
  1. Equity and inclusion 21 March 2013

    EI furthers its gender equality strategy

    The 41st EI Executive Board, meeting on 19-21 March in Brussels, Belgium, has adopted the EI Global Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP), and endorsed a second EI World Women’s Conference.

    EI furthers its gender equality strategy
  2. Equity and inclusion 5 March 2013

    Women’s Day: from words to action

    In 1910, Clara Zetkin, a political leader in Germany, first suggested the idea of an annual Women’s Day at the second International Conference of Working Women. Going from strength to strength, year after year in all corners of the globe, International Women’s Day has become a day of recognition, celebration...

    Women’s Day: from words to action
  3. Equity and inclusion 27 February 2013

    UN CSW: No more words, time for action!

    The 57th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW) is being held in New York, USA, from 4-15 March. This year's priority theme is: The Elimination and Prevention of all Forms of Violence against Women and Girls.

    UN CSW: No more words, time for action!
  4. Equity and inclusion 18 February 2013

    Burkina Faso: trade union women’s congress

    The Fédération des syndicats nationaux des travailleurs de l’éducation et de la recherche (F-SYNTER), held its fourth women’s congress on 26 January in Ougadougou. The education union received financial support from German colleagues in the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Bildung (GEW), also an EI affiliate.

    Burkina Faso: trade union women’s congress
  5. Equity and inclusion 8 February 2013

    India: urgent action on violence against women

    Following brutal gang-rape and murder of a female medical student in New Delhi last December, the EI South Asian Women’s Network (SWN) has issued a statement on violence against women in India.

    India: urgent action on violence against women
  6. Equity and inclusion 20 December 2012

    Kenya: Teachers plan to secure 47 county representative seats for women

    The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), one of EI’s national affiliates, is planning to have 47 county representative positions taken up by female teachers. KNUT President Wilson Sossion has announced that his union will also support women teachers going for other political seats.

    Kenya: Teachers plan to secure 47 county representative seats for women
  7. Equity and inclusion 12 December 2012

    Education unions add voice to campaign to end violence against women

    EI, its affiliates and international organisations participated in the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence Campaign, from 25 November–10 December. They called for an end to gender-based violence and appealed to governments to prevent and protect women and girls from violence.

    Education unions add voice to campaign to end violence against women
  8. Equity and inclusion 22 November 2012

    Education unions work to prevent violence against women

    EI marks November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, as a day to promote women’s rights at work and to call for the prevention of violence against all women and girls.

    Education unions work to prevent violence against women
  9. Equity and inclusion 11 October 2012

    EI advocates for the rights of girls

    The International Day of the Girl Child, celebrated annually from this year on October 11th, is an opportunity for EI and teachers’ unions to harness their advocacy and programmatic work to enhance the rights of the girl child.

    EI advocates for the rights of girls
  10. Equity and inclusion 24 September 2012


    Jim Baker

  11. Equity and inclusion 6 September 2012

    Iran: education union defends gender equity in access to university

    EI’s affiliate, the Cooperative Council of Iranian Teachers Trade Associations, CCITTA, has condemned the new Iranian legislation denying female students access to higher education.

    Iran: education union defends gender equity in access to university
  12. Equity and inclusion 26 July 2012

    Arab countries work towards gender equality

    EI affiliates from 11 Arab countries participated in the first meeting of the EI Arab Women’s Network (AWN) to initiate strategies to empower women teachers and increase their unionisation across the region.

    Arab countries work towards gender equality
  13. Equity and inclusion 17 July 2012

    US Secretary of State calls for workers’ and women’s rights

    Supporting workers’ rights and women’s rights would help to ensure a more just global economy. That’s according to US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who addressed a Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy Dialogue in Cambodia on 12-13 July.

    US Secretary of State calls for workers’ and women’s rights
  14. Equity and inclusion 15 May 2012

    European education unionists challenge gender stereotypes

    EI European Region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), discussed teacher trade union actions challenging gender stereotypes and gender segregation in the labour market during a peer-learning activity (PLA) and a training seminar. These events were held from 9-10 May, in Brussels, Belgium, in the frame of a...

    European education unionists challenge gender stereotypes
  15. Equity and inclusion 26 March 2012

    European unionists fight for equality in times of crisis

    EI European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), held its annual Equality Standing Committee on 26 March in Brussels, Belgium. Education unionists reaffirmed the importance of equality in unions, education and society, to improve opportunities for sustainable and socially fair economic recovery.

    European unionists fight for equality in times of crisis
  16. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2012

    Spain: FETE-UGT rewards the work of Republican female teachers

    Spain’s female teachers of the Second Spanish Republic have received the award 8 de marzo, in acknowledgement of the important work carried out by them during the 1930s.

    Spain: FETE-UGT rewards the work of Republican female teachers
  17. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2012

    8th March: International Women’s Day: Teachers on the Move for Equality

    To mark International Women’s Day, 8th March, EI, which represents thirty million teachers and other education employees throughout the world, the majority of whom are women, is highlighting women’s and girls’ right to quality education and to economic empowerment. In this context, EI wishes to emphasise the intrinsic value of...

    8th March: International Women’s Day: Teachers on the Move for Equality