
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 July 2024

    Shifting the burden: How an employer levy could transform Higher Education financing in the UK

    Higher education contributes over £70 billion to the United Kingdom's economy. However, despite this significant contribution, the current funding model relies heavily on student debt repayment over up to 40 years, often resulting in government losses.

    Shifting the burden: How an employer levy could transform Higher Education financing in the UK
  2. Go public! Fund education 2 July 2024

    Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity

    Education International (EI), alongside member organisations from G7 countries, sent a powerful message about the fundamental role of education unions and social dialogue ahead of the G7 Italy 2024 Ministerial meeting on Education.

    Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity
  3. Union renewal and development 23 May 2024

    Growing our unions to transform our profession

    Mary Bousted

    In the lead-up to Education International’s 10th World Congress, we invited members of the Executive Board to share their thoughts about the theme of the Congress: “Growing our unions, elevating our professions, defending democracy”.

    Growing our unions to transform our profession
  4. Leading the profession 13 May 2024

    Amid global strife, glimmers of hope for LGBTI+ rights

    There are serious concerns around the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and all other persons whose sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression differ from the social norm (LGBTI+) globally. However, the latest University and College Union (UCU) LGBTI+ webinar showed reasons for hope and testimonies of ongoing...

    Amid global strife, glimmers of hope for LGBTI+ rights
  5. Standards and working conditions 30 November 2023

    Early childhood educators: New data on the challenges they face raises the alarm about an education sector at risk

    Isidora Vitorović

    Research by Education International reveals that early childhood education (ECE) personnel have been among the education workers whose employment conditions were most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary findings of an ongoing research also identify this chronically underfunded sector as one of the most threatened by the global teacher shortage.

    Early childhood educators: New data on the challenges they face raises the alarm about an education sector at risk
  6. Standards and working conditions 10 August 2023

    UK: Raising the status and living conditions of Education Support Personnel

    Education International (EI) welcomes success achieved by the National Education Union, an EI member organisation in the UK, getting increased funding for schools to ensure that the pay awards are adequately funded and prevent the need for staffing cuts.

    UK: Raising the status and living conditions of Education Support Personnel
  7. Leading the profession 20 March 2023

    Lessons in organising: union renewal and the war on teachers

    Howard Stevenson

    How can unions engage in a genuine renewal process and build union power to address union members’ needs in a fast changing political environment?

    Lessons in organising: union renewal and the war on teachers
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 January 2023

    UK: Educators deserve a pay rise now!

    Education International and member organisations fully support the National Education Union (NEU), organising a one-day strike in England and Wales on February 1st to demand a fully funded, above inflation pay rise for educators.

    UK: Educators deserve a pay rise now!
  9. Standards and working conditions 14 February 2022

    Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis

    The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) and Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) recently called on teachers to take industrial action following the government’s continued refusal to resolve longstanding salary issues, leaving teachers financially “incapacitated”. Since 7 February, teachers are on strike.

    Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis
  10. Equity and inclusion 17 December 2021

    We only protect ourselves by protecting others

    Kevin Courtney

    It brings such shame on the UK Government that in November 2021, 27 people including a pregnant woman, drowned in utterly miserable and terrifying circumstances just a few miles from being able to claim asylum. Safe legal routes to claim asylum have been increasingly restricted. Airlines are fined if they...

    We only protect ourselves by protecting others
  11. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2021

    Education unions in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and South Africa call on governments to support vaccine equity

    Education International member organisations in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, the United States of America and South Africa are calling on governments to support the temporary waiver of intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines and treatments at the World Trade Organization. If adopted, the waiver would enable an expansion...

    Education unions in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and South Africa call on governments to support vaccine equity
  12. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2021

    Momentum must be harnessed to tackle scourge of violence against women and girls

    Patrick Roach

    The Covid-19 pandemic has had profound consequences for teachers and students and for global progress in meeting the goal of quality public education for all. But, together with a health crisis, we continue deal with the pandemic of sexism and misogyny which is blighting the lives, education and life chances...

    Momentum must be harnessed to tackle scourge of violence against women and girls
  13. Leading the profession 17 November 2021

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action

    University and College Union (UCU) members working in UK universities have backed strike action in a ballot over cuts to pensions. This comes in light of a recent report which revealed a mental health crisis and one in five university staff working the equivalent of two extra days per week.

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action