Steffen Handal

Steffen Handal is the president of Union of Education Norway (UEN) and EI Executive Board Member, he is particularly engaged in early childhood education policies, teacher professionalism and professional ethics.
In Norway, schools and kindergartens have been closed since the middle of March. Only children whose parents have a socio-critical profession have been attending. The Government has decided that early childhood institutions will open April 20th and grade 1 - 4 one week later.
"Teachers rising to the challenge of a global pandemic", by Steffen Handal.The Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai has said that "One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world." She is right. Education changes lives, communities and the world. It is both a key to changes in society and individual freedom projects. I therefore stand shoulder...
#EI25: “Standing together: the power of teachers in the fight for democracy”, by Steffen Handal"The Oslo School system is run like a big company where the students' achievements represent the bottom line. The goal is improvement year by year."
The educational bottom linesTeacher unions have for a long time expressed concern about the growing scope of international tests. In this post, I will point out some of the reasons why Union of Education Norway is especially critical to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). I will also point to some alternative...
It’s time to look carefully at where testing fails to make the grade