Preparing EI to meet future challenges
Resolution from the 7th World Congress
The 7th Education International (EI) World Congress meeting in Ottawa, Canada, from 21nd to 26th July 2015:
1. That Education International has grown over twenty-two years from an organisation of 210 organisations with 18 million members, to now consist of over 400 member organisations representing 30 million teachers and other education workers in over 170 countries and territories throughout the world;
2. That maintaining the representativeness of its governing bodies underpins democracy within the Organisation and strengthens its influence both internally and externally;
3. That the current structure of the Executive Board and many of the Organisation’s sub-structures and administrative practices and procedures were established in 2001 for a smaller and less diverse organisation;
4. That the levels of activities at global and regional levels have increased considerably and place increasing demands on the Organisation’s governing bodies, at world and regional level, and on its staffing and financial resources;
5. That the size and representativeness of the Executive Board are critical to the confidence that member organisations have in its decision-making and capacity for leadership;
6. That geo-political developments and the growth in the number of member organisations since the Organisation was founded now warrant a review of its regions and regional structures and their effectiveness;
7. That developments in Information and Communications Technologies (ITC) in recent years, warrant a review of the manner in which EI communicates with member organisations;
8. That, in the context of the growth in the size of the Organisation and the increasing demands which are placed on it, Officers and officials play a critical role in supporting the governing structures at global and regional levels.
Mandates the Executive Board:
9. To undertake a formal review:
a. of the size and structure of the Executive Board;
b. of the role of Executive Board members;
c. of the role, terms of office and functions of the President, Vice-Presidents and General Secretary, as Officers of the organization;
d. of the role and responsibilities of the General Secretary which are distinct from those of the other officers;
e. of the geographical definition of the regions of the Organisation;
f. of the governing structures of the regions;
g. of communications within the organization.
h. of the criteria to be used for calculating membership dues per member and put in place a dedicated process leading to an appropriate proposal on this topic.
10. To conduct a consultation through the bodies of the regional structures and with member organisations about the matters under review.
11. To establish working groups as appropriate to support this work.
12. To prepare appropriate proposals for amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws and circulate them for further consultation to member organisations and the regions from January - June, 2018.
13. To prepare final proposals for amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, together with an analysis of their cost implications, for presentation to the 8th World Congress in 2019.