
  1. Equity and inclusion 7 October 2010

    Decent work, decent lives for women

    7 October is the World Day for Decent Work – a day to remember the precarious situation of millions of women around the globe, and to call for decent work and decent lives for women.

    Decent work, decent lives for women
  2. Equity and inclusion 24 September 2010

    Education International on the move for equality

    EI is convening its First World Women’s Conference,‘On the Move for Equality’, from 20-23 January 2011, in Bangkok, Thailand. The registration process is now open and EI encourages all its members to attend the event.

    Education International on the move for equality
  3. Equity and inclusion 13 September 2010

    Women's network raises key debate in Latin America

    EI Latin America (IEAL) Women’s Network has celebrated its fourth Southern Cone regional meeting in Argentina from 8 to 9 September.

    Women's network raises key debate in Latin America
  4. Equity and inclusion 2 August 2010

    UK budget faces legal challenge over gender discrimination

    The UK government's budget may be unlawful according to a legal case launched in the high court. It is claimed Treasury officials broke the law by not carrying out an equality assessment of whether plans for spending cuts would hit women most.

    UK budget faces legal challenge over gender discrimination
  5. Equity and inclusion 27 July 2010

    African women demand representation and end of violence

    Women activists from across Africa have gathered at a women's conference in Entebbe, Uganda, to demand that African Union (AU) heads of state consider gender equality when choosing representatives at all levels of AU structures.

    African women demand representation and end of violence
  6. Equity and inclusion 4 June 2010

    Spain: Education for equality

    The Spanish union FETE-UGT has launched an awareness campaign on gender equality. Developed on the back of an agreement with the Ministry for Equality, it aims to open up new spaces for dialogue and debate on gender equality issues, while providing teachers with specific tools to address the issues across...

    Spain: Education for equality
  7. Equity and inclusion 15 April 2010

    EI Demands Gender Pay Equity Now!

    April 15 is European Equal Pay Day which serves to remind us all that a gender pay gap still exists within every single European country. The date, April 15, has been selected to symbolise exactly how many more days into the year 2010 women must work simply to earn the...

    EI Demands Gender Pay Equity Now!
  8. Equity and inclusion 29 March 2010

    International Women’s Day 2010: Celebrating and promoting women’s leadership

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8 March, Worlds of Education asked women trade unionists one key question: What is the most positive development you see on the road to gender equality? Here are some of their thoughts.

    International Women’s Day 2010: Celebrating and promoting women’s leadership
  9. Equity and inclusion 10 March 2010

    Statement delivered by Jan Eastman, EI Deputy General Secretary at the Plenary Session on behalf of Public Services International (PSI), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Education International (EI) on the 54th Session of the United Nati

    Below is the speech given by the EI Deputy General Secretary, Jan Eastman, at the Plenary of the 54th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

    Statement delivered by Jan Eastman, EI Deputy General Secretary at the Plenary Session on behalf of Public Services International (PSI), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Education International (EI) on the 54th Session of the United Nati
  10. Equity and inclusion 4 March 2010

    Support us in our open letter to the UN chief over the outrage at the 54th Commission on the Status of Women!

    The four Global Unions at the 54th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) currently held in New York issued an open letter to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, expressing their outrage at the process and substance of the event.

    Support us in our open letter to the UN chief over the outrage at the 54th Commission on the Status of Women!
  11. Equity and inclusion 3 March 2010

    Civil society refuses to be silenced at UNCSW

    The trade union delegation present in New York at the 54th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women(UNCSW) denounces the absolute lack of dialogue with civil society during this critical forum to achieve gender equality.

    Civil society refuses to be silenced at UNCSW
  12. Equity and inclusion 25 February 2010

    Making unions’ voices heard at the Bejing +15 Review

    The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will review the progress achieved on the commitments made in the Beijing Platform for Action, a global policy framework to advance gender equality formulated in 1995.

    Making unions’ voices heard at the Bejing +15 Review
  13. Equity and inclusion 22 December 2009

    Teachers are on the move for equality!

    Bringing gender equality closer to reality in the daily lives of women, including through their participation in education unions, is a key principle of EI. With the current crises in¬ food security, climate change and economic recession, this goal of gender equality demands greater effort if it is to be...

    Teachers are on the move for equality!
  14. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2009

    Statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    There are NO excuses. Violence against women is a matter of inequality between women and men. Teacher unions have a key role to play in combating gender-based violent attitudes and EI renews its commitments for human rights and equality between women and men.

    Statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  15. Equity and inclusion 29 October 2009

    Pension reforms in Europe: Keeping women poor in old age?

    Are pension reforms reinforcing the gender wage gap and extending it past women’s working lives and in to retirement? What policies can help minimize the differences between men’s and women’s economic wellbeing in old age? These are among the questions examined in a new study by Education International (EI), the...

    Pension reforms in Europe: Keeping women poor in old age?