
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 March 2018

    #8March: Female leadership, strong unionism: a higher education perspective

    Yamile Socolovsky

    In the past, women were rarely able to attend university. It was only in the 20th century that the growing number of women undertaking university courses began to significantly impact the demographics of graduates of higher education. However, much like in the workplace, the acceptance of women in higher education...

    #8March: Female leadership, strong unionism: a higher education perspective
  2. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2018

    #8March: Takeaways from EI World Women’s Conference

    Shaniqua Williams

    Attending the 2018 3rd Education International World Women’s Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, was not only my first time outside of the United States, but also my first time at an Education International event. Truth be told, I had only just heard of Education International at last summer’s National Education Association...

    #8March: Takeaways from EI World Women’s Conference
  3. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2018

    #8March: Men in Support of Women’s Leadership in Education Unions, by Frank Jones

    Frank Jones

    The General Secretary of my union, the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT), is a woman – Joan Donegan – and it has been a privilege to witness her leadership style. It is a style of encouragement and motivation, rather than the directing and instructing style traditionally adopted by many...

    #8March: Men in Support of Women’s Leadership in Education Unions, by Frank Jones
  4. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2018

    #8March: UK Union UCU addresses gender inequity head on

    Joanna de Groot

    Reducing gender disparity in pay and campaigning around issues of sexual harassment and violence against women in the workplace are two key areas focused on by the UK’s University and College Union (UCU).

    #8March: UK Union UCU addresses gender inequity head on
  5. Future of work in education 6 March 2018

    Algerian unions work towards increased gender equality

    Algerian education unions are working with Education International to address gender equality issues in their unions as part of a capacity development programme.

    Algerian unions work towards increased gender equality
  6. Equity and inclusion 7 February 2018

    EI World Women's Conference: Finding a way through the labyrinth

    Tools and strategies to help women reach leadership positions in the different educational sectors were the focus on the second day of Education International’s third World Women’s Conference.

    EI World Women's Conference: Finding a way through the labyrinth
  7. Equity and inclusion 6 February 2018

    Women leadership: from the beginning, of utmost importance for EI

    The second episode of a series of four podcasts covering the history of Education International, focuses on the organisation’s engagement and action in favour of women leaders.

    Women leadership: from the beginning, of utmost importance for EI
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 January 2018

    Education financing crisis sorely missed in World Bank’s Report

    Education International has made the voice of the world’s educators heard loud and clear at the Belgian launch of the World Bank’s World Development Report.

    Education financing crisis sorely missed in World Bank’s Report
  9. Equity and inclusion 3 January 2018

    Germany: Students need role models of both genders

    The German education union, Verband Bildung und Erziehung, has reiterated the crucial importance of role models from both genders for school students.

    Germany: Students need role models of both genders
  10. Equity and inclusion 12 December 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #7: “The Gender Dimension in the World Bank’s Perception”, by Nelly Stromquist

    Nelly P. Stromquist

    With the production of a World Development Report focused on education, the World Bank makes a decisive claim to its authority in education policy. Given an introductory section acknowledging 119 “researchers and specialists across the world” who provided “feedback and suggestions” for the report (WDR 2018 hereafter), it would seem...

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #7: “The Gender Dimension in the World Bank’s Perception”, by Nelly Stromquist
  11. Equity and inclusion 5 December 2017

    Education unions join in the global call to end school-related gender-based violence

    On the occasion of the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence 2017, the Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence, which Education International is part of, called to action for development actors, donors and governments, outlining necessary key steps towards ending this scourge.

    Education unions join in the global call to end school-related gender-based violence
  12. Equity and inclusion 4 December 2017

    Teachers are central to any effective response to school-related gender-based violence

    A blogpost posted on the GEM Report blog on 24 November 2017 and launched for the occasion of #16DaysofActivism, stresses that among the many factors contributing to school-related violence towards children and adolescents, the gender dimension is one of the most significant, and teachers’ central role as conduits for change,...

    Teachers are central to any effective response to school-related gender-based violence
  13. Equity and inclusion 4 December 2017

    Stronger accountability can help ensure cases of gender-based school violence are reported

    A blogpost posted on the GEM Report blog on 28 November 2017 and launched for the occasion of #16DaysofActivism, highlights that accountability, and particularly accountability of teachers, is crucial to tackling school-related gender-based violence.

    Stronger accountability can help ensure cases of gender-based school violence are reported
  14. Equity and inclusion 4 December 2017

    How teachers can help end gender-based violence in schools

    Plan International’s Leila Asrari, for The Global Working group to #EndSRGBV, draws attention to the pivotal role teachers can play when it comes to ending violence in schools.

    How teachers can help end gender-based violence in schools