
  1. Equity and inclusion 14 January 2016

    Iraqi teachers' campaign strives to end violence against women

    In conjunction with the United Nations’ recent 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Iraqi teachers organised a number of activities under the theme of “Home Peace to World Peace, Peaceful Education for All.”

    Iraqi teachers' campaign strives to end violence against women
  2. Equity and inclusion 7 January 2016

    Become Program Coordinator, join education unions taking action to stop SRGBV!

    The UN Girls Education Initiative, Education International and Gender at Work are looking for a Program Coordinator in the framework of their three-year multi-country initiative in Africa to end school-related gender-based violence.

    Become Program Coordinator, join education unions taking action to stop SRGBV!
  3. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2015

    Latin America: Equal rights in the world of work

    The Latin America Women’s Workers’ Network brought together more than 250 people from 15 countries at the 3rd Regional Meeting Towards a Latin America Education Movement held in San José on 30 November and 1 December.

    Latin America: Equal rights in the world of work
  4. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2015

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    Violence against women affects all groups of women and remains prevalent all over the world; it both reflects and creates gender inequalities, and is one of the worst manifestations of gender-based discrimination.

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  5. Equity and inclusion 20 November 2015

    Tajikistan’s educators work to improve girls’ access to quality education

    Members of the Republican Trade Union Committee of Education and Scientific Workers are addressing the challenges of child labour and gender equality in order to improve quality and access to education.

    Tajikistan’s educators work to improve girls’ access to quality education
  6. Equity and inclusion 18 November 2015

    Global campaign strives to make schools free of gender based violence

    The message is going to be loud and clear as Education International prepares to voice its support for the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-based Violence Campaign from November 25 to December 10.

    Global campaign strives to make schools free of gender based violence
  7. Equity and inclusion 16 November 2015

    Indonesian education unionists focus on advancing new global development goals

    One month after their adoption, members of the teachers’ union Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia have debated ways to advance global priorities, especially the post-2015 sustainable development goals focused on education and gender.

    Indonesian education unionists focus on advancing new global development goals
  8. Equity and inclusion 26 October 2015

    Report: too many barriers preventing gender parity in education

    With 62 million girls still denied their right to basic education, the new Gender Summary of the Education For All Global Monitoring Report makes it clear that gender parity in education is far from reality.

    Report: too many barriers preventing gender parity in education
  9. Equity and inclusion 9 October 2015

    Education International celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child

    Education International marks International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October, by reaffirming the importance of education in empowering girls, and by highlighting the resolution on school-related gender-based violence adopted by its latest World Congress.

    Education International celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child
  10. Equity and inclusion 24 August 2015

    Cameroon: trade union workshop addresses women’s rights

    A seminar on women's rights in Bafoussam, Cameroon, organised by the Swedish union Lärarförbundet and Cameroon’s education unions affiliated with Education International, was undertaken to help participants better understand and tackle the issues.

    Cameroon: trade union workshop addresses women’s rights
  11. Equity and inclusion 23 April 2015

    Communication and sharing at heart of progress in Asia-Pacific women’s networks

    The importance of sharing success stories and common challenges on gender equality issues within women’s networks, unions and communities have been reaffirmed in women’s network meetings in India and Malaysia, organised by the Asia-Pacific Office of Education International.

    Communication and sharing at heart of progress in Asia-Pacific women’s networks
  12. Equity and inclusion 21 April 2015

    UN takes first steps towards eradicating school-related gender-based violence

    Fifty eight countries have signed up to the first ever UN resolution on school-related gender-based violence, “Learning without fear”, during UNESCO’s Executive Board meeting on 16 April.

    UN takes first steps towards eradicating school-related gender-based violence
  13. Equity and inclusion 13 March 2015

    Gender equality, women’s human rights and empowerment within and beyond the post-2015 agenda

    Education International has co-sponsored a panel discussion focusing on the key priorities for gender equality, women’s human rights and empowerment in the new post-2015 sustainable development framework to be agreed by United Nations’ member states this fall.

    Gender equality, women’s human rights and empowerment within and beyond the post-2015 agenda
  14. Equity and inclusion 10 March 2015

    New York: Trade union delegation demands more from their governments

    Global Union delegations at the UN are urging member states to make a stronger commitment to women’s economic rights on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and in the new sustainable development goals.

    New York: Trade union delegation demands more from their governments
  15. Equity and inclusion 9 March 2015

    International Women’s Day: activists bring the Big Apple to a standstill

    Education International’s delegation to the 59th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women marched alongside thousands of activists through New York Sunday for gender equality and the rights of women and girls.

    International Women’s Day: activists bring the Big Apple to a standstill
  16. Equity and inclusion 6 March 2015

    International Women’s Day: Looking back to Beijing and beyond 2015

    2015 is an auspicious year for International Women’s Day celebrations: we mark the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most advanced document on women’s rights and empowerment ever signed by world leaders.

    International Women’s Day: Looking back to Beijing and beyond 2015