.

    EI recognised as champion of social rights