
Union growth

All teachers and education support personnel have the right to organise and be part of a union that represents and defends their values and interests. However, around the world, education unions are facing serious attacks and operate in increasingly challenging and hostile environments. Revitalising unions, building their power by boosting membership and active participation and maximising impact is the way forward.

Our work in this area

  1. News 7 January 2010

    Ethiopia: last detained teacher activist out of prison

    The last teacher unionist imprisoned for his connection with the independent ETA (Ethiopia Teachers Association) in Ethiopia was released on 16 December. Meqcha Mengistu, Chairman of former ETA branch in East Gojam and EFAIDS programme coordinator, was officially pardoned after having served a three year prison term in the Kality...

    Ethiopia: last detained teacher activist out of prison
  2. 22 December 2009

    More Rights, Fewer Violations

    Southeast Asian teachers who face violations of their trade union rights now have a new line of defence and a new source of solidarity. The EI Trade Union Rights Network (TURN) is really getting off the ground since representatives from member organisations in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand have...

    More Rights, Fewer Violations
  3. 22 December 2009

    Now, this time, another world is possible

    “We have the power to make the world we seek, but only if we have the courage to make a new beginning.” U.S. President Barack Obama, Cairo, 4 June 2009

    Now, this time, another world is possible
  4. News 15 December 2009

    Iran: Farzad Kamangar still at risk of being executed

    Jafar Ebrahimi, the teacher trade unionist that was held in jail simply for trying to organise a union meeting, was freed on bail in December. However, EI remains concerned about the continued detention of Farzad Kamangar, Rasoul Bodaghi and Hashem Khastar. EI addressed a letter to the Supreme Leader Ali...

    Iran: Farzad Kamangar still at risk of being executed
  5. News 14 December 2009

    One Ethiopian colleague still detained

    Thanks to the constant pressure of the international community, many of the detained colleagues from the former ETA (now NTA) have been released. Only one, Meqcha Mengistu, is still held captive in Kality prison in Addis Ababa.

    One Ethiopian colleague still detained
  6. News 10 December 2009

    International Human Rights Day: EI condemns attacks on Somali graduation ceremony

    As the world marks 10 December, International Human Rights Day, Education International once again asserts that the right to education is a fundamental and inalienable right of every person, and denounces last week’s bombing of a graduation ceremony in Somalia.

    International Human Rights Day: EI condemns attacks on Somali graduation ceremony
  7. News 17 November 2009

    Teacher unions condemn principal’s beheading

    Teacher unions around the world are condemning the kidnapping and brutal murder of an elementary school principal in the Philippines.

    Teacher unions condemn principal’s beheading
  8. News 22 October 2009

    Fiji authorities further infringe trade union rights of teacher association

    Tevita Koroi, President of Fijian Teachers Association, has been officially informed by the Ministry of Education that he will no longer be accepted as the representative of the FTA at major institutional education forums.

    Fiji authorities further infringe trade union rights of teacher association
  9. News 10 October 2009

    Education International against the death penalty: Teach abolition!

    10 October is the World Day Against the Death Penalty. This year, actions and initiatives across the globe focus on “Teaching abolition.” Education International supports these activities and joins other unions, NGOs and individuals in their fight for the abolition of the death penalty.

    Education International against the death penalty: Teach abolition!
  10. News 6 October 2009

    EI supports ILO mission's denouncement of labour rights abuses in the Philippines

    EI supports the results of the high-level fact-finding mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to the Philippines, which asked the government to categorically denounce the killings of workers and the rampant violations of trade union rights.

    EI supports ILO mission's denouncement of labour rights abuses in the Philippines
  11. News 25 September 2009

    Another teacher killed in post-coup violence

    Teachers and trade unionists across Latin America have issued a strong denunciation of the violence and murders that have taken place since the military coup in Honduras, and call for the restitution of the country's legitimate president.

    Another teacher killed in post-coup violence