

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 September 2024

    Uruguay: An urgent call to defend public education

    In a world facing a global teacher shortage, where the privatisation and commercialisation of education undermine the value of public service, Education International’s Go Public! Fund Education campaign stands as a vital movement. Led by the teaching profession, it is working to protect and strengthen public education across Latin America...

    Uruguay: An urgent call to defend public education
  2. Standards and working conditions 1 April 2024

    Breaking boundaries: Teacher-led Learning Circles in Uruguay persist to develop promising formative assessment practice

    Unlike primary school teachers involved in the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project in its six other countries, the 20 teachers participating Uruguay have been involved in an accelerated programme of Professional Learning and Development (PLD).

    Breaking boundaries: Teacher-led Learning Circles in Uruguay persist to develop promising formative assessment practice
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 November 2023

    Formative assessment: an opportunity to make progress on professionalisation

    Ana María Novo Borges

    In Uruguay, student learning at primary school level is assessed in different ways. Traditional summative practices coexist with practices aligned with the concept of formative assessment or the idea of assessing for learning. Academic freedom and solid teacher training in Uruguay – teachers are either graduates from official or accredited...

    Formative assessment: an opportunity to make progress on professionalisation
  4. Leading the profession 1 August 2023

    Teachers as change agents and knowledge creators

    Dr. David Frost

    The HertsCam Network is currently playing an enabling role in the ‘Teacher-Led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment’ project led by Educational International and funded by the Jacobs Foundation. At HertsCam, we are committed to ‘non-positional teacher leadership’ in which any teacher can be empowered and enabled to lead the development...

    Teachers as change agents and knowledge creators
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 June 2023

    Social justice without quality public education and teachers?

    José Olivera

    The International Labour Organisation (ILO) held its 111th annual conference in Geneva (Switzerland) from 5 to 16 June. The ILO is the only tripartite body of the United Nations system that brings together representatives of the labour sector, governments and employers to address a range of issues pertaining to the...

    Social justice without quality public education and teachers?
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 12 June 2023

    ComNet: Communicators working together to change the narrative around public education

    Around 100 communicators working in education unions gathered online on June 1st as part of Education International (EI) Communicators’ Network (ComNet). They reconnected, exchanged experiences and ideas, and got ready to bring the EI “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign forward.

    ComNet: Communicators working together to change the narrative around public education
All articles: Uruguay
