
Report to the 10th Education International World Congress (2024)

2019 - 2023


January 2019

January 2019
25 years of Education International
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14 January 2019
Annual EI Development Cooperation meeting: setting the roadmap for 2023
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23 January 2019
Philippines: Teacher unionists threatened
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24 January 2019
International Day of Education: educators matter!
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30 January 2019
Germany: Standing together to remember the victims of the Holocaust
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February 2019

13 February 2019
Haiti endorses the Safe Schools Declaration
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7 February 2019
A message from Africa’s teachers to the African Union Heads of State
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21 February 2019
Iran: Free teacher unionist detained in Kurdistan province!
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22 February 2019
Philippines: International solidarity against teacher harassment
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28 February 2019
"Students and Climate Change: A Lesson in Global Citizenship", by David Edwards
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28 February 2019
Constructing teachers’ professional identities
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11 February 2019
What do we really know about Bridge International Academies?
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March 2019

March 2019
International Women’s Day
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6 March 2019
Education unions join in solidarity with Turkish teachers
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14 March 2019
The Casablanca Declaration: Unions denounce the privatisation of education
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15 March 2019
Teachers stand up in support of their students
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18 March 2019
Sudan: In solidarity with human rights activists
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March 2019
9th International Summit on the Teaching Profession
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20 March 2019
“Time to shine a bright light on and act in the Philippines”, by David Edwards, Anthony Bellanger, and Ambet Yuson
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25 March 2019
Urgent Action Appeal – Victims of cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi
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28 March 2019
Costa Rica: EI condemns murder of indigenous leader
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14 March 2019
In sheep’s clothing: Philanthropy and the privatisation of the ‘democratic’ state
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April 2019

4 April 2019
Democracy, human rights and the future of work on Executive Board’s agenda
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4 April 2019
The Philippines: Stop governmental harassment of education trade unionists
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11 April 2019
It’s time for the IFIs to do some spring cleaning
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17 April 2019
Global education union leaders in solidarity with African educators living in violence-ridden countries
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16 April 2019
WIPO: Discussions on copyright exceptions for education and research move forward
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23 April 2019
The Republic of Moldova endorses the Safe Schools Declaration
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30 April 2019
Pearson 2025 - Transforming teaching and privatising education data
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16 April 2019
The future of the teaching profession (Second edition)
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May 2019

May 2019
World Education Support Personnel Day
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14 May 2019
Ghana: Accra forum strengthens social and policy dialogue in Africa
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23 May 2019
Asia-Pacific region calls for international action on copyright
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24 May 2019
Development cooperation: how can education unions work best as a network?
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June 2019

12 June 2019
Inclusive quality public education crucial in ending child labour
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26 June 2019
Djibouti: teachers are being unfairly imprisoned
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June 2019
International Labour Conference
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29 June 2019
Copyright and Education
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July 2019

July 2019
Education International's 8th World Congress
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9 July 2019
Solidarity with Hong Kong education unionists’ protest actions
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19 July 2019
CSFEF meeting underscores importance of Francophone trade union voices on climate change
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25 July 2019
Educators’ unions in Australia and the EU call for education to be carved out of trade negotiations
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July 2019
Off Track: Educators Assess Progress Towards SDG 4
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23 July 2019
Education: A Powerful Tool For Combatting Climate Change. A Guide For Education Unions And Educators
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15 July 2019
On Education & Democracy: 25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession
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31 July 2019
Technical and vocational education and training as a framework for social justice: Analysis and evidence from world case studies
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August 2019

8 August 2019
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Preserving, revitalising and promoting indigenous languages
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11 August 2019
International Youth Day – Transforming education for and with young people
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20 August 2019
500 days of injustice – We must right the wrong and #FreeLula
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23 August 2019
Amazon fires: Educators join in global outcry and demand responsible environmental policies
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28 August 2019
“G20: no long-lasting change without education”, by David Edwards.
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29 August 2019
EI calls on Employment and Labour Ministers in G20 countries to refocus on education
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28 August 2019
An education union guide to copyrights and copywrongs in education and research
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September 2019

September 2019
Global Week of Climate Action
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2 September 2019
Educators for democracy and human rights: Education International joins Brussels protest in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong
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6 September 2019
Colombia: EI condemns threats made against educators’ unions FECODE and ASPU
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9 September 2019
Latin America Discusses Rights Violations in the Education Sector
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15 September 2019
“Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.
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October 2019

3 October 2019
“Nothing about us without us: educators take the lead on professional teaching standards”, by David Edwards.
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8 October 2019
Education unionists in Asia-Pacific put forward recommendations to advance SDG4 and professional teaching standards
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11 October 2019
International Day of the Girl: educators celebrate the power of girls to change the world
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17 October 2019
Statement | EI calls on World Bank to change tack in education
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17 October 2019
Statement | Education International condemns Turkish aggression in Syria
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22 October 2019
Chile: Education International condemns political and military repression of anti-austerity protests
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25 October 2019
Philippines: International outrage at attempted extrajudicial killing of education union members
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17 October 2019
Privatisation and commodification of university in Latin America: The cases of Argentina, Peru, Chile and the Dominican Republic
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10 October 2019
Commercial Activity in Pacific Education
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November 2019

November 2019
Ratify Convention 190! End violence and harassment in the world of work
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15 November 2019
Hong Kong: Educators stand with democracy defenders
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16 November 2019
Teachers and UNESCO team up to define professionalism for teaching and learning across the world
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20 November 2019
Statement | The Convention on the Rights of the Child at 30: Celebrating Progress, Facing Challenges
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22 November 2019
Bolivia: global education union leaders firmly condemn the coup d’état
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22 November 2019
55th EI Executive Board meeting takes strong positions on education and democracy issues
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27 November 2019
40th UNESCO General Conference: Teachers and educators at the core of achieving SDG 4
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29 November 2019
EI condemns the temporary closure of the Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education by Israeli authorities
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4 November 2019
Global framework of professional teaching standards
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December 2019

3 December 2019
International Day of Persons with Disabilities: EI calls for inclusion
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4 December 2019
10 December | Solidarity with human and trade union rights defenders in the Philippines
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6 December 2019
Latin America, united more than ever against neoliberalism and the extreme right
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10 December 2019
The global trade union movement puts the Philippine government on notice: hands off human and trade union rights defenders!
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11 December 2019
COP 25: Educators firmly commit to helping address the climate emergency
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18 December 2019
Education unions join international efforts to ensure refugees’ rights in and through education
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5 December 2019
Public education in Greece: Aspects and trends of emerging privatisation
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January 2020

13 January 2020
The privatisation of education under the spotlight in the Caribbean
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14 January 2020
Kenya: Union calls for increased security as four teachers are killed in the first weeks of 2020
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16 January 2020
India: Outcry from international education community over violent attacks on university students and staff
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24 January 2020
International Day of Education: the world needs another 69 million teachers
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27 January 2020
Holocaust remembrance: Education unions come together for Auschwitz memorial ceremony and Holocaust education conference
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24 January 2020
Privatisation of education in Morocco. A multi-speed education system and a polarised society.
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February 2020

February 2020
Solidarity with colleagues in the Philippines
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4 February 2020
Malawi: International solidarity helps union to lead post-natural disaster relief activities for teachers
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28 February 2020
Syria: EI condemns the targeting of schools in the war
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March 2020

2 March 2020
Empower to lead: EI’s Development Cooperation Network meets in Brussels
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March 2020
COVID-19: Education unions stand united and mobilise
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16 March 2020
States must provide for teaching indigenous and minority children in their own language
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April 2020

9 April 2020
Teachers’ struggles pay off: World Bank to freeze investment in private for-profit schools
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22 April 2020
Iran: Leading teacher unionist arrested again
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May 2020

4 May 2020
EI African Regional Committee adopts statement of COVID-19 impact and re-opening of schools
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4 May 2020
EI Asia-Pacific Regional Committee adopts statement on COVID-19
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17 May 2020
Council of Global Unions Statement | LGBTI rights are a union issue
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June 2020

June 2020
International Summit on the Teaching Profession
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12 June 2020
Educators against child labour: best practices to help eradicate child labour post Covid-19
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30 June 2020
EI/AOb Child Labour Projects | Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts
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16 June 2020
Teacher professional development and curriculum Enhancing teacher professionalism in Africa
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July 2020

July 2020
Solidarity with our colleagues in Jordan
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2 July 2020
Council of Global Unions Joint Solidarity Statement | Justice for Lee Cheuk Yan and ensuring fundamental rights in Hong Kong
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27 July 2020
Public education – critical for preserving indigenous languages and cultures
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August 2020

10 August 2020
"Support staff are the infrastructure of the world", by Lorretta Johnson.
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11 August 2020
Lebanon: International solidarity as education sector reels from impact of explosion
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17 August 2020
Haiti: Education International condemns arbitrary transfers of education trade union leaders
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31 August 2020
Belarus: Condemnation of violence against peaceful protesters
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September 2020

3 September 2020
Korea: Supreme Court annuls decision to delegalise union
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18 September 2020
Education has a role to play in highlighting facts of climate change
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22 September 2020
Education International joins initiative for climate literacy
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October 2020

October 2020
World Teachers' Day 2020: Taking the lead
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9 October 2020
Global Unions call upon the World Bank and the IMF to support public investment
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13 October 2020
IMF must support public investment and stop public sector wage bill constraints
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16 October 2020
New Study Examines Privatisation of Education in the Dominican Republic
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28 October 2020
Executive Board adopts resolution on the role of education in stimulating critical thinking and freedom of expression and promoting democracy
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27 October 2020
Teaching with Tech: The role of education unions in shaping the future
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26 October 2020
The bedrock of inclusion: why investing in the education workforce is critical to the delivery of SDG4
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November 2020

2 November 2020
Colombia: Campaign Launched to Combat Death Threats Against Trade Unionists
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5 November 2020
Statement | Education International Welcomes the First International Day against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying
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19 November 2020
The Global Climate Literacy Campaign
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December 2020

1 December 2020
Educators seek to influence UNESCO's 2021/22 Global Education Monitoring Report
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9 December 2020
Education International urges government intervention to stop union-busting in Kenya
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9 December 2020
Education International responds to terrorist attacks in Mozambique with support for member organisation ONP
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9 December 2020
Colombia: Global Education Union condemns threats, harassment, and killings of unionists
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11 December 2020
Five years into the Paris Agreement – Education International calls for governments to step up action on the climate emergency and prioritise the implementation of climate literacy for all
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17 December 2020
Nigeria: Education International calls for immediate release of students kidnapped by jihadist group
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January 2021

January 2021
International Day of Education
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7 January 2021
Morocco: repeated government attacks on educators’ human and trade union rights
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12 January 2021
Cambodia: Educators join global trade union wave of solidarity with union leader Rong Chhun
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28 January 2021
76th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation: German, Israeli, and Polish trade unions unite to say “Never again”
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February 2021

February 2021
Solidarity with Myanmar
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17 February 2021
Jordan: Education International condemns dissolution of teachers’ union and detention of leaders
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15 February 2021
Education unions defend and promote academic freedom around the world!
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16 February 2021
Fiji: Trade union solidarity as two cyclones hit Pacific island
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15 February 2021
Pandemic Privatisation in Higher Education: Edtech & University Reform
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28 February 2021
Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships
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March 2021

5 March 2021
Nigeria: students and schools must be protected from attacks
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10 March 2021
Biggest Development Cooperation Network meeting ever showcases union solidarity in action
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March 2021
65th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
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26 March 2021
COVID-19 impact continues to affect terms and conditions in education
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15 March 2021
Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
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April 2021

6 April 2021
Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation
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29 April 2021
Democracy in danger in Haiti: education unions mobilise
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28 April 2021
EI and OECD launch Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery
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May 2021

May 2021
Solidarity with students and teachers in Afghanistan
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7 May 2021
Education unions’ success in improving working conditions and status for the profession despite COVID-19 crisis
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11 May 2021
Palestine and Israel: Education International condemns all acts of violence against children and civilians
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15 May 2021
World Education Support Personnel Day: Pandemic, Privatisation and Public Education
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26 May 2021
Israel and Palestine: Education International calls for immediate action to ensure lasting peace
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31 May 2021
Union Renewal in the Education Sector: Prospects for the Asia-Pacific
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June 2021

3 June 2021
Trade union renewal in Asia-Pacific to advance educators’ conditions and representation
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8 June 2021
Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021
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11 June 2021
Alarming new child labour numbers reiterate the need for quality public education
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14 June 2021
Teacher unionists’ continuous advocacy for inclusive education and LGBTI rights
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18 June 2021
World Refugee Day: Education unions stand with refugee students and educators
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25 June 2021
Global trade union movement launches toolkit in campaign to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work
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July 2021

6 July 2021
Nigeria: Education unions call for the immediate release of students after new attack
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9 July 2021
Arab educators and their unions ready to rebuild education and shape the future of their work
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28 July 2021
Belarus: Education International calls for an end to crackdown on democratic forces
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31 July 2021
Crises and the COVID-19 pandemic: education responses and choices during times of disruptions
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August 2021

August 2021
Solidarity with Hong Kong
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31 August 2021
Cameroon: Education organisations’ joint project for democracy and union renewal
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September 2021

September 2021
Solidarity with colleagues in the Philippines
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9 September 2021
Haiti: Call for international solidarity with education colleagues after earthquake
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29 September 2021
Palestine: Development cooperation programme builds capacity among female teachers and union members
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October 2021

October 2021
International Summit on the Teaching Profession
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4 October 2021
New global report points to overworked, underpaid, and undervalued teaching profession
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12 October 2021
New research: IMF imposed austerity slashes three million frontline workers from world’s most fragile education and health systems
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12 October 2021
The attack on the CGIL in Italy is an assault on democracy
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25 October 2021
Seven things to know about COP 26: A quick guide for education unionists
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27 October 2021
Solidarity in times of crisis: the EI COVID Response Fund
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November 2021

November 2021
International Barometer on Education Personnel’s Health and Well-being
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22 November 2021
The world is failing millions of refugees. We must act now.
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November 2021
Unions against gender-based violence
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17 November 2021
Development cooperation partners take stock of projects in Africa
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December 2021

6 December 2021
Iran: Global education union community rallies around arrested trade unionists and demand their release
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9 December 2021
Francophonie: education and the trade union movement show their resilience in face of the health crisis
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16 December 2021
Education International calls for equity audits to address exacerbated inequities facing refugee students and teachers
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January 2022

January 2022
International Day of Education
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10 January 2022
Eswatini: International trade union cooperation and solidarity to support educators
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21 January 2022
Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour
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February 2022

4 February 2022
Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour
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9 February 2022
Time to turn the tide: Privatisation trends in education in the Caribbean
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15 February 2022
Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster
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17 February 2022
Promoting the rights, dignity, and agency of migrants for an inclusive recovery
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March 2022

March 2022
66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
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11 March 2022
Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption
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16 March 2022
World Bank to exit investment in for-profit school chain Bridge International Academies
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April 2022

1 April 2022
Jordan: The harassment against union leaders and members must stop immediately
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5 April 2022
Amplifying young voices within trade unions in the COVID-19 new normal
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11 April 2022
Africa: Educators united to resist privatisation and defend quality public education
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20 April 2022
Teacher Wage Bill Constraints: Perspectives from the Classroom
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27 April 2022
Haiti: Seeds of international solidarity bear fruit
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28 April 2022
Lebanon: Education International mission in solidarity with teachers, students, and schools
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May 2022

May 2022
International Summit on the Teaching Profession
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9 May 2022
Education and Copyright: obstacles to teaching in the digital age
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16 May 2022
The voice of educators at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference
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May 2022
World Education Support Personnel Day
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17 May 2022
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia: Safe and inclusive schools for students and teachers in all their diversity
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23 May 2022
Is it legal? Education and Copyright in the Digital Age
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June 2022

June 2022
Solidarity with students and teachers in Afghanistan
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10 June 2022
Statement | World Day Against Child Labour
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13 June 2022
E-commerce, Education and Copyright: A Policy Brief
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15 June 2022
Education International reaffirms the crucial role of social dialogue for quality education systems
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12 June 2022
Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific
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June 2022
4th Education International World Women's Conference
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20 June 2022
World Refugee Day: Education unions stand with refugee students and educators around the world
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21 June 2022
Demanding progress for education and research at the World Intellectual Property Organization
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24 June 2022
Education versus austerity
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July 2022

8 July 2022
European educators reaffirm their commitment to enhance the status of the teaching profession for inclusive, peaceful, democratic and sustainable societies
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26 July 2022
Madagascar: education trade unionists relay international solidarity aid to colleagues affected by natural disaster
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27 July 2022
Belarus: Education International denounces liquidation of independent trade unions and imprisonment of trade unionists
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August 2022

August 2022
Advancing the rights of Indigenous Peoples
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8 August 2022
Education International Latin America to visit Chile to express support for the new constitution and its defence of the right to education
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26 August 2022
Nepal: Privatisation does not ensure equal access to education, more investment in public education is needed
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September 2022

September 2022
Solidarity with colleagues in Iran
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15 September 2022
Latin America and the world to celebrate Paulo Freire's legacy
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September 2022
Transforming Education Summit
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22 September 2022
Women education workers in Latin America join forces in the fight for gender equality in unions, education, and societies
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October 2022

October 2022
World Teachers’ Day 2022: We transform education
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10 October 2022
Education unions honour a decade fighting for the rights of girls in and through education and renew their commitment for the future
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10 October 2022
Statement | Myanmar: Global Unions call for the release of jailed trade unionists and the recognition of the NUG
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25 October 2022
Ghana: Campaign against privatisation and commercialisation of education
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25 October 2022
Education unions on the move to rebuild in Asia-Pacific
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26 October 2022
Francophone education unions want to put governments back on track to achieve quality education
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31 October 2022
Women’s Participation in Education Unions in a Time of Covid-19
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November 2022

November 2022
Teach for the Planet
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4 November 2022
From research to global action for quality public education
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21 November 2022
Global education union leaders call for investment in education and renew their call to international solidarity
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November 2022
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
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22 November 2022
Global push for quality early childhood education
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December 2022

1 December 2022
Building Momentum to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence in the Time of COVID-19
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8 December 2022
Human Rights Day: Education unions mobilise and organise in defence of human rights everywhere
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8 December 2022
Trade union rights toolkit
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20 December 2022
Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education
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21 December 2022
Belarus: Education International denounces the political trials against union leaders
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22 December 2022
The John Thompson programme, a tool for union development and renewal
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January 2023

January 2023
Go Public! Fund Education
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9 January 2023
Africa: Education unions benefit from South-South development cooperation and solidarity
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10 January 2023
Education International condemns the attack on democracy in Brazil
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February 2023

February 2023
Solidarity with colleagues affected by the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria
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1 February 2023
Myanmar : Global Action Day and solidarity for the return of democracy
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9 February 2023
Canada and Ireland ratify ILO Convention 190, others must join to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work
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9 February 2023
Uruguay: Trade unions denounce espionage of teachers and students
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14 February 2023
Education in Lebanon – a crisis with no end in sight
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16 February 2023
Haiti: Society and education communities in the grip of chaos
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February 2023
Education International launches Afghan Teachers’ Rights Observatory
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16 February 2023
Philippines: Educators submit recommendations to ILO to ensure the protection of trade union rights
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17 February 2023
Development cooperation backs up Arab education unions’ actions for democracy, gender equality and quality education
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23 February 2023
Malawi: Education union action rescues children from forced labour and keeps them in schools
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28 February 2023
Toolkit to Build Union Strength
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March 2023

March 2023
Advocating for gender-transformative quality public education at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
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13 March 2023
Education unions urge governments to fund inclusive education
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14 March 2023
Central African Republic: Education Global Union Federation welcomes release of arrested union leaders
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16 March 2023
Education International statement on human rights violations and anti-union attacks in the education sector in the Philippines
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March 2023
Teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment
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20 March 2023
Development cooperation partners reaffirm their commitment to support education unions’ capacity-building activities
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23 March 2023
Education International brings support to help cushion the impact of Cyclone Freddy
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April 2023

April 2023
Solidarity and support for the Swaziland National Association of Teachers
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14 April 2023
Development cooperation and solidarity in the Caribbean, in times of COVID-19 and afterwards
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14 April 2023
Great steps forward for teaching and research at the World Intellectual Property Organisation
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19 April 2023
Sudan – Education International calls for the protection of students, teachers and education facilities
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April 2023
13th annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession
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24 April 2023
Education International provides educators with a tool to support the strengthening of their unions
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25 April 2023
The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union
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30 April 2023
May Day 2023: Education unions call on governments to Go Public! Fund Education
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May 2023

May 2023
Second World Education Support Personnel Conference
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4 May 2023
Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour
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17 May 2023
IDAHOBIT 2023: Everyone belongs in our unions!
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June 2023

June 2023
United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
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6 June 2023
Education International stands with Ukraine: Union leaders in Kyiv meet colleagues and show solidarity
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9 June 2023
Eradicating child labour and getting children (back) into school: a fight waged by teachers and their unions around the world
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7 June 2023
Madagascar: trade union solidarity with teachers affected by natural disasters
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June 2023
111th International Labour Conference
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12 June 2023
ComNet: Communicators working together to change the narrative around public education
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19 June 2023
Uganda: Education International condemns the horrific attack on Lhubiriha Secondary school
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21 June 2023
The government of the Jujuy province in Argentina must immediately stop attacking its people
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July 2023

July 2023
9th Education International World Congress
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7 July 2023
Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour
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17 July 2023
Education International’s Executive Board: World Congress, 30 years of mobilising, artificial intelligence in education, addressing the global teacher shortage
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31 July 2023
Empowering Women Education Workers: Summary of the EILA Regional Network Meeting
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August 2023

8 August 2023
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2023
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23 August 2023
Concerns mount over teacher detentions and threats in Angola
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25 August 2023
Resisting and reimagining Artificial Intelligence
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31 August 2023
Destroyed schools, bomb shelters, air-raid sirens: Ukraine’s children begin another school year in wartime
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September 2023

September 2023
Solidarity with colleagues in Iran
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1 September 2023
A cry for justice: Solidarity with teachers in South Korea
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13 September 2023
Libya: Solidarity Statement Following Deadly Floods
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14 September 2023
Education trade unions and Indigenous Peoples: A firm commitment in Latin America
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14 September 2023
Caribbean educators develop their skills on trade union organisation and gender issues
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15 September 2023
Urgent Action Appeal: Earthquake in Morocco
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28 September 2023
Higher Education in the International Digital Economy: Effects of Conflicting Copyright Regimes on Cross-Border Teaching
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28 September 2023
Tanzania: EI requests the Government to stop meddling in the internal affairs of the Tanzania Teachers Union
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October 2023

5 October 2023
Africa honors its teachers, key transformation agents of education and the continent
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17 October 2023
France: Education International stands in solidarity with the education community following the murder of a teacher
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October 2023
International Barometer on Education Staff
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18 October 2023
The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence and Education
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19 October 2023
Teachers and technology
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October 2023
12th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference
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20 October 2023
EI's Research Network: Critical dialogues on teacher status and artificial intelligence in education
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26 October 2023
Gender, education, and a global view on the ‘crisis of care’
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October 2023
Advocating for peace in Israel and Palestine
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30 October 2023
New research informs union work to overcome copyright obstacles for teachers and teaching
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November 2023

November 2023
Teach for the Planet
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3 November 2023
Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects
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7 November 2023
Copyright limitations and exceptions for the use of digital materials in teaching and learning environments
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20 November 2023
We stand with France Castro. Education International firmly condemns the death threats against the Filipino congresswoman
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November 2023
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
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17 November 2023
Education International’s Executive Board meet and address the progress and challenges of educators worldwide
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28 November 2023
Morocco: Education unions rally to support earthquake victims
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30 November 2023
Early childhood educators: New data on the challenges they face raises the alarm about an education sector at risk
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December 2023

December 2023
Promoting the rights of migrants and refugees
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7 December 2023
PISA global survey: Investing in teachers and education systems helped mitigate the impact of Covid
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8 December 2023
Our global solidarity is imperative to defend human rights
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12 December 2023
Decent work for early childhood personnel: 10 years since the adoption of the ILO Policy Guidelines and the way forward
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21 December 2023
International solidarity in the face of regressive actions by the government of Argentina
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