

  1. Standards and working conditions 1 December 2020

    Educators seek to influence UNESCO's 2021/22 Global Education Monitoring Report

    Teacher unions have a key role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their voices must be heard. That’s according to Education International in its latest contribution to the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report consultations on non-state actors.

    Educators seek to influence UNESCO's 2021/22 Global Education Monitoring Report
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 October 2020

    Extraordinary Global Education Meeting reaffirms commitments to SDG 4 and calls for accelerated funding and global solidarity

    An extraordinary session of the UNESCO Global Education Meeting (GEM) took place today, 22 October. It was preceded by a technical meeting on the 20th devoted to policy preparation. The meeting focused on global priorities for recovery in education and accelerated action in order to make progress on achieving SDG...

    Extraordinary Global Education Meeting reaffirms commitments to SDG 4 and calls for accelerated funding and global solidarity
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 20 October 2020

    UNESCO prioritises post-COVID-19 education

    Education in the current and post-COVID-19 world will be the focus of an extraordinary session of UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Meeting (2020 GEM) on 22 October. Co-hosted by the Government of the United Kingdom, political leaders, policy makers, and global education actors will have an opportunity to agree on global...

    UNESCO prioritises post-COVID-19 education
  4. Standards and working conditions 16 November 2019

    Teachers and UNESCO team up to define professionalism for teaching and learning across the world

    Education International (EI) and UNESCO launch a joint framework that will define what quality teaching means, now and in the future. The Global Framework of Professional Teaching Standards was launched today in front of education ministers, EI member organisations and policy experts at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris.

    Teachers and UNESCO team up to define professionalism for teaching and learning across the world
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 October 2018

    Education International raises professional issues with global experts

    Education International raised a wide range of issues related to the status of teachers with the Joint ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel.

    Education International raises professional issues with global experts
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 November 2017

    Engaging our students in conversations about the consequences of disengaging from global institutions: lessons on US withdrawal from UNESCO.

    Fernando M. Reimers

    Educating students to be engaged democratic citizens requires that they learn to engage with current affairs in schools. Engaging students with real world issues is also a way to get students to become more motivated with their studies and, over the long term, to be more effective professionally and more...

    Engaging our students in conversations about the consequences of disengaging from global institutions: lessons on US withdrawal from UNESCO.
  7. Union renewal and development 13 November 2017

    UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova honoured by Education International

    On a night when she was celebrated for her eight-year tenure as Director-General, Irina Bokova was made a Distinguished Associate of Education International, only the second person outside of the organisation to receive the honour.

    UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova honoured by Education International
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 October 2017

    The ‘core value’ of academic freedom is voiced in Paris

    The status of higher education teaching personnel was the focus of an Education International event in Paris where academics were joined by teachers’ unions to shed light on a sector under threat.

    The ‘core value’ of academic freedom is voiced in Paris
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 October 2017

    Higher education teaching personnel to be celebrated in Paris

    To mark the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Recommendation on Higher Education Teaching Personnel, Education International is throwing the spotlight on tenure, academic freedom, self-governance and collegiality, which are being challenged around the world.

    Higher education teaching personnel to be celebrated in Paris
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 October 2017

    World Teachers’ Day brings professional freedom and empowerment into focus

    As the contributions and significance of teachers are recognised, this year’s focus has turned toward the diminishing freedoms facing the profession and the empowerment needed to allow teachers to work effectively in a challenging world.

    World Teachers’ Day brings professional freedom and empowerment into focus
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 September 2017

    UNESCO aims at ‘Cracking the code’ to end gender disparities in STEM

    A new UNESCO report addresses girls and women’s significant underrepresentation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics professions worldwide, a divide rooted in girls’ earliest days of socialisation and schooling.

    UNESCO aims at ‘Cracking the code’ to end gender disparities in STEM
  12. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2006

    CEART 2006: invitation for contributions

    As the ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Recommendations on Teachers (CEART) will meet in Geneva this October and EI will be presenting a report to the committee, EI invites all member organisations to contribute to the drafting of this report.

    CEART 2006: invitation for contributions
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 January 2006

    UNESCO Prize for Peace Education now open for nomination

    The UNESCO Prize for Peace Education is now open for nomination. The purpose of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education is to promote all forms of action designed to “construct the defences of peace in the minds of men” by rewarding a particularly outstanding example of activity designed to alert...

    UNESCO Prize for Peace Education now open for nomination