
Disability rights

  1. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2020

    Statement | International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Investing in education staff is crucial to delivering inclusive education Post COVID-19

    A recent study commissioned by Education International, Action Aid International and Light for the World stresses the importance of well-trained and qualified teachers and education support personnel as the bedrock of inclusion. Today, Education International calls for educational equity audits in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and releases a guide...

    Statement | International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Investing in education staff is crucial to delivering inclusive education Post COVID-19
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 December 2019

    International Day of Persons with Disabilities: EI calls for inclusion

    Education International (EI) has fought for the rights of persons with disabilities since its creation more than a quarter century ago. The preoccupations of EI included the societal problems related to the human rights of persons with disabilities in general, and that of children, teachers and educators with disabilities in...

    International Day of Persons with Disabilities: EI calls for inclusion
  3. Equity and inclusion 27 August 2019

    Australia: National Skills Week highlights urgent need for more TAFE funding

    In the framework of the Australian National Skills Week, held from 26 August - 1st September, educators urge the Federal Government to put a halt to the cuts in funding for technical and further education and the sector’s privatisation.

    Australia: National Skills Week highlights urgent need for more TAFE funding
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 July 2019

    “Turning inclusion into reality: the central role of teachers”, by Anna D’Addio.

    Anna Cristina D'Addio

    Many factors feed into the design of a truly inclusive education system. Some factors shape the way education systems are set up, such as laws and policies or governance and finance mechanisms. Others operate inside the school walls, in the shape of curricula and learning materials, but also teachers, school...

    “Turning inclusion into reality: the central role of teachers”, by Anna D’Addio.
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 March 2019

    Australia: education union and activists will make the 2019 federal election the ‘education election’

    At their Federal conference, Australian Education Union’ leaders and activists welcomed the commitment made by the Labour party to greatly increase funding for public education, and reaffirmed their determination to ensure that the upcoming federal election focus on education issues.

    Australia: education union and activists will make the 2019 federal election the ‘education election’
  6. Equity and inclusion 5 December 2018

    Global Education Meeting: EI calls on the education community to dramatically step up progress towards SDG4 and invest in teachers

    On the final day of the UNESCO Global Education Meeting (GEM), held in Brussels 3-5 December, David Edwards, General Secretary of Education International, addressed over 300 government ministers, officials, international organisations, civil society and academics, and called on governments to invest more in education and teachers. His remarks sent a...

    Global Education Meeting: EI calls on the education community to dramatically step up progress towards SDG4 and invest in teachers
  7. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2018

    World Disability Day: Time to rethink disability in education

    On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, two new reports by Education International shed light on students and teachers with disabilities, their struggle to be part of our education systems, and how to make inclusion happen.

    World Disability Day: Time to rethink disability in education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 December 2018

    Inclusive education in Canada: Steps taken and the long road ahead, by Dr. Sherri Brown

    Sherri Brown

    We are already fully into the snow and cold of winter here in Ottawa, Canada, and the snow is blowing outside as I apply layer onto layer of clothing onto my wiggling 8-year-old son. As I drop him off at school, his educational assistant takes in a gasp of cold...

    Inclusive education in Canada: Steps taken and the long road ahead, by Dr. Sherri Brown
  9. Union growth 3 December 2018

    Increasing funding for inclusive education: a benefit for all, of value to all!, by Claude Carroué

    Cheerful pupils, playing in the playground, taking turns on a swing, in the shelter of pre-fabricated buildings currently used by several classes until new buildings under construction are operational. At the school in Bempt, in the Brussels Region commune of Forest, the enthusiasm for a school focussed on the inclusion...

    Increasing funding for inclusive education: a benefit for all, of value to all!, by Claude Carroué
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 October 2018

    “My teachers instilled in me the value of expectation”, by Kurt Fearnley

    Kurt Fearnley

    Nearly four million Australian children are enrolled in our world-class public education system in any given year. Students from well-off families, students from families living day-to-day. Elite athletes, some even juggling early careers as Olympians or as professional athletes, some who have never played organised sport. Budding actors and performers,...

    “My teachers instilled in me the value of expectation”, by Kurt Fearnley
  11. Equity and inclusion 4 December 2017

    "The Role of Prescription Glasses for Students, and for Reducing School drop-out in Morocco" by Nahas Hamida

    Nahas Hamida

    Apart from fighting for the demands and the interests of education workers in Morocco, the National Education Union (FDT) also fights to improve the public schools through its engagement with government policies in the field of education and training.

    "The Role of Prescription Glasses for Students, and for Reducing School drop-out in Morocco" by Nahas Hamida
  12. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2017

    "Inclusion, school integration and the question of differences", by Professor Néstor Carasa

    Nestor Carasa

    Inclusion and school integration are two concepts that have been conflated — whether deliberately or not — and assigned various directionalities and meanings at every given historical moment based on the current political context. Examining these meanings is crucial to going beyond mere discussions of political correctness to instead develop...

    "Inclusion, school integration and the question of differences", by Professor Néstor Carasa
  13. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2017

    “The Other Kids” by Shelley Moore

    Shelley Moore

    What about the other kids? As a district consultant for inclusive education, this is one of many zingers that I hear on a daily basis. I am always looking for new ways of answering this question, and then I met Ali.

    “The Other Kids” by Shelley Moore
  14. Equity and inclusion 1 December 2017


    Peggy Blair, Dr. Sheila Bennett, Dr. Jacqueline Specht

    An often said and generally accepted universal truth is that CHANGE IS HARD. Certainly, at least in educational circles, volumes of literature and much discussion has centred on this theme. Some might postulate that there is more “discussion” than actual change attempts.

  15. Equity and inclusion 1 December 2017

    Re-thinking Disability

    EI’s forthcoming publication Re-thinking Disability, to be released in March 2018, will provide educators with new ways to engage with disability. It helps all involved in teaching, educating and those who support learning to understand disability as a social and societal challenge as opposed to a medical or individual problem.

    Re-thinking Disability
  16. Equity and inclusion 24 September 2012

    Tom Bediako

    Jim Baker

    Tom Bediako