Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 March 2006 EI Pan-European Standing Commitee for Higher Education and Research met in Sesimbra
The EI Pan-European Standing Commitee for Higher Education and Research conducted a meeting recently in Sesimbra, Portugal, from 16-18 March, with a seminar on the "New Developments in Higher Education and Research: Consequences for the academic personnel" within the framework of the ETUCE-TRACE Project.
EI Pan-European Standing Commitee for Higher Education and Research met in Sesimbra -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2006 Canada: CAUT’s Education Review focuses on Women in the Academic Work Force
Canadian EI affiliate CAUT has released a new report that shows under-representation of women among academic staff has been a persistent and troubling feature of universities and colleges in Canada.
Canada: CAUT’s Education Review focuses on Women in the Academic Work Force -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 March 2006 UK: Lecturers begin strike action
Members of EI affiliates the AUT and NATFHE are taking strike action today because they say promises to use new money coming into the higher education sector to improve staff pay have been broken.
UK: Lecturers begin strike action -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 March 2006 UK: Unions join together to fight against tuition fee increases
A coalition of EI affiliates in the UK have joined the National Union of Students (NUS) to fight against any tuition fee increases in the run up to a funding review planned for 2008. This could result in the removal of the £3,000 cap on tuition fees by 2010.
UK: Unions join together to fight against tuition fee increases -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 March 2006 Australia: University misses out on $1.4 million through failing to negotiate collective agreement
The University of Ballarat has forfeited $1.4 million by failing to have a new collective agreement that complies with the government’s requirements in place by 30 November last year, EI affiliate the NTEU has learned.
Australia: University misses out on $1.4 million through failing to negotiate collective agreement -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 February 2006 Australia: Workplace Agreements erode union rights
EI affiliate the NTEU has condemned legislation identified at the 5th Conference on Higher Education and Research in December 2005, and already being implemented to undercut union rights within the higher education sector.
Australia: Workplace Agreements erode union rights -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 February 2006 UK: Union achieves pay parity victory for college lecturers in Wales
A landmark agreement that will give Welsh college lecturers pay parity with schoolteachers has just been concluded, seeing £11.5m ploughed into staff pay on top of the £20m invested over 2003 and 2004.
UK: Union achieves pay parity victory for college lecturers in Wales -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 January 2006 1-year Master Programme at the Global Labour University now open for application
As a Global Union, EI is committed to support the Global Labour University. The Global Labour University is created by the Global Union Research Network (GURN), comprising the ILO's Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD...
1-year Master Programme at the Global Labour University now open for application -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 January 2006 USA: Affiliate supports call for investigation of Pentagon surveillance of private citizens
EI affiliate the American Association of University Professors is demanding an investigation into Pentagon surveillance of private citizens.
USA: Affiliate supports call for investigation of Pentagon surveillance of private citizens -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 January 2006 UK: Union's fury at vice-chancellors' excessive pay increases
EI affiliate the Association of University Teachers (AUT) has expressed its amazement at the salary increases of the vice-chancellors and principals on the board of the Universities and Colleges Employers' Association (UCEA).
UK: Union's fury at vice-chancellors' excessive pay increases -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2005 EI International Conference on Higher Education and Research: "Education is not for sale!"
The 5th International Conference on Higher Education and Research ended on 9 December with the adoption of a General Report and a Statement to the delegations of the 6th WTO Ministerial meeting concerning GATS and education, which will be held in Hong Kong this week.
EI International Conference on Higher Education and Research: "Education is not for sale!" -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 December 2005 EI's International Conference on Higher Education and Research opens with heightened resolve to meet challenges
The 5th International Conference on Higher Education and Research of EI opened on 7 Dec in Melbourne, Australia, with heightened union resolve to meet the various challenges confronting the sector today.
EI's International Conference on Higher Education and Research opens with heightened resolve to meet challenges -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 November 2005 The struggle for a future: the case of Italian universities
The Bologna Process is an inter-ministerial initiative, gathering together 45 countries in the European region, which aims at establishing a European Higher Education Area by 2010. One would assume that with such an initiative in place, professionals in the Higher Education and Research sector in the European region enjoy a...
The struggle for a future: the case of Italian universities -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 November 2005 USA: Affiliate Seek Records on Exclusions of Foreign Scholars
The national groups accuse the federal agencies of illegally withholding information on the government’s practice of excluding prominent foreign intellectuals based on their political views.
USA: Affiliate Seek Records on Exclusions of Foreign Scholars -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 November 2005 Putting the Bologna Process into practice
As in the classroom, there are good and weak students among the countries involved in the Bologna Process. Whilst Higher Education unions in Poland and Portugal are well informed on the process of convergence between universities, their governments are rather slow on the uptake. "I would say that Poland is...
Putting the Bologna Process into practice -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 May 2005 Higher education: a priority for EI
The Bologna process aims to establish an open area for higher education – comprising 45 countries – by the year 2010 in order to enable greater student mobility and the mutual recognition of qualifications and diplomas. This will obviously have significant implications for teachers and researchers.
Higher education: a priority for EI -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 May 2005 Teachers will be part of the Bologna process
EI and its affiliates from the higher education sector are partners in the current ministerial conference in Bergen (Norway, 19-20 May) aimed at developing a European Higher Education Area. This participation is an official recognition that academics are the "third pillar" of the Bologna process.
Teachers will be part of the Bologna process -
Standards and working conditions 28 July 2001 Resolution on the Status of Higher Education Personnel
Resolution on the Status of Higher Education Personnel