Estados Unidos de América
American Federation of Teachers
AFT555 New Jersey Ave. N.W. test 20001 Washington D.C. -
National Education Association
NEAhttp://www.nea.org [email protected] tel: +1 (202) 833.40.00 tel: +1 (202) 822.71.91 fax: +1 (202) 822.70.23Office of International Relations 1201 Sixteenth Street N.W. 20036-3290 Washington, D.C.
Estonian Educational Personnel Union
EEPUMasina Street 22 10144 Tallinn -
Federation of the Estonian Universities, Institutions of Science, Research and Development
UNIVERSITASEhitajate tee 5 19086 Tallinn
Ethiopian Teachers Association
ETAhttp://www.ethiopianteachers.org [email protected] tel: +251 (1) tel: +251 (1) fax: +251 (1) Box 13205 Addis Ababa
Alliance of Concerned Teachers
ACT2/F Teachers’ Center Mines Corner Dipolog, Sts. Barangay Vasra Quezon City, Manila -
Federation of Free Workers - Trade Federation VIII
FFWFFW Building 1943 Taft Avenue 1004 Malate, Manila -
National Alliance of Teachers and Office Workers
SMP-NATOW8th Floor, Room 36 City Residences Condominium P. Martinez St. 1552 Mandaluyong City -
Philippine Public School Teachers' Association
PPSTAhttp://www.ppsta.net [email protected] tel: +63 (2) 711.44.40 tel: +63 (2) 711.44.63 fax: +63 (2) 711.44.63PPSTA Building 245 Banawe Street Corner Quezon Avenue 1114 Quezon City, Manila -
Teachers' Organisation of the Philippine Public Sector
TOPPS961 J&F Divino Arcade Unit 404 Barangay Duyan-Duyan Aurora Blvd. Quezon city Quezon city
Finnish Union of University Professors
FUUPRautatieläisenkatu 6 FI-00520 Helsinki -
Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö
OAJPO Box PL 20 00521 Helsinki -
The Union of Research Professionals
URPRautatieläisenkatu 6 FIN 00520 Helsinki
Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff
AUSPSP.O. Box U49 University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus Suva -
Fiji Teachers' Union
FTUP.O. Box 2203 Suva -
Fijian Teachers' Association
FTAP.O. Box 14464 Suva
Fédération CGT de l’Education, de la Recherche et de la Culture
FERC-CGTCase 544 F-93515 Montreuil Cedex -
Fédération des syndicats généraux de l'Education nationale et de la recherche
SGEN-CFDT47-49, avenue Simon Bolivar 75950 Paris Cedex 19 -
Fédération Formation et Enseignement Privés
FEP-CFDT47/49, avenue Simon Bolivar 75950 Paris Cedex 19 -
Fédération Nationale de l'Enseignement, de la Culture et de la Formation Professionnelle - Force Ouvrière
FNEC.FP-FO6-8 Rue Gaston Lauriau 93513 Montreuil Cedex -
Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Supérieur
SNESUP-FSUhttp://www.snesup.fr [email protected] tel: +33 (1) tel: +33 (1) fax: +33 (1), rue du Faubourg Saint- Denis F-75010 Paris -
Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Technique Action Autonome
SNETAA-FO24 rue d'Aumale 75009 Paris -
Syndicat National de la Recherche Scientifique
SNCS-FSUCampus CNRS de Villejuif 7 rue Guy Môquet F-94 800 Villejuif -
Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré
SNES-FSUhttp://www.snes.edu [email protected] tel: +33 (1) tel: +33 (1) fax: +33 (1), Avenue d'Ivry 75647 Paris Cedex 13 -
Syndicat national unitaire des instituteurs, professeurs des écoles et PEGC
FSU-SNUipp128, Boulevard Blanqui F-75013 Paris -
Union nationale des syndicats autonomes - Education
UNSA Educationhttp://www.unsa-education.com [email protected] tel: +33 (1) tel: +33 (1) fax: +33 (1) bis, Av. Georges Gosnat F-94853 Ivry-sur-Seine Cedex
Syndicat de l'Education Nationale
SENAB.P. 9117 Libreville
Gambia Teachers' Union
GTUP.O. Box 133 Banjul
Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union of Georgia
ESFTUGZ. Zhvania Sq. 5 Arshba St, 0160 380160 Tbilisi
Coalition of Concerned Teachers
CCTPMB. 3, Ministries Accra -
Ghana National Association of Teachers
GNAThttp://www.ghanateachers.com [email protected] tel: +233 (302) 22.15.15 tel: +233 (21) 22.15.76 fax: +233 (21) 25.35.35P.O. Box 209 Accra -
National Association of Graduate Teachers
NAGRAThttps://www.nagrat.org [email protected] tel: +233 (21) 22.21.17 tel: +233 (21) 22.53.19 fax: +233 O. Box NM 329 Accra -
Teachers and Educational Workers' Union of TUC (GH)
TEWUhttp://www.tewu-ghana.org [email protected] tel: +233 302.66.21.00 tel: +233 302.66.30.50 fax: +233 302.66.71.61Hall of Trade Unions, Barnes P.O. Box GP 701 Accra
Grenada Union of Teachers
GUTP.O. Box 452 Marine Villa The Carenage St. George's
Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers
OLME2, Ermou and Kornarou Street GR-10563 Athens -
Greek Primary Teachers Federation
DOE15a, Xenofontos Street GR-10557 Athens
Syndicat des Personnels de l'Education en Guadeloupe
SPEGhttp://www.speg-guadeloupe.org [email protected] tel: +33 (5) tel: +33 (5) fax: +33 (5) 182 97164 Pointe-à-Pitre Cedex Guadeloupe
Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Educación de Guatemala
STEG4a Avenida. 5-54 Zona 1, 2o Nivel Ciudad Guatemala
Fédération Syndicale Professionnelle de l'Education
FSPEB.P. 1399 Conakry -
Syndicat Libre des Enseignants et Chercheurs de Guinée
SLECGB.P. 1019 Conakry
Guinea Bissau
Sindicato Nacional dos Professores
SINAPROFRua Hermam Gmeiner Bairro Missira-2 fase C.P. 765 Bissau
Guyana Teachers' Union
GTUhttp://guyanateachersunion.wordpress.com/ [email protected] tel: +592 (226) 31.83 tel: +592 (227) 04.03 fax: +592 (227) 04.03P.O. Box 10996 Georgetown