Global advocates call for investment in public and transformative education
Civil society is urging governments worldwide to invest in public and transformative education, asserting that such investment is crucial for driving social justice, sustainable development, and individual as well as collective freedom. This resounding message led the recent webinar launching the 2024 Global Action Week Campaign for Education (GAWE), centered on the theme of Transformative Education.
Celebrating Milestones
The significance of this year's GAWE is underscored by its commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) and the 22nd annual week-long GAWE coordinated by GCE and celebrated globally by education movements. Grant Kasowanjete, GCE Global Coordinator, emphasized the origins of the movement in 1999 in Dakar, Senegal, where civil society organizations from diverse continents united to champion Education for All (EFA). Kasowanjete stressed the power of education to transform realities, shaping children into citizens and fostering their humanity. He emphasized the need to uphold the vision and ensure that education remains a priority on the global agenda.
GAWE 2024 demands
The demands of GAWE 2024 focus on advocating for the inclusion of transformative education in the Summit of the Future, amplifying diverse perspectives on transformative education, expanding GCE's reach to other sectors, and holding governments and decision-makers accountable to commitments made at the Transforming Education Summit (TES).
UN High-Level Panel Recommendations
Antonia Wulff, Education International (EI) director for research, policy, and advocacy, and GCE Board member, highlighted the recently launched 59 recommendations of the United Nations (UN) High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, stemming from the 2022 TES. These recommendations address critical areas such as pay, conditions, and job security for teachers, professional practice, gender equity, technology, social dialogue, and financing.

Wulff emphasized that the Panel members confirmed the urgent need for increased investment in public education systems and the teaching profession, including the establishment of a Global Fund for Teachers in Emergencies.
In addition, Wulff introduced an EI communication toolkit aimed at advocacy efforts in support of public education by promoting understanding and utilization of the UN recommendations. She urged GPE members to ensure governments are aware of these recommendations and encouraged action at local, regional, and national levels.
Solidarity and Peace-Building
GCE president, Refat Sabbah, and Palestinian Authority’s minister of education, Amjad Bahman, called for solidarity with Palestinian educators and students and urged immediate action for a ceasefire in Gaza. They emphasized education as a vital tool for peace-building and underscored the importance of access to education, particularly in conflict zones.
Next Steps
As 2030 approaches, EI and GCE partners remain committed to holding governments accountable for their commitments to Sustainable Development Goal 4 – equitable, inclusive, quality education for all. They will advocate for the inclusion of transformative education in the agenda of the forthcoming Summit of the Future, aiming to secure a better present and safeguard the future.