Early Childhood Education
September 2024
September 2024
The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary General in response to the global teacher shortage. Tasked with providing policy advice for governments to ensure that every child’s right to a professionally-trained, qualified, and well-supported teacher is fulfilled, the Panel identified 59 recommendations .
This report offers an analysis of the application of the ILO (2014) Policy Guidelines on the Promotion of Decent Work for ECE Personnel and provides recommendations for review. It addresses key themes, including the voluntary nature of a commitment level among state and non-state stakeholders, challenges in holding governments accountable...
World Children’s Day is celebrated annually on 20 November. The date is auspicious for children’s rights as it coincides with the date on which the United Nations adopted both the Declaration on the Rights of the Child in 1959 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989.
Organizing for a new treaty on free public educationIf you are looking for detailed statistics, research, and quotes from around the world to illustrate the impact of increased privatisation and private equity penetration on the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector, and solutions for unions and allies, you will find some answers in recently launched “The Privatisation...
Unions resist the finance sector’s takeover of early childhood education and careAt the first meeting of the Education International (EI) Early Childhood Education (ECE) Network, participants delved into the significant challenges facing early childhood education in Africa, with a particular focus on Ghana. The discussions highlighted issues of access and equality, the lack of robust ECE systems, curriculum and pedagogy challenges,...
Challenges and opportunities in early childhood education in Africa: A network for change‘Education’, suggested Austrian psychoanalyst Siegfried Bernfeld in 1925, ‘is the sum total of societal reaction to the fact of ontogenetic development’ (Bernfeld, 1973, 1925). His wide-ranging definition has profound implications as we endeavour to reimagine education for all in the 21st century: education begins at birth (‘ontogenetic development’), education is...
The ‘sum total’: Reimagining early childhood care and education through a gender perspective on the profession