
Education International
Education International

Call for education and other human rights to be at heart of development goals

published 26 September 2013 updated 1 October 2013

EI has joined 15 leading civil society organisations in a call for the human right to education to be recognised and placed at the heart of the post-2015 development framework by member states of the United Nations.

The call, made on 24 September, covers fundamental principles that express an understanding of education as a fundamental human right:

•             Every human being is entitled to the right to education

•             States are duty bearers and must respect, protect and fulfil human rights, including the right to education

•             The right to education begins at birth and is lifelong

•             Adult Education and Literacy in a lifelong learning framework are an integral part of the right to education

•             A broad approach to quality education is needed

•             Equality and non-discrimination are core elements of the right to education

•             Teachers are at the centre of quality education

•             The State must provide sufficient financing for public education

•             There must be democratic governance in education

•             Human rights are integral, indivisible and interdependent

“While millions of children, adolescents, young people and adults have this right violated currently, EI and its partners are reasserting that every person is entitled to the right to education,” EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen stated. “Public authorities are responsible for ensuring that free quality public education systems are in place. Education, as well as other human rights, must be at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.”

Global support

The other organisations involved in this joint call are: the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), the Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), the Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA), the Africa Network Campaign for Education for All (ANCEFA), the Latin American and Caribbean Council for Popular Education (CEAAL), the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), Global March Against Child Labour, ActionAid, Oxfam, DVV International, Plan International, IBIS, and Open Society Foundations.

To read the civil society joint statement issued in September 2013, entitled “The human right to education in the post-2015 development agenda”, click here.