
Stop the harassment and persecution targeted at public education and public universities in Argentina

Resolution from the 10th World Congress

published 2 August 2024 updated 16 October 2024

The 10th World Congress of Education International, meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 29 July to 2 August 2024:


  1. That on 24 July 2024 the Argentine government – through the Ministry of Human Capital, on which the Secretariat of Education and the Undersecretariat of University Policies depend – decided to appoint an Organising Rector for the National University Madres de Plaza de Mayo (UNMa), an act of intervention by the Executive Power that violates the principle of university autonomy enshrined in the Constitution and laws of Argentina.
  2. That this arbitrary decision disregards the authorities legitimately elected by the co-government of this institution, which was regulated on 6 December 2023. And that it represents an escalation in the attack being levelled against Argentina’s public universities by the Javier Milei government, which is subjecting them to a historically unprecedented budgetary and salary crisis, as well as waging a campaign to discredit their activity under the baseless accusations of inefficiency, corruption and indoctrination.
  3. That the Javier Milei government has totally blocked, since December 2023, the transfer of the resources corresponding by law to the UNMa, leaving this institution without funding, and its employees without pay.
  4. That the government’s bitter attacks on the UNMa are also part of the stigmatisation of the fight to defend human rights and the unceasing vilification of the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, a fundamental pillar of Argentina’s democracy.
  5. That, in turn, this decision has been made in the context of a policy to cut public spending and shrink the state, which has seriously defunded the entire education, university and scientific-technological system, based on the national government’s decision to abdicate its responsibility to uphold the right to education and its obligation to guarantee adequate pay and working conditions for employees. This policy is reflected in the decision to eliminate the National Teachers’ Incentive Fund, and in the obstruction of dialogue and collective negotiating in the national teachers’ and universities’ collective bargaining committees (Paritaria Nacional Docente and Paritaria Nacional Universitaria), trampled on by the executive branch’s unilateral decisions, which have been rejected by the unions.
  6. That the government of Javier Milei is also deploying a policy of criminalising protest and persecuting grassroots organisations, the correlate of which is the proposed labour and criminal law reform that, if materialised, would affect nationally and internationally enshrined rights, which are democratic gains won through the struggles of the Argentine people.
  7. That, as part of this policy of persecution, the government is pushing for education to be declared an essential service, with the clear aim of curtailing the right to strike in the sector. And it is also within this framework that the government has established a protocol for the intervention of the security forces in public demonstrations, the directives of which violate freedom of expression, freedom of association and the right to peaceful protest. The implementation of this protocol has already led to abuses of power on several occasions, intimidation, police violence, and, particularly during the demonstration of 13 June 2024 in front of the National Congress in Buenos Aires, arbitrary arrests and very serious charges against demonstrators, accused of attempting to stage a coup d’état and acts of “terrorism”.


  1. That the government’s intervention in the UNMa represents an attack on university autonomy, and this decision reflects a clear bid to silence critical voices and to impose a single ideological viewpoint, which runs counter to human rights and the principles that should guide a democratic society.
  2. That the policy of budget and salary cuts in the education system, universities and research institutions, together with the stigmatisation of the teaching role in public schools and universities, together with the statements and actions of government officials seeking to repress any form of criticism, not only violate human rights and democratic principles but also curtail the right to education, to knowledge, to work in decent conditions, to collective representation and trade union activity, as well as undermining teachers’ academic freedom and freedom of expression at all levels of education.
  3. That these actions contravene the fundamental rights recognised by the ILO, as well as the guidelines and standards contained in the ILO and UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (1966) and UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (1997), as well as the recent Recommendations of the UN High Level Panel on the Teaching Profession (2022).

Therefore expresses

  1. Solidarity with the struggle of the trade unions and the people of Argentina in defence of public education, public universities, human rights and democracy.
  2. Rejection of the government’s intervention in and defunding of the UNMa.
  3. Recognition of the struggle and courage of the Mothers and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo.
  4. Demands that the Argentine government cease the harassment directed against the public education and public university systems, and end the persecution of their trade union organisations and representatives.
  5. And calls on EI to continue to support its Argentine affiliates in denouncing this situation before the relevant national and international bodies, and to lead an international campaign to raise awareness, mobilise and express solidarity with the demands presented.